The_Flying_Hydras says... #4
"Now with the addition of Dwynen's Ellite to the"
You have a small typo here. Additionally, if you wanted to tag every card, Shaman of the Pack isn't tagged the very first time it's mentioned.
Additionally, I'm curious about Damping Matrix. Mainboard it stops Arbor Elf and Temur Sabertooth from being useful, and out of the board it also shuts down Ezuri, Renegade Leader. Why Damping Matrix over, say, Null Rod? Just curious. Anywho, great look at elves combo. I've been trying to find a deck that works for me in Modern, so I might try it out. Have a +1. :D
July 2, 2015 1:57 a.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #5
Traditionally when I play Damping Matrix I side out the Temur Sabertooth...and while it does hit Arbor Elf; typically I get my use out of Arbor Elf on turns 1-2 and THEN play Damping Matrix...It just hits a lot of the decks/cards that Combo Elves tend to have issues with.
The sideboard is not 100% solid; however. Leyline of Vitality has been great as it attacks both Burn (which is a tough match up for elves) as well as all of the -1/-1 hate enchantments and spells in Modern. Of course we all know how good Thoughtseize and Abrupt Decay are. I have also been testing Evolutionary Leap (which I like quite a bit as a answer to board wipes and removal), Unified Will (which pretty much acts as a hard counter that they are never ready for :) ), and a few other cards (like Stain the Mind, etc.) I'll let you know as I test each card (and continue to play against all of the top tier decks).
July 2, 2015 2:17 a.m.
The_Flying_Hydras says... #6
Hmm. Makes sense. Stain the mind seems really intriguing. I'll probably try to build up the deck and test with it. I'm assuming that's mostly in against combo and possibly against control to pick out sweepers? It's certainly fodder for thought if nothing else; I'm generally a pretty big fan of card deprivation.
One more question:What's the significance of the singleton Eternal Witness in the board? It seems like it's mostly filler to recur shaman of the pack or gen wave in a really grindy matchup, but I'm not necessarily sure when it'd be useful to board in; it's not a gamechanging threat to resolve against control, and it can help assemble lost combo pieces but slows the deck down otherwise against race-type matchups. What does E Wit bring to the deck?
July 2, 2015 3:31 a.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #7
Eternal Witness tends to come in in the more "fair" match ups where there is a lot of spot removal and attrition. Jund, Junk, some Jeskai Midrange, Grixis, etc. I also side it in against control (as I like to take out the Genesis Waves against control and put in a few more creatures (that can be protected with Cavern).
It's not a pure necessity, however. "Fair" match ups tend to be pretty favorable for us anyways. It just offers a lot in those match ups. I never see the sideboard as "set"; however. I am totally open to sideboard ideas (of course I'm always open to constructive criticism/aid :) )
Thanks for your help and +1 as well!
July 2, 2015 4:01 a.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #8
Moved Temur Sabertooth to the board and added another Coiling Oracle (although it may turn into a 3rd Shaman of the Pack after testing.
I felt like I really just wanted to "race" in game one; and streamline the two and three are where I may have issues with artifact removal and or "Curio Hate" and that's when Temur Sabertooth should come in. It took the place of Eternal Witness for the time being (as they kind of fit the same function of developing advantage in "grindier" matches.)
July 2, 2015 7:19 a.m.
metalemmanuel says... #9
Good someone using Genesis Wave in his elves deck other than me.. great job.. looks awesome. Really love garruk nykthos arbor elf genesis wave interaction..put garruk tap nykthos for green untap nykthos retap nykthos untap it with arbor elf.. cast genesis wave with big number. Get another nykthos.. rince repeat... im thinking about putting arbor elf in my deck now since I didnt think about this interaction ! !!
Could you look to my green elves only deck ? Genenis of Collected Elves
July 2, 2015 8:46 a.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #10
Genenis of Collected Elves looks good metalemmanuel! It's straight forward and takes advantage of great elves, the best card advantage in the archetype (in Genesis Wave and Collected Company) and killer win-cons. You could switch out Llanowar Elves or Elvish Mystic for Arbor Elf but you certainly don't have to. Looks good. Thanks for the kind words and the +1 as well!
