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Illusions for the Modern Day

Modern Aggro Artifact Infinite Combo Mono-Blue




Artifact (1)

Sorcery (1)

This is it. The Modern version of my Grand Illusion deck.

First off: A big thanks to Alonzo to alerting me to the Pili-Pala/Grand Architect combo stated on Gatherer which finally gave this deck the proper Modern touch I think it deserves. Another great feature is that it's surprisingly strong while being rather budget friendly apart from the two Wurmcoil Engines.

Turn 1: Halimar Depths to assure the best possible few draws.
Turn 2: Island, Pili-Pala.
Turn 3: Island, Grand Architect, Attack w/Pili-Pala to tap it, use Grand Architect's ability on itself and the combo goes infinite. Cast Comet Storm on declare blockers step. GG.
  1. Phantasmal Bear: A 2/2 for ? It's the cheapest illusion that fits in the deck, and if you want to utilize Grand Architect's ability to get a 6 mana artifact turn 3, you need to have a solid one drop.
  2. Lord of the Unreal: Making your turn 1 Bear a 3/3 with Hexproof is awfully good for blue, and f your Infinite combo breaks or you can't get out your artifacts, Unreal is this deck's backup to the backup strategy. If all else fails, buff your guys and give 'em Hexproof.
  3. Phantasmal Image: Copy any creature for 2 mana? Yes please. Add in a creature type that can be given a boost and Hexproof? Even better. There isn't a better feeling than copying your opponent's strongest Legendary beater, destroying their copy, and having a stronger version. You can also copy that Lord of the Unreal for a Lord that protects itself.
  4. Grand Architect: The star of the show ladies and gentlemen. He is our infinite combo. He is our way to cheat Wurmcoil Engine onto the battlefield Turn 3. Did I mention he also boosts those other pesky illusions?
  5. Treasure Mage: He exists to tutor up one of our 7 artifacts if we don't open with one or draw it our first few turns.
  1. Pili-Pala: He is our other piece of our infinite combo. Pretty easy to see why he's in here.
  2. Contagion Engine: Our main anti-aggro card. Any kind of Aggro deck will be dumping their hand early, and this card perfectly deals with it for our strategy. This also gets around any kind of indestructible/hexproof that your opponent's creatures may have.
  3. Mindslaver: Control your opponent's turn? It's a good way to ensure your win.
  4. The Immortal Sun: Shuts down Planeswalkers, card draw, reduced casting cost, AND a buff? Nothing not to like. To the Sideboard it goes
  5. Wurmcoil Engine: I shouldn't really have to explain why this bad boy is in here.
  6. Akroma's Memorial: Great sideboard tech for playing against , , or decks that prominently feature those colors. To the sideboard.
  7. Memnarch: Extremely powerful, especially with Grand Architect if the infinite combo never gets online.
  8. Platinum Angel: A straight up panic button.
  1. Comet Storm: Infinite combo killer's main target. Deal infinite damage to everything your opponent holds dear. Can still be useful even with your opponent having Leyline of Sanctity. Kill their field and then swing with your illusions.
  2. Mind Spring: Infinite combo's best friend. Draw damn near every card in your deck and simply win.
  3. Muddle the Mixture: Important counterspell especially if you have to hold off until turn 4 to play Pili-Pala. If you don't whichever important 2 drop you want in the deck, just tutor for it!
  • This deck can operate a number of ways. Ideally you would want to get the win-con as outlined above but it's just not possible 99% of the time. Ideally it'll only ever happen when you open your hand with Comet Storm. If you don't, then play assuming it doesn't exist.
  • You ideally will start your hand with one of any of the deck's artifacts or a Treasure Mage. Being able to have or obtain whatever artifact helps you win the fastest is key.
  • If you don't, you would ideally want to start with a Phantasmal Bear, a Lord of the Unreal, and a Phantasmal Image. Being able to image your lord and having 2 4/4 hexproofs is really good turn 3.
  • Obviously it should go without saying, always try to have a Grand Architect in your opening hand as well.

Now, a more common ideal path is as follows:

  1. Island, Phantasmal Bear
  2. Island, Lord of the Unreal, swing Phantasmal Bear for 3(20>17)
  3. Island, Grand Architect.

    Next up is a . Do you have space to swing for more damage? Do it, you have a 4/4 and a 3/3 Turn 3 to do so. If you don't like that angle, you would be better off tapping your creatures for your opening hand artifact.

  4. Island. Now if you want to go full aggro, you almost never want to jeopardize Grand Architect so keep that in mind. Play accordingly. If you decide to go combo route, then put your primary focus on getting those artifacts into your hand and then into the battlefield while using your beefy illusions to act as deterrents to attacks or as fuel to summon those artifacts.

  5. There are three ways to win with the deck: Aggro(Somehow? Trust me, it's possible), Infinite Combo+Mind Spring, or by abusing Grand Architect to get your powerful artifacts out. Ultimately the deck will tell you how it wants to go, Aggro or Combo. How you adapt to what cards you draw is half the reason why this deck is SO FUN to play. I hope you agree!

I am always open to suggestions on the deck! Feel free to comment and +1. I hope this will give my Illusion deck the legacy it deserves. I'll be occasionally doing tweaks as time goes on so if you're interested in the deck, keep watch.

If you're not a fan of Illusions, check out Alonzo's A Hard Pil(i-Pala) to Swallow deck. Or if you're feeling fancy, swap out the illusions for other super useful blue creatures, or maybe a Phyrexian Metamorph or two? The world is your oyster.


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Revision 11 See all

(6 years ago)

+1 Akroma's Memorial side
-1 Blightsteel Colossus side
-1 Buried Ruin main
+2 Island main
-1 Legacy Weapon side
+1 Mindslaver main
-1 Pili-Pala main
-1 Planar Bridge maybe
-1 Thassa's Ire maybe
+1 The Immortal Sun main