

Monowhite Control Fort, based on Frank Lepore's and Travis Woo's decks.

Heavy with enchantments and your overall last-it-out types of cards.

This deck is based off on Cruel Control. I try to make it hard for my enemy to penetrate my well-built fort. For that end, I adopt all kinds of disruptive cards.

The reason for the many 1 of's is because I run 4x Idyllic Tutor s. Most of the 1 of's aren't very useful if draw in multiples, so I did not want my deck drawing useless cards. Instead, if I need a determined card, I can fish for it with the tutor.

Ok, so lets sit down and analyze our Defense Grid

Card Breakdown is well-luddered!

  • Use your Idyllic Tutor to bring about anything you might need from your deck against a specific match-up.

  • Endless Horizons provides you with enormous card advantage, and unless in dire need, this should be the first card you should tutor turn 3.

...It binds them!

  • Suppression Field might very well be your best card - it works against fetchlands and a lot of other stuff that can activate their abilities for little cost. Also slows Birthing Pod and affinity.

  • Banishing Light + Oblivion Ring + Porphyry Nodes serve to thin down my enemies creatures. Remember to drop the nodes only if your enemy has at least 2 monsters on the board (or a really powerful monster).

  • A single or a couple Ghostly Prison + Sphere of Safety (specially this last one) forces my opponent to choose whether to attack you... or to do anything else.

...It breaks them!

  • Mana Tithe will very likely be a surprise against any opponent. Monowhite rarely play counters (because it has so few). Obviously, this card isnt as powerful as Mana Leak, and its power greatly diminishes once your opponent has seen a copy of it. It won't matter much, however, because it's is there to slow them down, not to actually be used a lot. Its use is to force your opponent to play AROUND it (after it has seen it once). Them playing around it means you get more time to set up defenses. I'd very likely side them out game 2.

  • Nevermore is your to-go combo breaker. Not as good in your match 1 if you dont know what makes their deck ticks, but some archetypes are very used and youll get used to your meta. I recomend running all 3 copies on game 2.

  • Leyline of Sanctity safeguards you against burn and a lot of other strategies that make you discard, kill your deck or anything else of the like. Youll rarely draw it first on game 1, but the few times you do, it''ll be a godsend. You can always side in full 4 game 2 if needed.

  • Runed Halo has many uses. It's very versatile according to your situation. It can either slow down your enemy or cut their main win-condition. Also provides 2 white devotion. If you're not sure of which kind of deck they run, use it to name something strong already in the board, thus biding you time. If you do recognize their deck, you can name Grapeshot, Deceiver Exarch, Murderous Redcap, Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle, and the sort.

  • Rest in Peace hurts many strategies, from delver to some kinds of pods to (obviously) living dead. You can always side 3 copies game 2 if you need it a lot.

  • Phyrexian Unlife does help to slow down your enemy victory (in any situation but fighting against infect). Plus, its immensely useful against black cards that make you lose life, such as Exsanguinate and Shrieking Affliction or Liliana's Caress.

..and It smacks them on the forehead!

  • Sigil of the Empty Throne is your basic win condition. With nothing but enchantments, this deck can basically create a flying 4/4 every turn.

  • Heliod, God of the Sun is your second win-condition. He is indestructible, so it helps to keep the nodes alive to kill anything else that has power lower than 5. Its also an enchantment AND can make enchantment creatures if you need to.

  • Rise of the Hobgoblins is your third win-condition. Use the absurd amount of mana generated by Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx to create an army of goblins with First Strike!

  • Elspeth, Knight-Errant is your fourth win-condition. She won't appear some games, but then again, you don't really need her. But she's a huge asset when she does appear, and can add that finishing touch you need to the game.

  • Mistveil Plains is your last win-condition - they'll deck out before you. Just be sure not to play Rest in Peace at those kind of match-ups!

The Sideboard

  • Side in Stony Silence for artifact match-ups.

  • Side in Blind Obedience against extremely fast aggro decks or Splinter Twin.

  • Side in Rest in Peace to single-handledly inutilize graveyard-based decks.

  • Side in Nevermore and Runed Halo at most matchs 2. By then you should know their deck better. Side in specially if theyre control. Dont side Nevermore agaisnt Pod, since they bring their creatures from their deck, not cast them..

  • Side in Leyline of Sanctity against Black Control, Discard, Mill or Burn decks to slow them up.

  • Side in Hero of Bladehold at your wish. Its a good game 2 card since most opponents will side out creature-removal spells, and it hits hard and true!

Seeking ways to improve on this deck. Id love suggestions and criticism.


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Revision 12 See all

(10 years ago)

-2 Banishing Light main
+2 Oblivion Ring main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #26 position overall 10 years ago
Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years
Key combos

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 4 Mythic Rares

21 - 11 Rares

15 - 0 Uncommons

3 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.62
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Emblem Elspeth, Knight-Errant, Enchantment Cleric 2/1 W, Goblin Soldier 1/1 RW, Soldier 1/1 W
Folders Decks I Like, Other good ideas!, Amusing Modern
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