Modern Pure Ramp (*Nissa Worldwaker Added*)
SCORE: 139 | 168 COMMENTS | 35024 VIEWS | IN 61 FOLDERS
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #3
Thanks APPLE01DOJ. And Thank you for the +1 !! I really appreciate it.
July 7, 2014 12:38 a.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #4
Trying out with 3x Primeval Titan and only one Craterhoof Behemoth ....let you guys know how it goes...Let me know what you think!
July 9, 2014 12:36 a.m.
jessebow2000 says... #5
Helix Pinnacle and Primal Crux need to be in this deck
July 9, 2014 11:47 a.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #6
jessebow2000, I absoutely LOVE Primalcrux ! It is a card I instantly started utilizing when I began brewing green devotion (with the release of Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx ) is a card that is actually a centerpiece in one of the devotion decks I have built. It and Khalni Hydra can break games wide open if you have any form of mana sink...and Primalcrux can win all on its own. I have tried out Primalcrux in this build (albeit not long enough to assume I had tested enough to ensure it shouldn't be in the deck) and found that typically I had wished I played a Primeval Titan instead :)
The tough part about ramping in Modern is the extremely efficient removal spells...particularly Path to Exile is REALLY tough to use your mana to cast a 10/10 Primalcrux only to have it exiled for 1 mana! With Primeval Titan , even if he is removed the second he resolves; you still get your two lands (and a majority of the time one of the lands is a Kessig Wolf Run . It is a definite trade-off thought (as Primalcrux is often much larger than Primeval Titan ; but Primeval Titan is simply a more powerful card on it's own....Also, Chord of Calling is slightly harder for a Primalcrux only because it has to be 9 Green mana (as opposed to 5 green and 4 colorless for Primeval Titan ). This isn't the end of the world (as a majority of your mana and creatures are green); but it is something that can keep you from Chord of Calling for a Primalcrux if you have Cavern of Souls and/or Kessig Wolf Run in play. The trade-off, however, is that if you Chord on the opponents end of turn for a Primalcrux ; often time you can have a 12/12 + "haste" creature with trample on your turn! So many things to take into account!!!
Having said this, I do need to try out Primalcrux some more to ensure there shouldn't be at a minimum one of them in this deck. It will be VERY difficult to take out even one Primeval Titan as it most likely is the most powerful green 6-drop in Modern (it definitely is in the top 3)...there is a reason it is banned in several formats :)....but Primalcrux is a green-devotion deck creature for sure. "Chroma" was the precursor to Devotion; so he was literally made for such a deck :) Great suggestion and something definitely worth trying out.
I like Helix Pinnacle
as well; but I prefer it more for "infinite combo" decks. It is a great win-con for decks that generate infinite mana. I have used it in two different decks (both my defender green deck which I will put on Tapped Out sometime next week as well as well as my Bloom Tender
deck)...I don't absolutely love it in a non-infinite deck; however, as it seems to take too would be fun to brew some form of Simic control/ramp deck that uses it though...that is a deck we have to make!
Great suggestions! I will try out Primalcrux today. Thank you! And thank you for the +1!
July 9, 2014 5:19 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #7
Changed the "Gold Fish" to represent only one Craterhoof Behemoth and three Primeval Titan ....while it drops the total damage on turn three from 121 to 99...99 most of the time will still be lethal on turn three :) Having access to three Primeval Titan just makes the deck far more powerful when playing the entirety of the meta.
I will update the sideboard comments this evening as well (as it is changed during my testing period). As always; please let me know what you think or of anything you think could improve the deck! Thanks in advance for everyone's help and positive comments on this deck! Someday we green mages will get a greed devotion deck to become a contender in the Meta!
July 9, 2014 5:40 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #9
Me too Caligula! It started with only two; but a third was quickly added :). Wish I had room for four! Just too much card advantage not to use.
July 10, 2014 11:59 p.m.
Something you probably know, but I just noticed after playtesting this a bit: when you have Trace of Abundance 's shroud it doesn't allow you to abuse the untap abilities of Garruk, Arbor Elf, etc. I understand the need to protect your Nykthos, but the truly insane levels of mana come from these untap abilities. Just something to consider and possibly tweak.
