

Deck Stats

Turnabout or Resetfoil + Reiterate + [7] Land/token:experience | Infinite Mana + Fall of the Titans Infinite Damage

Turnabout or Resetfoil + Dualcaster Mage + Riptide Laboratory + [6] Land | Infinite Mana + Fall of the Titans Infinite Damage

Mizzix of the Izmagnus [4] token:experience + Desperate Ritual or Pyretic Ritual + Reiterate | Infinite Mana + Fall of the Titans Infinite Damage

Mizzix of the Izmagnus [2] token:experience + Seething Song + Reiterate | Infinite Mana + Fall of the Titans Infinite Damage

Mizzix of the Izmagnus [3] token:experience + Electrodominance + Reiterate | Infinite Damage

Mizzix of the Izmagnus [4] token:experience + Frantic Search + Reiterate | Almost Infinite Mana + Infinite Tutor and/or Infinite Self-Mill

Jeska's Will + Reiterate + [7] Card in Opponents Hand/token:experience | Infinite Mana + Ability to play library + Fall of the Titans Infinite Damage

Twinflame + Dualcaster Mage | Infinite Dualcaster Mage Tokens with Haste

Isochron Scepter + Dramatic Reversal + Mana Crypt or Mana Vault or Sol Ring or Any Two: Arcane Signet, Chrome Mox, Izzet Signet, Mox Opal, Talisman of Creativity + Sensei's Divining Topfoil | Draw Entire Library

Isochron Scepter + Dramatic Reversal + Mana Vault | Infinite Mana

Isochron Scepter + Dramatic Reversal + Any Two: Mana Crypt, Sol Ring, Talisman of Creativity | Infinite Mana

Isochron Scepter + Dramatic Reversal + Mana Crypt or Mana Vault or Sol Ring + Arcane Signet or Chrome Mox or Izzet Signet or Mox Opal | Infinite Mana

Isochron Scepter + Dramatic Reversal + Any Three: Arcane Signet, Chrome Mox, Izzet Signet, Mox Opal, Talisman of Creativity | Infinite Mana

Dockside Extortionist + Capsize + [9] Opponents Artifacts/Enchantments | Infinite Mana + Return all opponents permanents

Isochron Scepter + Narset's Reversal + Temporal Mastery | Infinite Turns

Storm-Kiln Artist + Seething Song + Reiterate | Infinite Mana + Infinite Spell Copy

Cards: Electrodominance + Reiterate + Mizzix of the Izmagnus with 3 token:experience


  1. Mizzix of the Izmagnus on the battlefield with 3 token:experience
  2. Cast Electrodominance for + 3 token:experience targeting an opponent
  3. Trigger Mizzix of the Izmagnus ability increasing token:experience to 4
  4. Resolve Mizzix of the Izmagnus triggered ability reaching 4 token:experience
  5. Cast Reiterate with Buyback for + 4 token:experience targeting the Electrodominance
  6. Resolve the Reiterate targeting an opponent with the copy of Electrodominance and returning Reiterate to your hand
  7. Resolve the copy of Electrodominance dealing 3 damage to an opponent and enabling a CMC3 cast from hand for
  8. Cast Reiterate with Buyback for from the copy of Electrodominance + 3 token:experience targeting the Electrodominance
  9. Repeat steps 6. through 8. until all opponents are eliminated
  10. State based win condition so the original Electrodominance never resolves

Cards: Resetfoil + Reiterate + Fall of the Titans + Optional: Mizzix of the Izmagnus with 4 token:experience

Optional: Mizzix of the Izmagnus, used to reduce mana costs, and doesn't benefit all combinations


Resetfoil alternates: Turnabout, Desperate Ritual, Pyretic Ritual, Seething Song, Jeska's Will, Frantic Search

Reiterate alternatives: Dualcaster Mage+Riptide Laboratory

Fall of the Titans alternatives: Electrodominance, Brainstorm, Stroke of Genius, Frantic Search

