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Score Table
X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 total player
1 X 3 6 6 6 6 1 6 33 azaz
2 3 X 2 6 2 3 6 6 24 cruel
3 0 2 X 0 6 0 0 6 14 arehara
4 0 0 6 X 6 6 6 2 26 villhelm
5 0 2 0 0 X 0 0 0 2 formalwhale
6 0 3 6 0 6 X 6 0 20 molly
7 4 0 6 0 6 0 X 2 18 meowbear
8 0 0 0 2 6 6 2 X 16 manathehour
1) azaz - hatoken! Chancellor of the Forge / Chancellor of the Forge / Chancellor of the Forge / Leyline of the Meek / Leyline of the Meek
figured everybody would be trying to out think one another so instead i went the other direction and just did no thoughts head empty board full
matches Show
vs cruel Show
on the draw, it goes like this:
1: caverns, elixir
1: attack (11 life)
2: temple, scourge
2: attack, block with scourge (scourge trades with token, 5 life)
3: warping wail for a 3/3 scion
3: attack, block with scion (2 life)
4: activate elixir during upkeep (7 life), draw elixir
and then from here i can't get through, and die to infinite recursion
vs arehara Show
1: detention vortex a token
1: attack (14 life)
2: doomed traveler
2: attack (chump block, 11 life)
3: suspend restore balance (6 counters)
3: attack (trade with spirit token, 8 life)
4: (5 time counters)
4: attack (5 life)
5: (4 time counters)
5: attack (2 life)
and on my play it's less close
vs villhelm Show
vs formalwhale Show
i kill you before you can cast a lock piece
vs mollytov Show
crashing footfalls is too slow, and i dodge your land hate by not playing any lands
vs meowbear Show
on the play:
1: attack (11 life)
1: seachrome coast, void snare leyline
2: attack (5 life)
2: blinkmoth, thalia
3: attack (block with thalia, first strike token, 1 life)
and from here if i attack again you chump block with blinkmoth and kill a second token, leaving me with one 2/2 unable to attack into thalia. if i don't attack, if you attack with blinkmoth i get through, so you don't attack either. so we draw.
on the draw, i can't get you to low enough to force the stalemate, so your thalia holds back my 3 2/2s and i die to blinkmoth beats.
vs manathehour Show
because my second attack leaves you at exactly 2 life, you can only get me to 8 poison even on the play due to being unable to free cast your mutagenic growths. and pendelhaven + mutagenic to kill tokens isn't fast enough either.
2) cruelshy - immortal scourge Eternal Scourge / Elixir of Immortality / Warping Wail / Cavern of Souls / Eldrazi Temple
this deck is extremely cool and powerful (warping wail in particular worked out incredibly for you) but holy shit it has SO many lines that i hated figuring out. your only real weakness was that you're significantly more resilient than you are disruptive
matches Show
vs azaz Show
as my notes for our match, on the play you get saved by my leylines making your scion buff, on the draw i'm too fast
vs arehara Show
there's a lot of lines here, this is probably the most complicated match out of the whole set.
on the play:
1: cavern, elixir
1: plains, suspend restore balance (6 time counters)
2: temple, warping wail for a token
2: 5 time counters, detention vortex elixir
3: sac scion, destroy detention vortex
3: 4 time counters
4: elixir during upkeep, draw elixir
4: 3 time counters
5: draw warping wail. warping wail would get countered by mana tithe and wouldn't be back in time for balance, and elixir would get killed by balance, so you cast scourge
5: 2 time counters
6: attack with scourge (20-17)
6: 1 time counter
and from here there's nothing you can do to stop balance from resolving. and since you don't ever have 3 mana a scion, holding onto elixir doesn't help.
if you try to sandbag your second land + elixir to shuffle after balance resolves, he waits until there's 1 time counter left then casts doomed traveler, then he uses detention vortex to stop your elixir plan after balance resolves. if instead you cast scourge or warping wail for a token the turn before restore balance, after balance he vortexes it.
so instead you play as above, casting warping wail on turn 6 to make him counter it and then elixir on turn 7 so that you have 0 cards when it resolves. if he casts doomed traveler you get to outrace it with scourge, so instead he discards it to balance and you draw.
on the draw, things work out the same way
vs villhelm Show
if mage names warping wail, you easily win by racing or trading and elixiring. so he has to name elixir. but you get 1 use out of it still due to it costing 1.
