Miss Coupon never pays the retail price

Commander / EDH MrHighscore

SCORE: 246 | 101 COMMENTS | 35725 VIEWS | IN 133 FOLDERS

MrHighscore says... #1

Thank you for the feedback.

@Octrate: Radiate is a bit of a win-more but I like it!

@Tehcooliodude: Archmage Ascension takes time to pull off (and must be answered). I will consider it.

@Mtg_mill: Most of your suggestions has already been considered and Clone Legion has been in the hole time ;) For some reason I forgot to order a High Tide so for now I'll try out Temporal Trespass instead, as I have one lying around.



High Tide --> Temporal Trespass (will change it back when I get one, but postal service and christmas is ... meh. If you live in the Copenhagen area I'll gladly buy one for a beer)

December 22, 2015 2:15 p.m.

linux203 says... #2

Isochron Scepter There are a handful of good targets, the only drawback being both need to be in hand.

The key is that the copy is cast, which triggers Sphinx-Bone Wand, Guttersnipe, and Talrand, Sky Summoner. I also run Young Pyromancer and Charmbreaker Devils

December 22, 2015 6:34 p.m.

I'm glad you're running Rite of Replication with Dualcaster Mage. That's a wincon right there.

I have two suggestions: Mind Spring and Inexorable Tide. Personally, I'd swap out Temporal Trespass for Time Stretch

December 23, 2015 10:37 a.m.

Forkbeard says... #4

Someone suggested Riptide Laboratory for my deck, but I think it's even more relevant here. Handy utility for potentially abusing Dualcaster Mage & Snapcaster Mage's ETB effects + you can save Talrand or Mizzix in a pinch. Might be worth sliding it in here in place of a Mountain to see how it goes. Also, I'm not sure how much hate Mizzix draws yet but if you find that the commander tax gets steep, Command Beacon could also be useful.

Sweet deck, inspired me to brew a Mizzix deck of my own.

December 26, 2015 3:38 p.m.

MrHighscore says... #5

Thank you for the feedback! Much appreciated :)




  • Especially the 'save Mizzix argument is compelling, but the other uses also has merits. I'll add a Riptide Laboratory to the deck (just need to acquire yet another copy).
  • Command Beacon could also work, but I'm starting to stretch my color fixing. I'll give it some thought, but I guess it's going in! Thank you.


December 27, 2015 2:12 p.m.

UpsetYoMama says... #6

I'm actually surprised not to see a few cards in here, although maybe you've already discussed them.

In my own Niv Mizzex decks I've found these to be extremely helpful:

Empty the Warrens

I've easily had 30+ goblins

I don't run infinite combos in my deck, but I do have things that help me find combo pieces in addition to tutors, such as Wheel of Fortune and Day's Undoing. I also run Dig Through Time

I love both Cryptic Command, as it acts about like a Turnabout. I have lots of ways to flash these back as well and they help me gain important time to help set up my board.

The biggest issue I see with your deck is ramp. Only relying on experience counters is really going to slow you down. I run Mana Geyser, Mana Flare, and High Tide to name a few. On the surface these cards might look innocuous, but once you've copied Mana Geyser four or five times you can see how awesome the card is in this kind of deck. I see you had High Tide in the deck at one point, but removed it?

Hope some of that helps.

December 27, 2015 2:28 p.m.

Forkbeard says... #7

If you genuinely hate your friends and/or just want to watch the world burn:

4 red mana + 4 coupons + Reiterate + Seismic Spike = Tears

Just typing that made me feel dirty.

December 27, 2015 10:47 p.m.

Toodz111 says... #8

Wait a second, do the coupons work on buyback costs??

December 31, 2015 11:37 a.m.

Forkbeard says... #9

They sure do. Kickers and costs too.

December 31, 2015 12:05 p.m.

MrHighscore says... #10

Thank you for the feedback!


  • I do run a fair bit of card advantage/draw and I have not had trouble keeping my hand full (and then some).
  • Cryptic Command is good, but I don't think that it synergizes with experience since it has in its casting cost.
  • Ramp has been a bit lacking, and I found a copy of High Tide that I'll add the deck. Mana Geyser is also a good suggestion, and I'll see if I can find room for it. I am also considering running some rocks to get Miss Coupon on the table faster... Thought Vessel is especially appealing for this deck.


  • Seismic Spike is a really interesting win condition! I'll probably replace a damage spell for it.


  • Yeah - it is crazy what you can get with the right set of coupons!



January 1, 2016 7:18 a.m.

Thyartist says... #11

A noob question for you, since i'm building a mizzix deck with some cards like red sun's zenith. If i have 4 experience counter and i want to actually play red sun's zenith, can i add those 4 experience counter on the x and pay the red one so it actually does 4 damage ?

January 10, 2016 5:29 p.m.

SoundTramp says... #12

Thyartist; yes.

January 11, 2016 5:58 p.m.

Carnak says... #13

Hello! A fantastically fun deck you've brewed, made me grow even more curiois about Mizzix to the point I decided to buy the EDH Deck for her from the store. After a little bit of playtesting a deck similar to yours, I've come up with a few questions:

  • 1) What do you usually combine your High Tide with, a late-game combo of sorts? I somehow never seem to come up with a good situation to pull it out, and I tend to rely more on the Red mana ramp cards more.