Mizzix of the Izmagnus alternatives: 7 lands that produce

  1. Mizzix of the Izmagnus on the battlefield with 4 token:experience
  2. Cast Resetfoil during opponents turn
  3. Cast Reiterate targeting Resetfoil with buyback + 4 token:experience
  4. Create a copy of Resetfoil and return Reiterate to your hand
  5. Resolve the copy of Resetfoil untapping lands that produce
  6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 to generate infinite mana
  7. Cast Fall of the Titans for its surge cost and infinite damage (paying the cost with the infinite mana)
  8. Cast Reiterate targeting Fall of the Titans with buyback (paying the cost with the infinite mana)
  9. Create a copy of Fall of the Titans targeting an opponent and return Reiterate to your hand
  10. Resolve the copy of Fall of the Titans eliminating an opponent
  11. Repeat steps 8 through 10 for all other opponents
  12. State based win condition so the original Resetfoil never resolves


Cards: Twinflame + Dualcaster Mage


  1. You must have a creature on the battlefield
  2. Cast Twinflame targeting the creature for
  3. In response, Cast Dualcaster Mage for
  4. Resolve Dualcaster Mage
  5. Trigger Dualcaster Mage ETB ability targeting Twinflame
  6. Resolve Dualcaster Mage ETB ability copying Twinflame and targeting Dualcaster Mage
  7. Resolve copy of Twinflame creating a copy of Dualcaster Mage with Haste
  8. Repeat steps 5 through 7 for Infinite Dualcaster Mage with Haste
  9. Resolve the Twinflame creating a copy of the other creature
  10. Attack within Infinite Dualcaster Mage with Haste


  • Must be played during the pre-combat main phase on your turn
  • Mizzix of the Izmagnus with 1 token:experience reduces the cost to and can be targeted as the creature on the battlefield with Twinflame to initiate the combo

Cards: Isochron Scepter + Dramatic Reversal + Mana Vault + Sensei's Divining Topfoil


Mana Vault alternatives: Mana Crypt, Sol Ring, Any Two: Arcane Signet, Chrome Mox, Izzet Signet, Mox Opal, Talisman of Creativity

Sensei's Divining Topfoil alternatives: Stroke of Genius

  1. Cast Isochron Scepter imprinting Dramatic Reversal for
  2. Cast Mana Vault for
  3. Cast Sensei's Divining Topfoil for with mana from Mana Vault float
  4. and activate Sensei's Divining Topfoil second ability
  5. In response and activate Isochron Scepter ability with floated to create a copy of Dramatic Reversal
  6. Resolve the copy of Dramatic Reversal untapping Isochron Scepter, Mana Vault, and Sensei's Divining Topfoil
  7. and activate Mana Vault ability to float
  8. Repeat steps 4 through 7 as many times as cards remaining in library and generate for each draw
  9. Resolve all of the Isochron Scepter abilities to draw all cards remaining in library
  10. Cast Mox Opal, Chrome Mox, etc. to pivot into any game winning line



Spellstorm does not require cards with the Storm ability, notably, Mind's Desire, Ignite Memories, Grapeshot and Brain Freeze.

In this Mizzix of the Izmagnus architype, Spellstorm is used to draw our library or gain advantage with spells.

There will be many opportunities to begin a Spellstorm, it takes practice to decide when is too early or the right time. The concept is to generate near infinite mana or draw through casting and copying spells to propagate more spells and increase floating mana. The goal is to have a significant board advantage or propagate into an Infinite Mana line to utilize the win conditions.

Frantic Search | Generate additional untapping Island

Resetfoil | Generate additional untapping Island

Snap | Generate additional untapping Island

Turnabout | Generate additional untapping Island

Mizzix's Mastery | Recur multiple spells from graveyard

Desperate Ritual | Increase mana to advance Storm

Dramatic Reversal | Increase mana to advance Storm

High Tide | Increase mana to advance Storm

Jeska's Will | Increase mana to advance Storm / Exile multiple spells

Past in Flamesfoil | Recur spells to advance Storm

Pyretic Ritual | Increase mana to advance Storm

Seething Song | Increase mana to advance Storm

Capsize | Return All Opponents Permanents

Fall of the Titans | Infinite Damage

Reiterate | Infinite Copy Spell

Stroke of Genius | Draw Library or Force Opponent to Draw Library

Maybeboard Evaluation

Mizzix of the Izmagnus [3] token:experience + Pirate's Pillage + Reiterate | Infinite Draw

