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Modern Burn of Attrition

Modern UBR (Grixis)




This deck was originally inspired by Fires of Undeath thanks to the lovely art of Jason Chan. Naturally, the card itself is not actually that good, but it gave a good deal of inspiration. The deck used variations of burn through Modern for reference.


Bump in the Night was added thanks to its similarities to Lava Spike with the bonus of flashback, thus aiding the BR color choice. With both Fires of Undeath and Bump in the Night having flashback for 6 mana, they allow for the lack of fizzle the most. While the deck does slow down thanks to the high cost, it often results in a slower use of resources rather than the dead halt burn struggles with.

Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded was added thanks to his turn 2 impact on the board with his ability to cycle and his -4 sometimes becoming quite useful. He unfortunately does not work as well later on, usually becoming discard fodder himself, but he still can see some use.

Alms of the Vein is a surprisingly impactful card. Normally, it's bad (Though it can be useful in a pinch) when the 3 mana cost cannot be avoided, but the madness trigger is ridiculously effective. Usually, it is held in the hand for discard with results that vary from mediocre to carrying the game.

Dash Hopes is best treated as BB "Deal 5" rather than an actual counterspell unless you use it later in the game to really pressure your opponent, making them question if preventing the counter will actually kill them.

Havoc Festival is one of the most fun and risky cards. Preventing life gain is niche, but halving life totals can be game winning or losing depending on turn order. I recommend playing it on turn 5 or 6 based on the game state, with creatrues and burn on the stack being a major factor as to what you should do.


Extirpate Was chosen over Surgical Extraction thanks to the split second mechanic, but they honestly could be interchangeable depending on the metagame.

Rakdos Charm is in the sideboard thanks to the great versatility with a great anti aggro tool, artifact hate, and very situational graveyard hate.

Ignorant Bliss is odd, extremely situational, and is mainly just used against Eldrazi. It usually doesn't do anything against Thoughtseize or Inquisition of Kozilek if they get it out early, but if you can get it against Thought-Knot Seer it works wonders. It is probably the most likely to be cut from the sideboard if blue is splashed.

This is by no means the final version, experimentation and tinkering is in the future. Possibly will splash blue mana to add more card draw and consistency, as the deck is still capable of fizzle, but can also burst out of nowhere and kill you to the surprise of your opponent, and depending on the situation, you.


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

18 - 5 Rares

7 - 10 Uncommons

22 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.11
Tokens Devil 1/1 R
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