Mizzix' Spellbook

Commander / EDH* Gaspacho


JohnnyCRO says... #1


Where's your Sol Ring? Also consider adding more mana rocks, especially ones that gove you colored mana, like Gilded Lotus for example. Mizzix loves some extra colored mana earlier and can utilize it pretty well. That Fabricate won't get you far if you don't level up your artifact game. I'm not talking Mana crypt here, but few basic things like mentioned Sol ring and Gilded lotus should help a lot.

Reiterate is Mizzix staple and I know no reason why it shouldn't be included in it since it allows for massice plays and loops. You should also add Seething Song/Pyretic Ritual to combo off into infinite mana with those (so Comet Storm becomes win condition...).

Disallow is strictly better than Cancel. Counterspell would be nice. Convolute is neat, but gets insuficient too soon. Same for Mana Leak; in commander things get big. And in singleton format odds of opening with one of these are slim, while they're extremely poor topdecks late game..

Counters I'm using and you're not, just to give you some inspiration; Disallow (control toolbox, what's not to like?), Fuel for the Cause (counter with proliferate you say...), Hinder (to permanently get rid of commanders or to even further slow down a deck that's low on draw as it is), Rewind (borderline broken with Mizzix on field), Insidious Will (not the best counter out there, but it can do multiple neat things). And 1 Riptide Laboratory; it functions like a counter and is repeatable.

Vivid lands are useless in 2-color decks because they're basically worse guildgates. Add City of Brass and Mana Confluence. Also Grixis Panorama is a neat budget fetchland in here. Reflecting Pool and Shimmering Grotto are sub-par manafixing, but do their job, while Wandering Fumarole is strictly better than any of the vivid lands in here.

These are just ideas, goof around and play whatever you like, but since you can afford Cryptic Command and Jace, the Mind Sculptor, I'd be happy to see you put some real effort into making such deck a beast.

If you'd like, you can check out my Mizzix deck which is currently under construction just to get more ideas: Mizzix and 99 other reasons to hate me 3.0.

Gl and hf! :)

January 8, 2017 1:01 p.m.

Gaspacho says... #2

Thank you for your input, it's actually quite constructive.

Concerning certain cards like Sol Ring, as said in my (I admit quite/too short) description, I use the deck both for EDH (Multiplayer) and Duel Commander which both have their specific banlists and Sol Ring is banned in Duel Commander.

Concerning the artifacts, I will indeed try to improve it. I only played it a couple of times, but having more coloured mana was indeed always very useful. And adding Paradox Engine once it is out would also be quite useful, I think. I recently drafted a Saheeli Rai. Do you think it would be worth it with a stronger artifact subtheme ? (Especially those with counters; proliferate and Clockspinning could work well with them)

Concerning Reiterate and friends, Comet Storm is already a win condition ... kind of. Turnabout followed by Increasing Vengeance + Flashback and can produce insane amounts of mana, which very often are used for a lethal Comet Storm or Banefire (it depends how many and which players left the game by then). But I will definitively add at least Reiterate ! I suppose the red mana accelerants are alternatives in case Turnabout is not an option anymore ?

Finally, my manabase and control package are indeed less than optimal. The whole deck is mostly built with whatever I had and those two suffer from it the most. My manabase will anyway be the first thing that gets a good upgrade (I will especially get rid of Temple of the False God, each time I had it, any basic land would have been better...)

PS : Concerning those expensive cards, let's say that I once or twice won at the booster lottery ;)

January 8, 2017 7:35 p.m.

JohnnyCRO says... #3

I get the Sol Ring problem. It's just that I'm used to tuning for multiplayer.

Mizzix isn't the deck for heavy artifact theme, but Rai is a good sell right now if you're not playing Breya or something with artifacts that'd like her.

Reiterate is generally cool because it can copy anything. And Pyretic/Song are win cons; let's say you have Mizzix with 4c on yourself and 3 red mana open. You cast Seething Song/Pyretic Ritual for , then you may cast Reiterate for with buyback paid on your red mana spell. So you have Reiterate in hand, 3 or 5 red mana in your mana pool and Reiterate back in hand. After that you may cast Reiterate again for 2 red your spell produced makig another copy of the mana producing spell and again return reiterate to your hand, now having 1 or 3 more mana... Result? You can play this infinite times, producing infinite red mana and infinite storm count...

Turnabout is cool, but without Reiterate it isn't broken, and good miss Mizzix likes to break things.

Lands can cost hella lot of money, especially in enemy colors, so don't push it. If you can get something, great. If not, pass and don't look back.Our lady in particular likes colored mana so Temple and such should be replaced with color-producing lands that preferably enter the battlefield untapped.

And with control try to look around. There are counters that are broken in Mizzix. Pick your favorites from about 2 dozens of them and go get'em tiger!

I figured as much for the Jace and Command. It's just not my style. I'd rather buy a single I need than crack a pack at random. And I'd rather buy good cheap single than a bit better but much more expensive card. Sure, if it's tournament win, I'll crack that pack(s), but otherwise it's a nono for me.

January 8, 2017 8:14 p.m.

Gaspacho says... #4

Thanks again for your input !

I implemented some changes before our gaming group met for the first time this year and I basically hard locked the board after an awesome start (T3 Reliquary Tower, T4 Rhystic Study followed quickly by 9 counters on Mizzix and a Spell Burst in hand). Let's say that my victory only was a matter of time :)

January 30, 2017 2:54 p.m.

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