Invert / Invent | Tutor Reiterate + Pirate's Pillage Combo

Reality Spasm + Reiterate or Nivix Guildmage + [7] Land/token:experience | Infinite Mana + Fall of the Titans Infinite Damage

Reality Spasm + Increasing Vengeance or Twincast + Izzet Guildmage + [7] Land/token:experience | Infinite Mana + Fall of the Titans Infinite Damage

Reality Spasm + Dualcaster Mage + Riptide Laboratory Infinite Mana

Firemind's Foresight | Reiterate + Reality Spasm + Fall of the Titans Combo

Heat Shimmer + Dualcaster Mage | Infinite Dualcaster Mage Tokens with Haste

Turnabout or Resetfoil + Primal Amulet   + Narset's Reversal | Infinite Mana

Frantic Search + Primal Amulet   + Narset's Reversal | Almost Infinite Mana + Infinite Tutor and/or Infinite Self-Mill

Ral, Storm Conduit + Any Two: Reiterate, Twincast, Increasing Vengeance + Any Instant or Sorcery | Infinite Damage

Mizzix of the Izmagnus [4] token:experience + Frantic Search + Reiterate | Almost Infinite Mana + Infinite Tutor and/or Infinite Self-Mill + Underworld Breachfoil Synergy

Frantic Search + Nivix Guildmage + Izzet Boilerworks + [2] Land | Infinite Tutor and/or Infinite Self-Mill + Underworld Breachfoil Synergy

Frantic Search + Nivix Guildmage + High Tide + [2] Island + [1] Land | Almost Infinite Mana + Infinite Tutor and/or Infinite Self-Mill + Underworld Breachfoil Synergy

Frantic Search + Increasing Vengeance or Twincast + Izzet Guildmage + [3] Land | Infinite Tutor and/or Infinite Self-Mill + Izzet Boilerworks Almost Infinite Mana + Underworld Breachfoil Synergy

God-Eternal Kefnet + Temporal Mastery or Nexus of Fate *list* + Scroll Rack | Infinite Turns

Bonus Round + Seething Song + Reiterate | Infinite Mana

Bonus Round + Desperate Ritual or Pyretic Ritual + Reiterate | Infinite Storm Count

Bonus Round + Mizzix of the Izmagnus [1] token:experience + Frantic Search + Narset's Reversal | Infinite Mana

Bonus Round + Dramatic Reversal + Narset's Reversal + Artifacts that produce | Infinite Mana

Isochron Scepter + Narset's Reversal + Nexus of Fate *list* | Infinite Turns

God-Eternal Kefnet + Nexus of Fate *list* + Temporal Mastery + Jace, the Mind Sculptor | Infinite Turns

Lava Spike + Desperate Ritual + Izzet Guildmage | Infinite Damage

Mizzix of the Izmagnus [4] token:experience + Lava Spike + Desperate Ritual + Reiterate | Infinite Damage

Mana Geyser + Reiterate + [7] Opponents tapped lands/token:experience | Infinite Mana + Fall of the Titans Infinite Damage

Turnabout or Resetfoil + Nivix Guildmage + [5] Land | Infinite Mana + Fall of the Titans Infinite Damage

Resetfoil + Izzet Guildmage + [4] Land | Infinite Mana + Fall of the Titans Infinite Damage

Turnabout + Increasing Vengeance or Twincast + Izzet Guildmage + [4] Land | Infinite Mana + Fall of the Titans Infinite Damage

Nivix Guildmage + Dramatic Reversal + Mana Vault + Izzet Signet + Mana Crypt or Sol Ring or Talisman of Creativity | Infinite Mana

Nivix Guildmage + Dramatic Reversal + Mana Vault + Izzet Signet + Arcane Signet or Chrome Mox or Mox Opal | Infinite Mana

Nivix Guildmage + Dramatic Reversal + Mana Crypt + Sol Ring + Izzet Signet | Infinite Mana

