Modern Pure Ramp (*Nissa Worldwaker Added*)
SCORE: 139 | 168 COMMENTS | 35024 VIEWS | IN 61 FOLDERS
@Zego, yeah, I realized his Deck is meant to be more Elf-centric rather than Devotion. Although Devotion is the most powerful driving force for a mono-Green Deck.. :S
Joraga is also a nice Mana Dork and Devotion-giver, that is ALSO an Elf. ~.
As for Magus, you're probably right. The difference between Magus and Satyr is that Magus costs 1 to Play, and 1 to Tap, whereas Satyr costs 2 to play, and 0 to Tap. So Magus can be played earlier/with other Cards, but provides less burst when your Ramp "goes off." So... It's a toss up, but I think it favors Satyr.
I didn't know about Kiora's Follower, thanks. I was searching for Cards that untapped, Kiora's Follower never popped up... Weird.. >_<I may consider splashing some Blue just for her to be honest.. :S
And, you're mistaken about a Land put into play that turn being able to attack with Nissa's ability. It WILL have "summoning sickness."
Non-Creature Cards do have "summoning sickness" (I use air quotes because it is not actually an actual term used in the Rules, it is just player slang), it just doesn't affect them because they aren't a Creature; if they were to be turned into a Creature through an effect or ability, it WILL be unable to Tap or Attack unless it also has Haste.
July 31, 2014 12:38 p.m.
but a land that was played a turn before should be able to attack or am i wrong?
July 31, 2014 1:39 p.m.
@Zego, yeah, if you played the Land the turn before, then it can attack. Just can't swing with a Card that was put into play THAT turn, unless it has Haste.
Also as a side-note, you CAN tap Creatures for Convoke even if they have "Summoning Sickness." ~.
July 31, 2014 3:33 p.m.
@Zego, I misunderstood when you said "and if you manage to turn an untapped land you didnt played this turn." I thought you meant a land you didn't play that turn, not a land you didn't tap that turn.. >_<
So nevermind.
But I still think Nissa is win-more, as well as inefficient. It's decent in Standard though. But even then, Voyaging Satyr is better. :P
July 31, 2014 3:46 p.m.
yes np,
good point :) maybe nissa is just in the deck for her flavour :p
another great card could be Fauna Shaman to fit the elves-theme and offer a lot of flexibility
July 31, 2014 4:01 p.m.
So one question: why didn't you enter your cards in as foils, that would skyrocket your deck price?
July 31, 2014 8:50 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #8
Hey Sherrif_K...I'll go through each thought one-by-one so I don't forget anything.
I'm not huge a fan of BTE. You are right that it allows for a turn-2 Primeval Titan (I saw a stream in which Michael Jacobs did it); however in that situation you have a turn-2 Primeval Titan and either 1 or 0 cards in hand...if your opponent answers you by saying "Path your Titan" or worse "Mana-Leak your Titan"...without ample card draw you are SOL. Of course, I think a lot of people would take that chance for a turn-2 Prime Time :) I definitely love speed; but I often try to balance the speed with maintaining card advantage. I have seen many lists that run BTE and I don't think it is a bad card in devotion builds by any means....but I tend to look at devotion as a "great addition" to the deck rather than it's main purpose. Wistful Selkie and Burning-Tree Emissary both do increase your devotion; but the intent of the deck is not to increase your devotion as quickly as possible. I am just super careful to not use a card simply because of its devotion increase when a better option is available (and I tend to think both Oracle and Visionary are better 2-drops for THIS build)...Don't get me wrong...BTE is not a bad idea for a devotion build at all and I've seen it do great's just not particularly right for this build in my opinion.
Nissa, Worldwaker is a house. In a meta that is extremely heavy with Rock builds and Pod builds; she is a win-con all her own. In 75% of games she is either "free" (or actually nets you mana) as you will have enough forests and a Utopia Sprawl or two to untap 3-4 Forests worth anywhere from 3-6 mana...and if I end up paying 1-G for her I'm ok :) Both of her abilities are unreal in this build. A 4/4 with Trample outclasses most creatures in the current meta; and she +1's herself to make it. Her untap ability is instantly useful (as you cast so much card draw that you can easily either cast multiple cards, cast a Primeval Titan , cast a HUGE Genesis Wave , pump up all your elves via Ezuri, Renegade Leader or pump one creature up via Kessig Wolf Run ....Where the walkers really show, however, is in the longer, grindier, and/or attrition-y (for lack of a better word :) match-ups. This is especially true of Rock builds as (a) they have very few creatures outside of a large Tarmogoyf that can get past or block a 4/4, (b) they have no counter spells, so she is nearly always "free" if you want her to be, and (c) they have to deal with her; so they send a lot of their creatures her way allowing you to chump block your way into a massive Genesis Wave or Craterhoof, etc. The same is generally true of Pod decks. I do have a special place in my heart for planeswalkers though...they represent an additional spell every turn they are in play, which makes them a huge amount of resource advantage. In Nissa, Worldwaker 's case; the opponent HAS to deal with her (as she only +1's herself) and she quickly gets the board out of hand. There are some match-ups where she is not great (like Twin); but she's good in far more match-ups than she is bad. In those, I simply side her out. There is every possibility, however, that I only need one of her in the build (I like two, but could maybe get away with just one in the main and possibly one in the board)...What cards did you have in mind to put in her place? I'd love to hear ideas for replacement cards as you seem well versed in the theory of cards.