July 13, 2014 2:22 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #11
I agree with you completely eeagle....In the last few nights; I've moved it back to the sideboard (and simply added a fourth Garruk Wildspeaker )...I'm not positive that the "extra slot" is going to stay a 4th Garruk, so I didn't want to change it yet; but it does cause a enough problems (as you can't Utopia Sprawl or Abundant Growth the land after a Trace of Abundance either....) to keep it out until match-ups that are heavy land destruction...
I've also toyed around with cards like Privileged Position and Terra Eternal (although starting to call the color on Utopia Sprawl "white" can get a little deep :) to see if I can find other ways to protect the lands...with Rock continuing to grow (which run's 4 Tectonic Edge as well as Control decks often running Tec Edges as well; along with a good amount of side-board Fulminator Mage 's running around...I feel like I need some form of protection for my lands (given the importance they play in the ramping nature of the deck). Privileged Position is the best card; but it just feels too slow in many instances...LD is a tough thing to play against and it seems to becoming more popular in Modern. Fortunately, destroying one land here or there doesn't cripple our deck; but its one of few areas that can slow us down...
I'll change out the main-board one for Garruk Wildspeaker
to show what I'm currently testing; and I'll update again once I feel comfortable with the best fit for the "slot" taken. It may very well end up being Garruk; but with 2 Nissa, Worldwaker
(which I am liking quite a bit); a full set may not be necessary (although he's very powerful in this deck) always, I'd love to hear what you think too! Any great cards you think would be a cool fit?
Thanks so much for the great suggestion eeagle!!
July 13, 2014 5:10 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #12
A card I would really like to try out in the deck is Thousand-Year Elixir ....I feel like ti is a card that can be broken in Modern (if not in this deck, somewhere)...but it works amazingly well with Arbor Elf , Elvish Archdruid , etc....and even in the worst case scenario can give one of the larger creatures pseudo-vigilance (as it can untap them after they attack)....I'll have to test it; but I'd love to hear thoughts on it.
July 14, 2014 1:28 a.m.
The loophole with Tectonic Edge that I don't think is taken advantage of in Modern is that its "destroy" mechanic depends on you controlling four or more lands. This is something that is fairly easy to avoid with all of your land pumping, although Nissa, Worldwaker 's second +1 would not be in full effect. And if you are worried about Privileged Position being too slow, this deck easily can get 5 mana by turn 2 or 3. I would only sideboard it at best, and put it in when a red or black deck shows up.
Finally, if you are worried about Stone Rain or really any removal, Turn Aside is one of my favorites in permanent-heavy decks. The cost is nice, and if you are playing against any of the new "Strive" mechanics it counters the whole spell, not just one of the creatures it targets. And it protects just about every one of your cards, which is uber nice. I use it to great effect in my deck here:
Hurricane Season Playtest
SCORE: 1 | 0 COMMENTS | 137 VIEWSSadly, no Fulminator Mage protection from it though :(
July 14, 2014 3:55 a.m.
Why not throw in 1 Akroma's Memorial for some Genesis Wave luhls. Not to mention it'd make all your elves scary.
I notice your looking into Thousand-Year Elixir so the memorial might work to serve a purpose here. Even provide an alternate win-con off gen.wave
Ps... I am envious of those foil mistys. </3
July 14, 2014 12:25 p.m.
I agree with Caligula about Akroma's Memorial . 7cmc is not a big hurdle for this deck, and with your elves it would definitely be a win con. I would argue it is as good as a Genesis Wave for finishing if you have that board presence. But with Gen Wave! Wow.
July 14, 2014 1:43 p.m.
I see you are looking into Thousand-Year Elixir . Would Magewright's Stone 's lower initial cmc be worth it? or do you need the haste effect from Elixir?
+1 great deck!
July 14, 2014 4:01 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #17
haughtonm....what a neat card :) I'm sure I'll be sleeving that up in a deck in the future. I didn't even remember that that card existed! Can do some broken things! Great idea.
And yes, Caligula and eeagle; I have played Akroma's Memorial in past was a card I like A LOT when I played the Genesis Wave / Elves deck that ran 7 more elves (a few more Ezuri, Elvish Mystic 's, and Heritage Druid ) and ran a full set of Genesis Wave was kind of "all in" on generating a ton of Elf-mana and casting huge's the same one with the Elvish Archdruid / Umbral Mantle combo...I love that deck! It was much more fragile to board-wipes; but it was a heck of a lot of fun!!!