Nivix Guildmage + Dramatic Reversal + Mana Crypt + Any Three: Arcane Signet, Chrome Mox, Izzet Signet, Mox Opal, Talisman of Creativity | Infinite Mana

Izzet Guildmage + Dramatic Reversal + Mana Vault + Arcane Signet or Chrome Mox or Mox Opal | Infinite Mana

Izzet Guildmage + Dramatic Reversal + Mana Vault + Izzet Signet | Infinite Mana

Izzet Guildmage + Dramatic Reversal + Mana Crypt or Sol Ring + Any Two: Arcane Signet, Chrome Mox, Talisman of Creativity, Izzet Signet, Mox Opal | Infinite Mana

Frantic Search + Nivix Guildmage + Izzet Boilerworks + [2] Land | Infinite Tutor and/or Infinite Self-Mill

Frantic Search + Nivix Guildmage + High Tide + [2] Island + [1] Land | Almost Infinite Mana + Infinite Tutor and/or Infinite Self-Mill

Frantic Search + Increasing Vengeance or Twincast + Izzet Guildmage + [3] Land | Infinite Tutor and/or Infinite Self-Mill + Izzet Boilerworks Almost Infinite Mana

Snap + High Tide + [1] Island + Izzet Boilerworks + Nivix Guildmage | Return All Creatures

Snap + High Tide + [2] Island + Izzet Guildmage | Return All Creatures + Additional Mana

Snap + Izzet Boilerworks + [1] Land + Izzet Guildmage | Return All Creatures

Dualcaster Mage | Low Synergy

Mox Opal | Low Activation Rates (see Mox Opal Discussion)

Twinflame | Low Synergy


Show and Tellfoil + Omniscience | Cast spells for + Enter the Infinite draw entire library + Thassa's Oraclefoil win

Glen Elendra Archmage + Sage of Fables | Negate + Phyrexian Altar Infinite

Niv-Mizzet, the Firemindfoil + Curiosity or Ophidian Eye or Mind Over Matter | Near Infinite Draw and Damage

Grand Architect + Pili-Pala | Infininte

Isochron Scepter + Dramatic Reversal + Swan Song + Copy Artifact or Mirrormade or Phyrexian Metamorph | Infinite token:bird

Sublime Epiphany + Dualcaster Mage | Infinite Dualcaster Mage Tokens without Haste + Force Opponents to Draw Entire Library

This is a complicated discussion, it's not worth building a comprehensive model based on deck makeup, as it would be quite complicated

Turn 12 AF 13 AF 14 AF 15 AF 16 AF 17 AF 18 AF 19 AF 20 AF
T1 15.6% 17.9% 20.3% 22.7% 25.2% 27.7% 30.3% 32.9% 35.4%
T2 20.3% 23.2% 26.1% 29.0% 32.0% 34.9% 37.9% 40.8% 43.7%
T3 25.3% 28.6% 32.0% 35.3% 38.6% 41.9% 45.2% 48.4% 51.5%
T4 30.3% 34.0% 37.8% 41.5% 45.1% 48.6% 52.1% 55.4% 58.6%
Turn Artifact
+ Tutors
Success Population Sample Probability
T1 16 61.7% 9 98 6 9.3%
T2 16 79.4% 12 98 7 20.3%
T3 16 100.0% 16 98 8 38.6%
T4 16 100.0% 16 98 9 45.1%


Mizzix of the Izmagnus | EDHREC Statistics

Mizzix of the Izmagnus | Discord cEDH Discussion

Online/Paper Differences


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90% Competitive

Revision 89 See all

(5 months ago)

+1 Drown in Dreams main
+1 Pinnacle Monk  Flip maybe
+1 Sink into Stupor  Flip maybe
-1 Stroke of Genius main
Top Ranked
Date added 7 years
Last updated 5 months
Exclude colors WBG

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

45 - 0 Rares

12 - 0 Uncommons

24 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.44
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Copy Clone, Experience Token, Treasure
Folders Gebirge/Insel, 6. Third Party Decks, Da valutare, Decks I think are lit, Cool Decks, Mizzix, MTGO, EDH Decks, mizzix, References for my own decks
Ignored suggestions
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