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Mizzet Me You're Looking For?

Standard* Control UBR (Grixis) UR (Izzet)




Planeswalker (1)


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Ok, we tore the deck down and looked at what it was trying to do. It was trying to control with too few counter spells. It was trying to control creatures and planeswalkers with too few effective direct damage spells. Aggro decks were a major weakness to the deck, and that is most of, if not all of my LGS meta. So the deck needs answers to slow down aggro and protect Niv and Ral. That is where Saheeli, Sublime Artificer comes in. She makes 1/1 servo artifact creature tokens any time you cast a non-creature spell. Since there are only 2 creatures in the deck, there should be a lot of 1/1 tokens on the board after turn 3. Narset, Parter of Veils was added due to the number of decks that draw extra cards, and for any Niv-focused decks. Her -2 ability is a great way to sift through your deck to find the answers you need. Sarkhan the Masterless is a win-con all on his own. He can cause 8 damage the turn after he hits the battlefield, and turns all planeswalkers into 4/4 dragons with his +1 ability. His passive ability will help keep aggro decks from winning the race by keeping them from being able to attack with low powered creatures, as long as you have at least one dragon (Niv, token) on the battlefield. Induced Amnesia was added as a combo trick with Narset, Parer of Veils that will sometimes win the game. Risk Factor was returned to this deck to take advantage of the new Niv/Ral interaction. Discovery / Dispersal was added for some more deck filtering. I'm still working on a sideboard for this deck, but it will feature different counter spells and direct damage.


Date added 6 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

25 - 3 Rares

15 - 6 Uncommons

5 - 6 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.24
Tokens Dragon 4/4 R, Servo 1/1 C
Folders 1, Standard Izzet, izzet std
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