I'm not sure if it would be quite as good in this deck, as I generally don't have a ton (i.e. more than 4) elves on board most games at one time (as most decks have some form of removal) and it doesn't pump the elves at they're still all 1/1's. In the Elf-Centric build; I generally always hit an Ezuri, Renegade Leader so it made more sense as there was almost always enough mana to pump them all +3/+3....
Also, I feel like in this deck, if I'm casting a wave for 7+ I'm probably winning anyways. With the amount of untap effects off walkers and draw effects; I often will have a TON of mana post wave (assuming I don't already have a win-con out there) that I can either Chord of Calling
for Craterhoof Behemoth
, Kessig Wolf Run
one of the creatures without summoning sickness, or Ezuri-Pump and elf or two 5+ times....But, being able to give Primeval Titan
haste, vigilance, first strike, etc....that's HUGE.
Having said all of this, until I've tried it, I can't be sure; so I will definitely give it a try (as you guys know what you're talking about and I respect both of your opinions (as you've proven to be quite knowledgeable in your past decks and comments)....Thank you for the great suggestion!
July 15, 2014 12:38 a.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #18
Also eeagle, I love Turn Aside
...great card! I will certainly be using that several times in the future (as I play very permanent-heavy decks). Thank you!
Also, your deck, Hurricane Season is really cool! I love seeing some of the cards we can't play in Modern (as it makes for such awesome brewing ideas)!
July 15, 2014 12:41 a.m.
Well the way I see it even if you only hit Elvish Archdruid 's and a whole bunch of mana dorks on your G-wave. At least they have all become buffed by the druids and can attack the turn they hit play if you dropped in even 1 Akroma's Memorial
Bonus pro red and black too.
So no Bile Blight , no Drown in Sorrow , no Mizzium Mortars and fooey to you Anger of the Gods
which just kill ramp decks =(
July 15, 2014 9:18 a.m.
Really like the deck! +1 from me!
Noticed something a little incorrect in your description though. Reclamation Sage (and Viridian Shaman for that matter) will not actually destroy Torpor Orb , as the effect that would destroy the orb cannot be triggered. Only relevant if you're meta's full of Orbs and/ or you can't work around it, but if it's a big issue, you probably should have a different sideboard plan against it.
July 15, 2014 10:22 a.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #21
Thanks Killkow! And you are right about Reclamation Sage
...I was very excited when it was spoiled (and it is still an awesome card); but you'll notice from my sideboard that it was replaced a while back with Nature's Claim
and a Beast Within
. You are exactly right . For the most important artifact we want to destroy; Reclamation Sage
can't do it!
I had forgot I left that in the description! I should have removed it when I removed Reclamation Sage from the board. I'll remove it now! Thanks for pointing that out! And thank you for the +1!
July 15, 2014 11:56 a.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #22
One card I also think would be a possibility in a build such as this is Rosheen Meanderer ....with Kessig Wolf Run , Genesis Wave , and Chord of Calling having X in their costs; his 4-mana could be a large ramp....and a 4/4 body is not bad a 4-CMC. Also, as a "Giant" I could Cavern of Souls him and Primeval Titan ...I may have to test with a 1-of. Let me know what you guys think!
July 15, 2014 7:42 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #23
Rosheen Meanderer would be really fun to build around (in a deck with four Waves and/or four Chords)...may even be better than my current take; however that would require the removal of Elvish Archdruid and Ezuri, Renegade Leader and....which are a win-con all their own. Also, he may just be another "win-more" card....being able to Genesis Wave for X=8-10 without a walker on turn three is tempting; but he's also just a 4/4 for 4 without an X cost (of which there are currently only 8 in the deck). Ugh...I'll try to test it to see if too much "play" is lost switching out Ezuri and Archdruid for 3 Rosheen's and another Wave or Chord.
July 15, 2014 8:19 p.m.
jessebow2000 says... #24
this deck is really nice is it ok if i use an idea like this
July 15, 2014 8:36 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #25
of course you can jessebow2000! Use away! We post on here in hopes that people will pick up the deck; add or remove cards to fit their playstyle/preferences and play away! By all means. And feel free to post your changes and your decklist on here as well as how it does in your playing/testing. There's always room for improvement; and I love to hear other people's take on the deck and how they fair with it. Brew away! Any deck we post is for the entire community (and often are improved by the community :)
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #1
tiassa...that's an awesome idea! You may wanna try Banefire too because control opponents can't counter it; but that would be a great addition to the deck and would work quite well! Good idea!
July 6, 2014 2:50 a.m.