I do agree that Wistful Selkie is a crazy-good card in most Devotion builds. While her casting cost can be a tiny bit restrictive; this is rarely an issue (especially running Abundant Growths and Utopia Sprawls) and there is no more powerful statement in the game of Magic than "draw a card". We're trying to put some data together on the idea (planeswalkers make it a little more difficult as they represent more than one spell) but we can say with relative certainty that on average; the person who plays more cards in any given match is the person that wins the match :) I did initially have Selkie in this build; and I just tended to find that Coiling Oracle was a better fit.
I haven't tried Kiora's Follower ...but it sounds like a fun idea! I don't know what I would take out in its place; but it's definitely a card I need to keep an eye on.
A lot of these are great ideas! Thanks for posting! You obviously know your stuff...and I appreciate feedback any time a well-versed player provides it. I do have a foil set of Voyaging Satyr 's as well and I honestly haven't given them enough time in I will do that based on your suggestions.
August 1, 2014 12:49 a.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #9
sorry Sheriff_K...your name link didn't work at first (I probably spelled it wrong).
And zego made a ton of great points; so I didn't want to re-hash what he had already said. Good points zego!
August 1, 2014 12:50 a.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #10
haha! Good point snotice!
I generally put the decks on here to promote an idea, get constructive criticism from the community, etc, rather than show decks I own; but I guess since I have technically foiled it out I should make them foil on here too :) I was worried it would "clutter" the deck; but that's probably more of my OCD than an actual problem.
August 1, 2014 12:52 a.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #11
Hey Midwest! I haven't tried that yet (as I can't really afford another utility land because I need all of the green I can get); but I like the idea a LOT!
August 1, 2014 12:56 a.m.
lol, yeah. great work putting it together, nonetheless. I enjoyed play-testing it against my Evolving Strength deck. Modern vs Standard; Gruul vs Simic.
August 1, 2014 12:57 a.m.
BX223Hunter says... #13
Love the deck!
As you're running prime time and kessig, why not run a 1 of Inkmoth Nexus as an added win con?
August 1, 2014 1:16 a.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #14
I remember how awesome that was in the Wolf-Run Ramp builds a few years back (that ran both Primal and Inferno Titans)!
It's definitely something I can play in place of Minamo if superior. Bi can't play any more utility lands than I already do; but I want to make sure that of the 4 "extra's"(outside of the Nykthos's) that they are the best....I'll definitely give it a try ASAP. Thanks!
August 1, 2014 2:42 a.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #15
With the rise of Burn and Scapeshift in the meta (the two combined represent approximately 12% of the meta...and over 15% on MTGO); I am trying out a 1-of Nissa Revane in the sideboard. She is really good against them traditionally as when she's down she often gains 4-6 life every turn (which keeps both decks from being able to deal lethal damage).
August 1, 2014 3:30 a.m.
I know the land base is green intensive, thats why I wasnt sure the recommendation would make the cut but food for thought. I'm interested to see how it goes.
August 1, 2014 5:13 a.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo - I was wondering if you've had the chance to test out Sarkhan Vol in the deck. I've been testing him in place of 1x Nissa, Worldwaker , and found him to be a worthy consideration with Genesis Wave . Perhaps even as a 2-of in the deck. I'm also really intrigued by Nissa Revane in your sideboard. I'll look forward to hearing how she turned out in testing :)
August 1, 2014 1:59 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #18
Hey bingsoo711!
I LOVE Sarkhan Vol ! I had him in a deck quite similar to this called "Elves and Friends". I need to update that further (I've just been playing this version for some time). He is absolutely amazing after a Wave for sure. And he "goes" off very quickly. My only concern is that he is also "board-centric" (i.e. he's only useful if the board is full of creatures) so I worried he was becoming too "win-more"....but as a 1-of he would be useful FAR more often than he would be an issue. I will be testing this out immediately. Great suggestion!
