Modern Colorless Eldrazitron

Modern mossflower


derickmoore25 says... #1

This looks like fun to play

July 13, 2014 2:27 p.m.

mossflower says... #2

Glad you agree! I've been having a lot of fun playing modern lately. =D

July 13, 2014 11:39 p.m.

Sniperwave says... #3

Any thoughts on running the combination of Karn Liberated and Oblivion Sower once it comes out?

For Reference

August 23, 2015 1:12 p.m.

mossflower says... #4

Oblivion Sower is interesting, but it competes with the Wurmcoil Engine slot, and Wurmcoil Engine just has so much more of an effect by itself.

Similar story with Karn Liberated, where Ugin, the Spirit Dragon is just better.

I am looking forward to more spoilers from Battle for Zendikar: they may come out with something that would be perfect for this deck.

August 23, 2015 8:07 p.m.

I'm inclined to disagree with part of that statement. Karn is definitely better than Ugin and he comes in a turn earlier. Usually a 3/1 split in favor of Karn is about right.

August 23, 2015 8:13 p.m.

mossflower says... #6

In normal R/G versions of tron, I'd agree that Karn is better: he can come out turn 3 or 4 and just take over the game. In my version, you can't rely on ever actually assembling all 3 tron lands, and you're more likely to reach planeswalker casting range on turn 6 or 7. By that point, the opponent has likely developed a sizeable board to try and get around the Spellskites and Lodestone Golems. In that situation, Ugin, the Spirit Dragon just comes in as a 1-sided board wipe that lets you finish out the game, where Karn Liberated would just be too slow to affect the board.

August 23, 2015 8:29 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #7

September 2, 2015 8:30 p.m.

mossflower says... #8

Blightsteel Colossus fights Emrakul, the Aeons Torn for the "it's time to finally win the game right now" slot.

Emrakul, the Aeons Torn wins.

September 4, 2015 8:45 p.m.

Parris1989 says... #9

cool deck can you check mine out I'm debating If I should replace my Blightsteel Colossus for It That Betray's also is Oblivion stone better then wrath of god? I was just going for a monster board wipe if anything and it's a 4 mana drop so it's faster then Oblivion Stone, Thank's and the Deck is called Eldrazis Rebirth

September 28, 2015 6:50 p.m.

mossflower says... #10

Alright, we're trying out New-lamog!

September 30, 2015 2:58 p.m.

I think you should replace your 2 Swamps with Watery Graves, Underground Rivers, or Creeping Tar Pits since you have Spellskite and Dismember.

September 30, 2015 3:22 p.m.

mossflower says... #12

Spellskite's ability is basically free in 99% of games: those 2 life just don't matter when Spellskite completely ends the opponents chance of winning through Splinter Twin.

Also, the only reason I play Swamps at all because I need basics for when the opponent Ghost Quarters or Swords to Plowsharess me. This is ultimately a control deck that can't afford to miss out on opportunities to play land (which is why it has 26 + 4 tutors). I can't replace the basics with non-basics, so I may as well play the swamps which can be useful in paying for Dismember. Even then, if the life loss from Dismember could potentially matter (against burn for example), they're the first thing to get sideboarded out.

October 1, 2015 2:05 a.m.

Swords to Plowshares isn't modern legal, but I see your point.

October 1, 2015 2 p.m.

mossflower says... #14

Oops, yeah, I obviously meant Path to Exile.

October 1, 2015 10:43 p.m.

kengiczar says... #15

Ulamog at 10 is really threatening. The other version's mana cost, though only sightly higher, gives me time to come up with answers while durdling. This version forces me to have more answers main deck or I lose.

The Crucible of Worlds is also really annoying, particularly if I am running some Fulminator Mages main deck and was counting on them to save my hide.

October 4, 2015 6:15 a.m.

I'de put a Sire of Stagnation in side-board for scapeshift and other land heavy decks

May 15, 2016 5:11 p.m.

mossflower says... #17

Don't currently have a way to produce blue in the deck, but even if I did, Sire of Stagnation seems too slow for Scapeshift (which is admittedly a bad match-up). It doesn't actually stop the combo, and their combo is actually faster than almost anything I can do.

May 16, 2016 3:04 a.m.

jludwig777 says... #18

Swap the Swamp for an Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth?

August 6, 2016 9:52 p.m.

mossflower says... #19

I like to keep at least 1 basic in the deck because of how prevalent Ghost Quarter and Path to Exile are. In fact, I bring in 2 more basics from the side against any deck that plays white. I also cut the Dismembers a lot against non-creature decks.

Dismember is mainboard to fight against infect/zooicide. Even if we did naturally draw Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth in a game against them, we wouldn't use the black mana. We need to be able to quickly kill their creatures before they effectively combo kill us.

August 6, 2016 10:18 p.m.

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