XTechNinjaX says... #3
Just an idea but have you considered Essence Warden? She fits the elf tribal, makes for a great turn 1 that people will want to answer, and if she goes unanswered would sustain you a ton early and add a potential endless life combo as well.
July 4, 2015 9:01 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #4
Thank you so much XTechNinjaX!
I have tried Essence Warden and you are right that she is awesome!!!
I actually would be running her in the sideboard if it wasn't for all of the -1/-1 spells and enchantments (Night of Souls' Betrayal, Zealous Conscripts, Golgari Charm, Pyroclasm, and many more)...this is the only reason I ended up going with Leyline of Vitality. There are certainly meta's where Essence Warden would be a great choice even for main. Good idea!
Btw...thank you for the +1!
July 4, 2015 9:25 p.m.
Have you considered adding Summoner's Pact?
It'd definitely be useful in obtaining one of your missing combo pieces, and because you can win the same turn that you combo off, you wouldn't have to worry about paying the cost next turn. There probably isn't room for a playset, but even one or two of them could boost the consistency and efficiency of any one of your combos.
Great build +1 :)
July 6, 2015 2 p.m.
Would aether vial be good for this deck? That way you could flash in elves
July 7, 2015 1:37 p.m.
Well, this has my trademark Nylea's Presence, so I have to like it... But it also looks like a solid, crazy, awesome combo deck! I approve these shenanigans! You have my +1 for sure.
July 8, 2015 6:40 p.m.
palatineanhero says... #9
Wonderful.Goryo's Vengeance.Otherwise. Respect sir.
July 8, 2015 6:45 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #10
Thanks for the kind words! I will be addressing specific suggestions right after I'm done testing tonight.
I'm also trying out a 1-2 of Elvish Archdruid in testing tonight...not real sure it fits in this style deck (may just be too slow); but I figured I should at least give it a try.
July 8, 2015 7:13 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #11
17hagenn...I've tried Pact briefly; although at the time the deck looked quite different. I am going to test it tonight as it is an amazing card in elf combo decks of past (pretty much an absolute necessity as a full set in Extended Elves...). This deck wants to run as few non-permanents as possible; but Summoner's Pact may be well worth it.
July 9, 2015 2:57 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #12
GreenHorn, I've actually never tried Aether Vial I. Elf decks simply because you're 1-drops almost always want to be elves (and/or be a green permanent for devotion). The instant speed "flashing in" though is certainly interesting (especially with Cloudstone Curio...you could use it in response to removal!). Interesting idea!
July 9, 2015 3:01 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #13
Lord0fHam...if only Eyeblight Massacre was instant speed!
July 9, 2015 3:02 p.m.
Ha, love these kind of awesome modern decks try this one!
July 10, 2015 3:31 p.m.
ToolmasterOfBrainerd says... #15
I think I'm missing something because I found it easy to go infinite, but difficult to actually win once I did. I get that you use Shaman of the Pack to win, but isn't all of that mana green, making recasting Shaman of the Pack impossible because you can't get the black to chain-cast it? I also found it difficult to win without Cloudstone Curio, but I think both issues are from my lack of experience with the deck. I have not played elves at all, so I had to playtest for awhile before I got the hand of it, but I still think I'm doing something wrong.
BTW, Genesis Wave is amazing. I don't know why anyone wouldn't play a full set - it was amazing.
July 10, 2015 4:38 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #17
Hey Figag!
One way to make sure you get enough black mana once you've gone "infinite" is to cast a Genesis Wave until you hit a land and a Utopia Sprawl or Abundant Growth....because lands come in off of waves, and you can bounce and "move around" the enchantnents via Cloudstone Curio, as long as you hit a land and 2 enchantnents (or already have one on board); you will have any color mana you want.
There are a few different ways to win once you "go infinite:
Because Dwynen's Elite combos with Heritage Druid to create infinite Elf Warrior tokens; you actually only need one black mana and one Shaman of the Pack...just create infinite tokens first and then cast Shaman.
If you have one or more elves without summoning sickness; you can just pump them via Kessig Wilf Run.
I also wanted to run another idea by everyone. I've fiddled with the idea of playing a 1-of Impact Tremors...what do you think? It can be played early to bounce other enchantnents and is a win-com once we go infinite....that, and it does some good damage as we just play the game...we're already in red; so it wouldn't change our mana base. I'm testing it tonight.
It is a complex deck that takes a while to play perfectly (I still can't say I play it perfectly :) ) but I've found it to be actually quite competitive!
I've still got a few cards I'm testing to get the deck to a "set" point; but it feels really really close.
July 10, 2015 6:55 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #18
I totally agree too on Genesis Wave...it is broken in elf decks.
