Sometimes you just want to watch the world burn, and sometimes you want to employ an army of diminutive robots to help that process along. This is my take on a silly, chaotic artifact EDH deck. This deck isn't necessarily designed to win matches with any amount of consistency, rather it aims to throw everything into chaos and disarray with the aid of our little robotic friends and revel in the ensuing hilarity.

Basically what this deck wants to do is wait until you have Possibility Storm in hand before casting Mishra, Artificer Prodigy. What that combo allows you to do is cast an artifact, possibility storm's effect exiles it to the bottom of your library and finds you a random artifact that you get to play for free, then Mishra's ability kicks in and allows you to then retrieve the first artifact you played and place it into play, allowing you to mitigate the effect that possibility storm has on you while your opponents are stuck praying to RNGesus for something useful every time they cast a spell.


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years
Exclude colors WG

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Mythic Rares

10 - 0 Rares

5 - 0 Uncommons

11 - 0 Commons

Cards 27
Avg. CMC 3.37
Tokens Copy Clone, Myr 1/1 C, Phyrexian Myr 1/1 C
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