Miss Coupon never pays the retail price
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 246 | 101 COMMENTS | 35725 VIEWS | IN 133 FOLDERS
in this deck Sphinx-Bone Wand can easily turn into a killing machine, especially with a buyback spell on hand, it also gives you another way to finish a game if you have no direct damage spells on hand. of course, if your opponent knows your deck and what you are up to, he will destroy it as soon as he can, but the same is true for your commander so it's not really a legit argument. also seven mana may seem much, but with the amount of lands in your deck you won't have any problems playing it past turn 10 and still have enough mana over to protect yourself.
As for cards to remove, Electrolyze would be my No.1 pick. I don't know your reasoning behind having it, but it isn't very useful in EDH and it doesn't synergize very well with any of the cards in your deck. If you want a card to deal with small creatures and the like, I would advise you to add something like Magmaquake or Molten Disaster.
other cards I would remove are Desperate Ravings and Deep Analysis, you already have a lot of draw spells and these two aren't particularily good, there are better options.
Also, maybe you should add AEtherize or AEtherspouts as options to defend yourself against direct attacks.
November 26, 2015 9:26 a.m.
MrHighscore says... #5
Thank you for the feedback!
@griffstick I think Alpha Brawl is too situational, though it could be good versus creature heavy opponents.
- Okay, I guess I'll have to give Sphinx-Bone Wand a try soon, even though it is a slow play
- I kept Electrolyze in the deck, as it is my favorite Izzet spell, and it fits the curve. It's pretty good early game for racking some experience, getting a card and getting rid of, say Kaalia of the Vast. I acknowledge that it is not good in EDH, and I'll probably it :-(
- Desperate Ravings could certainly go.
- AEtherize or AEtherspouts could be a great way to buy some time, even though they will only punish one opponent. For now I'll add a more generic solution to the deck, namely Talrand, Sky Summoner.
@PhyrexianGameplay I would add a generic counterspell over Essence Backlash every day.
@hamiam thank you (and a +1 back). What does it take to get on the 'great deckbuilders' list on 11.7% OF THE TIME, IT WORKS EVERY TIME.? :)
November 26, 2015 1:34 p.m.
JaceNordark says... #6
Personally, I don't think burn is all that good in EDH. When you have to kill multiple people with 40 life....it just doesn't seem a viable strategy. I have some burn in my copy of Mizzix, but that's for pseudo spot removal. I'd rather just run more tutors or card draw to try and get something for a tutor for some kind of tutor. This deck is fun an all, but the most constant way to win with this is Laboratory Maniac + Enter the Infinite. Very original, i know, but that seriously is the best way I can think to win. again, there's too much life to win with burn (Guttersnipe is amazing tho, and you should NOT cut it AT ALL), and while Sphinx-Bone Wand is totally a viable win con, I just think it's too much mana to be seriously worth it. Your main win con should be the aforementioned combo with a possible second win con as milling someone out with Blue Sun's Zenith or Stroke of Genius.
November 26, 2015 11:37 p.m.
HyperViper191 says... #7
Hi! I saw your Karlov deck, and that brought me here. You are running so many copy spells, I could not help but notice Melek, Izzet Paragon not in the mix. Other nice spells with your general might be Beacon of Tomorrows and Time Stretch, Alpha Brawl to beat up tokens in sideboard? I have no idea how to be an Izzet mage, but I do know Izzet mages like card advantage, so how about Treasure Cruise? Knowledge Exploitation could be good. I dunno. Good deck, though, so +1 from me.
November 27, 2015 11:10 a.m.
SoundTramp says... #8
Another card you could add is Rhystic Study. This card will either give you card advantage (very quickly in multiplayer) or slow down your opponent(s). Either way this is a great card.
November 28, 2015 11:29 p.m.
MrHighscore says... #9
Thank you for the feedback.
- You are right about burn, but this deck is still fun to play. It is not meant as a competitiv deck, more like a T3 build. And there are lots of stupid abuse that makes it fun to play.
- I chose not to play Enter the Infinite + Laboratory Maniac to give my opponents a fair chance,a and I'm not going to add them. Thank you for pointing them out - I have added them to a 'notable omissions' section.
- Sphinx-Bone Wand is only on probation. I agree that the cost is insane, but if it goes (and stays) on the battlefield it will be devastating.
- Mill is a realistic win condition with infinite mana and copyers.
- While Melek, Izzet Paragon is a great commander, I think he requires that you build around him. I am not sure having him in the 99 will add the required value in this deck. I'll keep him in mind when I have played some more games.
- Regarding Beacon of Tomorrows and Time Stretch they are both very viable options. I have kept turn manipulation out of the deck to keep the games interesting - The current build is tiresome enough for the opponents.
- Treasure Cruise is a great card, but it did not make the cut for this deck. Could probably find it's way in, if I'm having trouble with the experience counters.
- Knowledge Exploitation is sort of a wild-card. You don't know for sure that the opponents will play 2 cards that will matter for your deck.
