
I had some ideas in the past of using Mistform to build some weird mono blue typal, but recently I started to wonder how to build a deck with the guy that isn't focused on any specific creature type (incidently I went for wizards here, but that's just because they draw cards really well). Anyway, this deck's wincon is one that I found myself enjoying a bit after playing it against my playgroup. You want huuuuge sources of draw and Dream Halls on the battlefield. Then just get Aetherflux Reservoir and win.

"Yeah, but what the heck? Your commander offers barely no value for this strategy! Wouldn't it be far better to just swap it for your Azami, or whatever?"

If you said that, I don't blame you. This deck is very weird, but intentionally so. With time I grew kinda tired of seeing the same old decks and strategies being played, decks that you can tell what they do just by barely peeking the text box of someone's commander, all that. And WOTC doesn't help it either, let's be honest. This deck's objective is to be weird, but in a good way. To finally give a breather to those like me who are tired of seeing the same old jeskai spellslingers, 5-color dragons, izzet annoyingness, selesnya doubling season, mono green elves, etc. What do you think of when you see a mono-blue deck? Well, it's got to be either a control jerk or an artifact jerkfoil, right? There ain't much of a wiggle room of other options there. Is this deck a control jerk? Maybe, not really. Is it a group hug? That's what it is closest to being, yeah, but I still have my questions about that sometimes. Is it a morph deck just for the memes? A "copy-your-creature" deck just for the poops and giggles? A wizards deck?

All of the above, I think. Call me crazy but that's what I like building nowdays apparently. And f*ck WOTC everytime they give us another bland commander that does everything we've seen a million times before.

"So, how does it work?"

Admiditelly, after quite some playtests I noticed this deck is kinda hard to pilot (lmao). You want to drop your value engines and hug pieces as early as you can while retaining some mana to avoid people from comboing off or something like that, with our control pieces. This often causes me to drop my High Tide fairly early, which sucks quite a bit. The morphs are just scare-off material for the most part, but they are useless if you are tapped out. Eventually you want to start using your pillow fort cards as the game gets closer to the late game and people start getting real scary. By then you should be drawing AT LEAST 4 cards per turn of yours, hopefully also having a ton of islands on the battlefield. Then you can do some pretty cool shenenigans - if you manage to sneak in combat damage with Mistform, you can use Notorious Throng for an extra turn or maybe even two extra turns if you also happen to have Twincast. You can try to cast Dream Halls, or tutor it as well. You can try to cast Knowledge Pool, preferably with Strionic Resonator on the battlefield to snatch 6 cards off the top of everybody's libraries for a very nice pool of things afterwards. Or, if you happen to have Teferi's Ageless Insight or Thought Reflection while already having Dream Halls on the field, its not too hard to try and win straight away.

Another thing you can do here is try to use Vesuvan Shapeshifter to try to copy and use somebody else's wincon. It doesn't target the creature you want to copy, so you can do some pretty crazy numbers with it (i copied a Progenitus once, it was very funny).

Oh, I almost forgot — The presence of Knowledge Pool here is also a weird one, because I have ZERO intentions of using it along Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir or any other degeneracy like that. Yes, I'm using the pool just because I wanna use the pool. Its not like this deck didn't already have enough reasons to be weird, it be like that.

Anyway, if you've read it all the way here, thanks! Feel free to send me any suggestions for this weird af deck if you feel like it.


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95% Casual


Date added 1 year
Last updated 2 weeks

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

42 - 0 Rares

14 - 0 Uncommons

13 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.45
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Faerie Rogue 1/1 B, Morph 2/2 C, Radiation
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