the main goal of the deck is to reanimate Griselbrand (discarded by Faithless Looting or Tormenting Voice) with Goryo's Vengeance. drawing some cards by Griselbrands ability and then comboing off with Fury of the Horde.
Graveyard Hate? No Problem!
You can get Griselbrand on board with Through the Breach which you can cast as early as turn 3 with the help of Pentad Prism and no missed land drops or Simian Spirit Guide.
Grafdigger's Cage and other popular artifacts like Ensnaring Bridge, that hinder our gameplan, can be destroyed with Shattering Spree. Even a Chalice of the Void for x = can get destroyed by Shattering Spree for cuz the copy does not get 'cast' -> does not get countered by Chalice of the Void.
On the other hand, you can use Emrakul, the Aeons Torn to decimate your opponent's board which is also a game changer.
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This deck is not Modern legal.
19 - 1 Mythic Rares
16 - 0 Rares
3 - 5 Uncommons
12 - 0 Commons
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