July 2, 2015 9:30 a.m. Edited.
metalemmanuel says... #11
People not running Genesis Wave are killing me.. Since everything is not cast, and only "put" on the battlefied, blue can't counter the creatures coming unless they counter the Genesis Wave itself, and having more lands and less in the deck is always good.. And hitting Craterhoof Behemoth or Ezuri, Renegade Leader on a x=8 Genesis Wave is almost win-con by itself..
In my testing with a small program I found, I'm almost undefeated with this deck, unless I really got a bad hand.. Worst Matchups are for me decks having heavy removal or a faster clock than me
And yeah, I'm thinking about removing Llanowar Elves or Elvish Mystic for Arbor Elf
What do you think about running something like Asceticism against heavy spot removal decks?
Do you have any Idea for a mono green sideboard???
July 2, 2015 11:31 a.m.
Whoa. Mind blown. I knew elves could go crazy with Origins... bit WHOA!
July 2, 2015 7:41 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #13
Thanks Sigmafie! Yeah...the second I saw those elves I was like "oh my God...someone at WOTC love Combo Elves! They had to know what both cards would do with Cloudstone Curio (as they both have perfect ETB effects and powerful effects for their cost.)
metalemmanuel - Yeah...Genesis Wave is probably the most powerful green non-permanent spell every printed. In a deck like this (that creates TONS of mana but all of the cards are low-CMC AND there are numerous infinite combos) you really can't get much better of a "card advantage spell" than Wave. Even at X=4 it is unreal.
I could see cards like Asceticism being strong when the meta is heavily attrition/removal based (i.e. when Jund, Junk, Jeskai, Grixis, etc. thriving). I'll tell you a card I would play over those that was just spoiled...Evolutionary Leap. It allows you to respond to board wipes and/or removal by sacking a creature only to turn around and draw another. I'm high on that card in Elf boards.
Other mono-green options for the board that I've used in the past include:
Beast Within, Essence Warden, Choke, Scavenging Ooze, Leyline of Vitality, Cavern of Souls, Spellskite], Eternal Witness, Evolutionary Leap, Primal Command, Seal of Primordium, Reclamation Sage, Pithing Needle (or Phyrexian Revoker), Root Maze, Plow Under, Leyline of Lifeforce, Loaming Shaman
These should pretty much cover any and all potential decks you could run up against. Once you know what decks are your worst match ups and how many of each are in the meta you play in; you will easily be able to build a board from the above.
For decks with a lot of removal, I would suggest Eternal Witness and Evolutionary Leap. These are great ways to get value out of their removal. Against burn, I like both Leyline of Vitality and Primal Command (which also has good graveyard hate, tutor-ability, AND can bounce lands). Spellskite is a good catch for Twin, Infect, and Boggles. Beast Within is the perfect "catch all" removal for any match up (including Tron as it can hit lands...). You can certainly get away with a mono-green sideboard.
July 3, 2015 12:16 a.m.
metalemmanuel says... #14
Thank you so much.. Already having a green deck (mono green stompy) and a lot of these ideas are wonderful.. I didn't even think about Beast Within for tron, twin,etc.. Shame Spellskite is out of my budget
July 3, 2015 8:34 a.m.
jacedaniels says... #15
i find this build very helpful in my own list. i am constructing an elf combo deck of my own that i think you will find very interesting
July 3, 2015 2:02 p.m.
have you considered Beck / Call? it might be able to take the place of some of your land enchantments.
July 3, 2015 5:02 p.m. Edited.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #17
Beck / Call would be a better fit in the "all elves" version....but it seems VERY interesting with Dwynen's Elite (2 draws for one card!)
July 3, 2015 6:41 p.m.
