Mistress of Poisons

Commander / EDH DrukenReaps


DrukenReaps says... #1

EtchPony it doesn't interfere with Quillspike since there is no targeting but it will interfere with Blowfly Infestation since blowfly targets. It is a risk but the card is so rewarding I needed to at least test it a few times. Quillspike luckily just wants to remove a counter from a creature not from target creature.

For easy reference: Protection (This can't be blocked, targeted, dealt damage, or enchanted by anything (quality).)

July 13, 2017 5:21 p.m.

DrukenReaps says... #2

I've only gotten two games after replacing the +1/+1 counters with reanimation but I'm enjoying it. Can't say if it is better or worse seems about the same really. I do need more draw effects and readd searches....

July 17, 2017 3:18 a.m.

gdm1989 says... #3

Sword of Feast and Famine or Seedborn Muse would do nicely in this deck :)

July 20, 2017 8:52 a.m.

DrukenReaps says... #4

gdm1989 honestly I think I would put those in every deck if I could. Good suggestions if a bit over costed. Though I have always wanted both so maybe I'll bite the bullet...

July 20, 2017 8:46 p.m.

Love it.

October 15, 2017 4:52 a.m.

Portwood says... #6

Check out my Hapatra deck ---> Toxicity: A Hapatra EDH Deck

January 19, 2018 7:47 a.m.

Ransackedmilkk says... #7

Hopefully you are able to comment on this but I've been considering adding Akroma's Memorial in this deck. My only issue is that I benefit a lot from my own tokens dying and almost everything that allows me to kill them is a black spell, which I feel Akroma's Memorial prevents. More likely than not I won't be playing the card until I have a huge amount of mass tokens to overrun the opponent but just wanted to get your insight.

June 22, 2018 2:02 p.m.

DrukenReaps says... #8

Ransackedmilkk You do have to be careful with memorial because it can shut some things off. Turns off one of my combos I listed for this in fact which kinda sucks. As long as you have a bunch of tokens when you play memorial though it will win the game. I always treated it as more of a sorcery than an artifact, play it the turn you want to swing out big and it will be fine.

June 22, 2018 2:32 p.m.

qwikster says... #9


Saw your deck - I actually have a Hapatra deck as well! May All My Problems Wither Away [Conquest] I've been playing with her since she came out and fine tuning as I go. To be honest, my o line version is missing some real life changes but I believe it's close to accurate.

Hope you take a look sometime!

March 3, 2019 9:19 p.m.

DrukenReaps says... #10

qwikster I haven't played this in quite awhile, wasn't so sure I liked how oppressive she can be. But I'll take a look at yours when I can!

March 3, 2019 10:51 p.m.

ekang123 says... #11

Is there a reason to run Recollect here instead of Regrowth ?

June 17, 2019 12:46 a.m.

DrukenReaps says... #12

ekang123 nope. I had a recollect in my collection and for some reason didn't have regrowth... It is only like 25 cents or less but I didn't bother getting one.

June 17, 2019 5:49 p.m.

Would Evolution Sage work in this deck?

July 5, 2019 8:46 p.m.

DrukenReaps says... #14

Purplpeopleater first I love your name and vaguely remember watching something with one eye and one horn.

And yes Evolution Sage would be a solid inclusion for Hapatra. Karn's Bastion could be nice too and Yawgmoth, Thran Physician if you can afford it... That price shot up faster than I would have liked...

July 5, 2019 11:04 p.m.

5unshin31221 says... #15

Hey there I was online looking for an alter art of hapatra for my deck and found yours. Seems to be more of these decks out there than I thought! Take a look at mine if you get a moment. I finally posted it todayDeth Sneks

Also, where did you obtain this altered art hapatra?

February 22, 2020 1:53 a.m.

DrukenReaps says... #16

5unshin31221 sadly I don't have much interest in her these days. Fun deck while it lasted but I retired it awhile back. It was pretty amazing the reception she got. Though the strategy, being fairly unique, helps a lot. I'll take a look at yours but I don't know if I'll have anything cool to say.

My alter was 'stolen' off of Pintrest. I kept the actual card on hand and just had a nicely printed out version on some picture quality paper. Similar to card stock. Nothing fancy though.

February 22, 2020 2:28 a.m.

johnwayne1488 says... #17

Looking at your maybeboard i would only run :

Yagwmoth, obvious he's just a house in this deck. I run both beastmaster and eldrazi monument, can be a game winning draw Diabolic Intent, just cheap easy tutor Generous Patron, makes hapatra a 3/3 and another creature, draws alot of cards Growing Rites of Itlimoc, really love this cheap cradle, easy to flip

Other cards are good but depends on the deck! Nice build overall!

Would cut : Flourishing defenses, altough i love it, too high of cmc, never saw it do much Plaguemaw beast, get a better and instant sac outlet

Tamiyo's journal, not really on theme, you have access to black and easy tutors

Champion of stray souls costs alot of mana, would switch it for animate dead for example

Love talking about Hapatra!

July 10, 2020 6:41 p.m.

DrukenReaps says... #18

johnwayne1488 all good suggestions I think! I haven't played this deck in over a year though... I did consider rebuilding it some months back but other projects came up and then with covid I haven't even done anything with mtg :(

Nice to see someone actually suggest cuts XD That is always the hardest part but it is so rare to get help with that. If I get interested in this one again I'll definitely refer back to your suggestions here :)

July 10, 2020 6:54 p.m.

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