August 5, 2014 2:52 a.m.
slovakattack says... #19
CurdBrosBrewingCo: Hey, man. I just wanted to let you know that I actually love your deck so much, I re-kitted one of my Hydra decks to be more like yours. Having played with it quite a bit, there are a few cards I think you could consider:
First is Sarkhan Vol . I run him in my version of your deck to excellent effect. If he and 2 Primeval Titan get scooped up in a genesis wave, it can easily lead to thinning your entire deck of lands over 1-2 turns, if not just straight-up winning. This also holds true for scooping up Elvish Archdruid + Sarkhan Vol . I've done Vol + 2 Archdruid and pumped an Arbor Elf up to 60+ with Kessig Wolf Run just because of the haste. (the reason I would put him in over something like, say... Hammer of Purphoros , is because he does give 1 devotion. That may sound silly, but it does help.
Second is 2x Wurmcoil Engine . One of the few things that I've found that are able to stop this deck in it's tracks are board-wipes. Wurmcoil Engine provides great threat potential, even if someone drops a Supreme Verdict , Damnation or Wrath of God on you. (Avacyn as a 1-off is another alternative, but I like the colorless aspect of the Engine.)
Third is: Don't ever, ever put Regal Force in here. I tried it, and maybe it was just me, but I drew myself out on T3-4 more than once. xD
August 10, 2014 2:16 p.m.
slovakattack says... #20
Actually, scratch the third statement. After continued testing, 1x Regal Force is incredible in this deck. I would switch out Genesis Hydra for it. If you hit it on a Genesis Wave it reloads your hand, if you're hand is almost gone you can tutor for it with Chord of Calling . I've won a few games that I would have been forced to top-deck due to the ability to Chord of Calling this dude.
August 10, 2014 6:33 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #21
Hey slovakattack!
Truly GREAT ideas!! I hadn't even thought about Chord-ing for Regal Force....I have to try this out (as you know how much I like card draw :)
I have played Sarkhan Vol in the past (ran a very similar deck called Elves and Friends that ran both Sarkhan Vol and Xenagos on top of Garruk and now Nissa) and you are right that he is steller. I actually have been testing with him for a little while now to try and see if he is more beneficial than other cards (such as Genesis Hydra, etc.). I think he may come in over G.Hydra only because he also hits and stays after a Wave on top of all of the other benefits you get out of him. Great call.
I do currently run Wurmcoil in the sideboard (and only run one Combust) but I hadn't tested it enough to change on here....but you are absolutely right that it is an amazing card in the deck (and I imagine even in the main board it would work really well). I will definitely try that out; and I have made the change on the sideboard here as well.
ALL great ideas!
August 13, 2014 9:47 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #22
Put Sarkhan Vol in currently in the slot Genesis Hydra was in. I'll let you know how testing has gone and continues to go with him! Thanks Slovak
August 13, 2014 9:57 p.m.
So I know you're going for the epic prestige of the all-foil deck. I also know you love Nissa, so do you have plans to acquire Black Foil Nissas from San Diego Comic Con? If you haven't seen them, they are the coolest things! If you do, I would love to see the updated pictures of this foiled-out beast.
I also really like the addition of Sarkhan. He's dreadfully underplayed, and I'm glad to see he's gettin' some love!
August 31, 2014 6:36 p.m.
slovakattack says... #24
As it so happens, I have 2 copies of the SDCC promo Nissa from Comic Con that I may be convinced to part with. Just throwing it out there =)
August 31, 2014 6:49 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #25
Hey guys!!! Sorry for the delay in response. We've had a hectic last 4-6 weeks. Between my brother and his wife moving along in their pregnancy, moving into a new home, and the busy nature of real estate at this point in the year....needles to say it's been super hectic! But we've finally got some time to get back to the TappedOut Community! We've missed it...
I actually have a TON to update about this deck. Between Genesis Hydra (which is amazing in this deck), Temur Ascendancy (perfect for this), Chameleon Colossus , and even Rosheen Meanderer ...I've tried out a ton of new cards in testing and have a ton I need to update. I will make sure to get on this today :)
And thuzra, I have seen those Black Foils. They are super cool! I may have to look into adding those :) have TWO of them! That is crazy! I don't know what I have that I could offer; but let me know if there is anything you are looking for (feel free to do so on my page so we don't bother people here). I love me some Nissa!!!
zego says... #1
nice thought ! :) a blue green standard deck with Nissa, Worldwaker , Ornithopter , Ensoul Artifact , Pithing Needle and Darksteel Citadel could be great by the way !!!
i like to see the test result in this deck too :)
July 31, 2014 10:06 a.m.