The_Flying_Hydras says... #18
"Yeah...Genesis Wave is probably the most powerful green non-permanent spell every printed. In a deck like this (that creates TONS of mana but all of the cards are low-CMC AND there are numerous infinite combos) you really can't get much better of a "card advantage spell" than Wave. Even at X=4 it is unreal."
Sorry, I just have to give my two cents on Gen wave here. It's powerful, yes, but the most powerful green non permanent ever printed? I'm not convinced. For instance, I think that Green Sun's Zenith deserves some consideration; what it lacks in throwing down lots of permanents, it makes up for in selection; you can ramp turn 1 with dryad arbor, then it shuffles back in to fetch a kitchen finks against burn or a Melira against infect a bit later. It can get what you need, when you need it. There's a reason it's banned in modern. :P
However, my top pick for a green instant or sorcery in terms of power level is a card I play in my legacy board: Time Walk. Oh, wait, I mean: Seedtime. So that control deck just tapped out to counter your threat? No problem! Use that last two mana to Time Walk. Then, while they're tapped out, untap and play a whole host of new threats. Or just combo off, cause really, who cares. You just used time walk. In green. Those are my picks.
Sorry for being off topic.
July 4, 2015 1:50 a.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #19
Green Suns Zenith is not Modern Legal. Sorry...I only play Modern; so I pretty much frame every comment with Modern Goggles on :). I should have led with that.
July 4, 2015 3:07 a.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #20
Haha! I had never seen Seedtime! Poor blue players :). Makes me want to get into legacy...although I have played Legacy elves: and I don't think I could play anything else...but it would go in my board whether it should or not just to see the face of the opponent!
July 4, 2015 3:11 a.m.
Or are you afraid of topdecking one while you have no elves in hand?
July 4, 2015 3:08 p.m.
sure youve heard it before, but why the lack of Collected Company? that card could be killer.
July 4, 2015 3:36 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #24
Hey Scorprix! I'm currently testing one. The deck needs a good amount of "Forest"'s because of Arbor Overgrown Tomb is better than Gilt-Leaf Palace in many situations. I want to take as little hurt from my lands as possible, however; so you are right that most likely Gilt-Leaf Palace needs to be in there at least as a 1-of. are right that Beck acts like Glimpse at certain points...the extra blue mana makes SUCH a huge difference though...having said this, I have been playing a different style of Combo Elves deck that runs 4x Beck and 4x Summoner's Pact (that much more closely resembles Extended Elves decks of the's super fast and consistent....the only issue is that it is not very resilient...if the Heritage Druid is killed or they counter the Pact, or even worse if they have a board wipe you pretty much just have to scoop. I'm still testing it though ;as if there is a way to make it work and be even just a tiny bit more resilient it will be a Tier deck (remember how good Elves was in extended? And now we have more peices to get closer!)
One tough part about using Shaman of the Pack and in my cast Coiling Oracle is that you can only make infinite Green mana; so you need ways of making sure you get your Blue and Black mana when you need it. That's another nice part about the land enchantments...with Cloudstone Curio you can essentially move them around to turn every land into whatever color you want. I've begun testing a 1-of Nylea's Presence today as well to see if it is a good fit (as it also allows Arbor Elf to untap Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx.
The biggest issue I'm running into now is actually a funny one. There are too many good pieces to use! I HAVE to cut somethihng and I don't want to cut anything :)
July 4, 2015 4:14 p.m. Edited.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #25
On the topic of Collected is an AMAZING card. But it is also kind of a "build around me" card that forces you to begin adding in cards like Ezuri, Archdruid....I'm not sure (a) that you can do much better with Collected Company than CoCo Elves decks already do and (b) that Colleced Company is the best choice in Combo Elf's certainly worth testing.
Another issue is that with Genesis Wave you want as few non-permanent's as possible. I could see someone simply replacing the Waves with CoCo's; but I feel like you get more out of Wave in this version. I will see if I can find a way to get it in the deck at minimum for testing so I can be absolutely certain though.
DARK_VOID says... #1
July 2, 2015 1:14 a.m.