July 10, 2015 7:06 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #20
The most recent change came about because Sylvan Messenger felt a little "slow" for the deck. Without it, I couldn't find anything that I loved. I kept thinking, "I wish I had another copy of X"...which of course led to "duh..." So I added:
Basically, these effectively act as an additional copy of the important cards in the deck. Instead of diluting the deck with other cards; this allows the deck to be both faster AND more consistent. There is much more discussion about each in the "Description" section above.
I also added a 1-of Llanowar Elves. I ran it over a second Elvish Mystic simply to avoid Maelstrom Pulse and Izzet Staticaster (it may look a little weird and its rare; but if we can avoid it we should :)
July 19, 2015 1:31 a.m. Edited.
This deck looks amazing. I've been playing the new Elvish deck in Standard, which was pretty fun. Since I'm getting into Modern, I wanted to look out for something similar.
So just one question: Why four times Arbor Elf instead of Elvish Mystic? Is it because of Utopia Sprawl?
Also: How good is this deck doing against the top-tier decks?
September 15, 2015 1:57 a.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #22
Hey Lachance!
You are exactly right. Arbor Elf is in there due to the use of Utopia Sprawl. While it can be tapped to untap a land in response to removal (allowing you to use the mana in a different phase); this upside is generally not worth the "need Forest" aspect. In this case, the Utopia Sprawls make it worth it.
The deck actually performs quite well against the current meta (as it is heavy in "fair" decks like Jund, Grixis, etc,). The deck is unique in the fact that it can race unfair decks, but also is strong against fair decks. It has the same issue most elf decks have with board wipes and huge sums of removal; however the "Nyxwave" package (Utopia Sprawl, Abundant Growth, Cloudstone Curio, and Nykthos) helps protect from this more than most elf decks.
I still need to perfect the sideboard; but black is a GREAT color for elves. With Thoughtseize and Stain the Mind; we have a way to both cut off other fast combo decks while also removing boardwipes and other hate against us. It's super close.
But yes, to answer your question; I've found it to be competitive :) I am always, however, open to ideas, criticism, thoughts, etc. to make it better!
September 16, 2015 12:01 a.m.
i run a simic combo elves deck that uses Emrakul, the Aeons Torn and Evolutionary Leap. I have found leap to be invaluable, blanking removal, digging for combo pieces, and refilling your hand after a board wipe. I run 3 leap, largely due to finding myself always wishing for one to make chump blockers useful/dig for combo pieces/being a generally efficient way to deal with both spot and mass removal. it also combos nicely with emrakul and infinite mana. dig for emrakul using leap, cast emrakul, put another turn on your count, sac emrakul, return your graveyard to your library and do it again, and again, and again...
September 16, 2015 10:39 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #24
I do agree Mastertoa. This list was made prior to the rise of Evolutionary Leap in elves. Don't get me wrong...I tried Leap the second it was spoiled; but couldn't quite get it to work (I found it to be slow in my initial testing..I was concerned that having 8 slots dedicated to "engine" of both Curio and Leap made the matches vs other combo decks tough to win)....I was wrong though, and gave up to easily on it. Obviously, Leap has a place in elves. I just didn't give it enough time and try enough iterations of new lists. I'm currently working on a list with Leap in it that I will of course post (assuming it is different enough to offer something to the elves conversation. I'd love to see your list as well. Great point!
September 18, 2015 11:42 p.m.
gotcha. i find that leap just blanks a lot of the traditional problems elves has: if your opponent board wipes, just use all the Llanowar Elves/Elvish Mystic's to replace themselves and give you an edge. opponent trying to play the beatdown game? sac chump blockers to find your combo pieces sooner. spot removal giving you a headache? same deal.
here is my list if you are interested
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #2
Hey All! I've been testing quite a bit (dozens and dozens of games today) trying out a few different takes on the deck...
An interesting note...I just tried a deck with the following:
-3 Coiling Oracle -2 Garruk Wildspeaker
+2 Sylvan Messenger+2 Nylea's Presence+1 Temur Sabertooth
It's been really good. I can't say that it is better than the version with Oracle and Garruk (as Garruk is really strong in the deck); but it does allow me to also run Kessig Wolf Run (which has been REALLY strong).
Nylea's Presence was added for a few reasons. I didn't want to drastically reduce the "card draw" aspect of the deck (Coiling Oracle goes a long way to this) and I like the idea of Arbor Elf being able to untap Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx for huge waves (takes some of the sting away from not having Garruk Wildspeaker). Sylvan Messenger is a HUGE amount of card advantage and has led to crazy "strings" of elves.
I will find out which version works best and update the deck accordingly.
July 4, 2015 8:38 p.m.