- You are probably right about Rhystic Study. I figured I could do without it with all the draw, but the strife it may create between opponets should not be disregarded. I'll add it to the maybeboard for now.
November 29, 2015 1:48 a.m.
In the past I've played around with Dissipation Field, but to my dismay it actually often made others attack me, as it helps them re-trigger their valuable ETBs. I'd rather play something else, like the previously mentioned Rhystic Study or a good ol' pair of Swiftfoot Boots for more protection. Hell, if you need more protection, try out Mask of Avacyn or Champion's Helm, too.
November 29, 2015 2:26 a.m.
MrHighscore says... #11
@Scorprix Thank you! I did not consider that aspect of Dissipation Field! I'll take in Rhystic Study instead.
November 29, 2015 2:40 a.m.
MrHighscore says... #13
@Toodz111 I'm running Leyline of Anticipation over Hypersonic Dragon for its resillience. Is there anything in the deck you would drop for Hypersonic Dragon?
November 29, 2015 2:12 p.m.
Wooshadoodle says... #14
You'd be better off running Vedalken Orrery along with Leyline than Hypersonic. Costs 1 less, harder to remove. Cheers mate.
November 29, 2015 7:08 p.m.
Lesparagus says... #15
No Ashnod's Coupon? :P
Everflowing Chalice, though, is seriously something you should include. You have proliferate already for more coupons, and the Chalice uses charge counters, which are proliferatable. It can give you extra mana to do fun things even if you can't cast Mizzix for some reason, too, so it seems like a perfect fit.
November 29, 2015 7:10 p.m.
I can cut the price in half by removing volcanic island, and replacing it with the new zendikar dual. Because to me, even gold dust is 50% off.
November 30, 2015 1:20 p.m.
Just from play tests I've done with similar decks, I can suggest that Inexorable Tide be replaced with something else. Yes you do cast a lot of spells, but due to the nature of Mizzix, the far more likely event is that you'll run out of spells to cast. It is a rather high CMC card that unlike Sphinx Bone Wand, doesn't actually win games for you, just kinda pushes you along a little faster if you're already ahead. Assuming you play it the turn after your commander, that's a whole turn where you could've been building up counters wasted. Doubling spells and maintaining tempo is usually more effective than proliferating.
As for what to replace it with, that's tricky. Call the Skybreaker is a nice win-con that comes online late in the game if your other plans have been thwarted or is ideal after resolving a massive draw spell. Braingeyser for even more draw or potential win-con. Commune with Lava is an interesting choice and can allow for pretty explosive turns.
Love the deck and would love updates on how its performing
November 30, 2015 2:14 p.m.
Have you given thought to Frantic Search? I'm just running a slightly-altered precon but this card has been nuts. It untaps lands and gives you one experience counter, basically acting like a ritual and filter card in one. Especially good if you've used High Tide or Reiterate.
November 30, 2015 5:27 p.m.
triproberts12 says... #19
Contagion Engine might be too high cost, but how about Contagion Clasp? It's cheap early game removal, but it's a good mana sink for your purposes later on.
November 30, 2015 11:09 p.m.
MrHighscore says... #20
Thank you for the feedback!
- Vedalken Orrery could find a spot.
- lol @Ashnod's Coupon. I should bring that to the table.
- I think I see where you are going with Everflowing Chalice, but I think I'd much rather draw a mana-sorcery. But having it in as a backup plan, might make sense. I'll park it on the maybeboard.
- Good point on Inexorable Tide. I am leaning towards Vedalken Orrery as a replacement, but Call the Skybreaker could be usefull (and is a sorcery).
- Frantic Search looks pretty hot for the deck, I just don't see any obvious replacements. Do you have suggestions?
- Yeah it is cheaper to cast, but it's still very heavy on the activation. I think I'd rather draw a sorcery or instant.
December 3, 2015 1:28 p.m.
Have you thought about Wild Ricochet or Redirect or Stifle? They are good counters, buy also damage your opponent.
December 6, 2015 9:30 a.m.
MrHighscore says... #22
Giving it some thought I have replaced Inexorable Tide with Call the Skybreaker, as that is the card the deck needs the most.
@Atony1400 Thank you for the suggestions! They are all good, but I don't see any cards I would drop for them. Do you?
December 10, 2015 2:19 p.m.
If you're playing Radiate, might I suggest Part the Waterveil? It might be a bit TOO win-more, but at least its a synergy that exists.
December 10, 2015 3:26 p.m.
Tehcooliodude says... #24
I would maybe consider Archmage Ascension. I always loved that card and I feel it can be extremely useful.
December 10, 2015 10:38 p.m.
BlueMageBrandon says... #25
Maybe Jace's Sanctum, Thassa, God of the Sea, Keranos, God of Storms, Temple of Epiphany, Temporal Trespass, Curse of the Swine, Clone Legion, AEtherspouts, and the list goes on and on and on . . .
griffstick says... #1
What do you think about Alpha Brawl is a targeted player board wipe
November 25, 2015 4:24 p.m.