  • 2) Braingeyser VS Blue Sun's Zenith - I get the point where BSZ gets shuffled back, and is an instant speed, but somehow the 1 extra Blue mana on it's cost makes me cringe. Any selling points, or is this where aforementioned high tide might come to play?

  • 3) The new Legendary creature from Oath of the Gatewatch: Jori En, Ruin Diver - The cost for this creature is rather meek, and his ability is quite fancy. If you'd see him as acceptable, which card would you likely replace with him? I know he isn't quite Rhystic Study, but rather similar.

  • 4) Have you thought of the new Instant speed damage spell Fall of the Titans from Oath of the Gatewatch, CC of XXR with surge cost of XR, to replace say, Devil's play with it? That way not only can you fetch it with Firemind's Foresight along with Reiterate and Reality Spasm, but at the same time you can remova a potentially annoying creature AND Damage a player, even without comboing it off of Reiteirate.

And lastly, maybe the most relevant question of them all:

  • 5) The new rule of Mulligan in EDH - Now that the official mulligan way has been changed to Vancouver, with one free mulligan, still having the Scry 1 if you Mulligan to less than 7, what are your plans for this deck, will you be increasing the land count perhaps?

Thank you for your answers in advance, I'm eager to hear of your opinions and thoughts and will check here frequently if you've answered!

January 21, 2016 7:47 a.m.

psicorapha says... #14

I agree that Fall of the Titans would make you combo off more consistently. Since it can be tutored.

January 24, 2016 3:21 a.m.

PTsmitty says... #15

Now that Oath is out, has anyone mentioned Jori En, Ruin Diver. Could be another way to get card advantage, and with all the instant spells you get get extra cards on your opponents turns. Whispers of the Muse with enough experience counters for the buyback is 3 cards at the end step of the person right before you! Definetly using your deck for more references because I did not realize how many buyback cards are out there!

January 24, 2016 11:51 a.m.

Carnak says... #16

I id mention Jori En on my comment just above, suggested Mr. Highstore if it would be a fitting thing for the deck. I personally think it could prove out to be a worthy investment, but not sure what to replace.

January 24, 2016 4:04 p.m.

Forkbeard says... #17

My 2 cents - Jori En is on theme & fun in theory, but ultimately is too fragile and really doesn't net you that much card advantage. Keep in mind it only triggers off the second spell. So to recap, fragile + conditional & minimal card advantage = you're better off adding another uber draw spell. Something like a hideous white bordered Braingeyser.

January 25, 2016 1:10 a.m.

Forkbeard says... #18

Oh and Carnak, hell yes to Fall of the Titans. I threw Crush of Tentacles in my build too, I regret nothing!

January 25, 2016 1:12 a.m.

bloodredChili says... #19

+1 for the picture.

Joke aside: The deck looks awesome. Izzet may be a lot of fun after all.

February 8, 2016 1:15 p.m.

Stefouch says... #20

And I wonder if the deck can work without Mizzix? If you face hate from your opponents and Mizzix can't stay long on the battlefield, how the deck is running without him? You seem to have a high mana curve and few real ramp cards.

February 23, 2016 3:25 p.m.

ThespianMask says... #21

I don't want to seem retarded since I run basically the same cheatsiedoodle deck as you do, but how does Reiterate go infinite with High Tide?

March 30, 2016 6:46 a.m.

Đęęmž says... #22

Mind Over Matter is pretty crazy with pyromancers goggles when using any burn spell.

March 31, 2016 9:34 a.m.

MrHighscore says... #23

Thank you for the feedback!


  1. I use High Tide as soon as it makes sense. It is crucial that you build up experience, so I don't hold back - especially if I can draw some cards in the process.
  2. I like Blue Sun's Zenith over Braingeyser for its instant speed.
  3. Jori En, Ruin Diver is not an instant or sorcery and he is easy to kill. I'd prefer not to run him/her/it.
  4. Fall of the Titans is awesome. I have not updated the deck for a while due, but I will find room for it.
  5. I'm pretty happy with the land count as is (for both old and new mulligan rules). In my playgroup we usually play with the old rules.

@Forkbeard: I like Crush of Tentacles and I do have a foil one just lying around. I'll see if I can find something to take out for it.

@Stefouch: It is very hard to survive a beatdown/hate from 3 players for any deck ;)

@ThespianMask: Good catch. Reiterate does not go infinite with High Tide, but it does get you far (at least with the right state of blue mana).

Also, I've noted that I'm really vulnerable to steal effect, so I will find room for Homeward Path.



April 30, 2016 3:31 a.m.

ThoAlmighty says... #24

Have you thought about Inexorable Tide? It's a great way to gain experience counters and can come out the turn after you play Miss Coupon.

May 13, 2016 12:18 a.m.

ThoAlmighty says... #25

Sorry about the double-post, but also how about Worldfire? You can float the mana necessary to recast Mizzix, exile everything, recast her from the Command Zone, then you have a 2/2 when nobody else has anything and is at 1 life.

May 13, 2016 12:25 a.m.

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