in order to prevent thalia from dying, on the draw it goes like this then:
1: cavern
1: cavern, elixir
2: thalia
2: temple, scourge
3: meddling mage on elixir
3: attack with scourge (20-17)
4: attack with both (16-17)
4: attack scourge (16-14)
5: attack humans (12-14)
5: attack scourge (12-11)
6: attack humans (8-11)
6: attack scourge (8-8)
7: attack humans (4-8)
7: attack scourge (4-5), activate elixir (9-5)
8: attack humans (5-5)
8: attack scourge (5-2)
so you win the race via the extra 5 life from activating elixir once. if he instead trades, even if he waits until after you've cracked elixir, you get him with a scion. and you have just enough life that splitting up the 2 guys doesn't help either
vs formalwhale Show
on the play:
1: elixir
1: hallowed fountain
2: temple, scourge
2: calciform pools, 1 storage counter
3: attack scourge (20-17), warping wail for a token
3: 2 storage counters
4: elixir during upkeep (25-17), draw elixir, attack with scourge + scion (25-13)
4: 3 storage counters
5: draw warping wail, make a second scion, attack with scourge + scion (25-9)
5: 4 storage counters
6: elixir, attack with scourge + 2 scions (25-4)
6: remove 2 storage counters (down to 2) for phyrexian unlife
7: elixir during upkeep (30-4), draw elixir, attack with scourge + 2 scions (30-negative 1)
7: remove the last 2 storage counters for solemnity
and then formalwhale locks you out, but solemnity stops reactor too so you draw. on the draw, the same happens.
vs mollytov Show
this is another tricky one.
on the play Show
if she turns off temple:
1: cavern, elixir
1: alpine moon naming temple, suspend crashing rhinos 1 (4 time counters)
2: warping wail for a scion
2: 3 time counters, suspend second crashing rhinos (4 time counters)
3: sac scion for mana in order to scourge
3: 2,3 time counters
4: elixir during upkeep (25-20), draw elixir, attack with scourge (25-17)
4: 1,2 time counters
5: draw warping wail, attack (25-14)
5: cast crashing rhinos, countered by warping wail, 1 time counter
6: cast elixir, attack (25-11)
6: cast second crashing rhinos
7: elixir during upkeep (30-11), draw elixir
7: attack with rhinos (22-11)
8: draw warping wail, cast it for a scion
8: attack with rhinos, block with scourge+scion to trade with 1 (18-11)
9: elixir
9: attack (14-11)
10: elixir during upkeep (19-11), draw scourge
10: attack (15-11)
11: draw elixir, cast elixir
11: attack (11-11)
12: draw warping wail, make a scion
12: attack (7-11)
13: elixir during upkeep (12-11), draw elixir
13: attack (8-11)
14: draw warping wail, warping wail for a second scion
14: attack (4-11)
15: sac one scion to cast scourge
and from here you win by being able to trade with the last rhino and burying her in scions. so instead she double suspends instead of mooning on 1:
1: cavern, elixir
1: suspend both crashes (4 time counters)
2: temple, scourge
2: 3 time counters, alpine moon on temple
3: attack with scourge, warping wail for a token (20-17)
3: 2 time counters
4: elixir during upkeep (25-17), draw elixir, attack with scourge + scion (25-13)
4: 1 time counter
5: draw warping wail, attack (25-9)
5: cast both crashes, one countered by warping wail
6: elixir
and from here you either outrace her, or if she doesn't attack you slowly build up a scion army.
on the draw Show
1: suspend both crashes (4 time counters)
1: cavern, elixir
2: 3 time counters, alpine moon naming temple
2: warping wail for a scion
3: 2 time counters
3: elixir during upkeep (25-20), draw elixir
4: 1 time counter
4: draw warping wail, attack with scion (25-19)
5: cast both crashes, 1 countered by warping wail
5: sac scion for scourge
6: attack with rhinos (17-19)
6: elixir
7: attack (9-19)
7: elixir during upkeep (14-19), draw elixir
8: attack (6-19)
8: draw warping wail, make a scion
9: attack, scourge+scion trade with 1 rhino (2-19)
and from here you die to the remaining rhino
vs meowbear Show
on the draw, you don't walk elixir into turn 1 mana tithe, and if she keeps up mana to counter your 2-mana elixir then thalia gets outraced by scourge. if she doesn't keep mana up, you get to elixir every other turn and win the race that way. and if she trades with scourge, you just elixir it right back.
and using void snare to bounce scourge isn't nearly enough tempo to make up for it:
1: seachrome coast
1: cavern
2: thalia
2: scourge
3: void snare scourge, attack (18-20)
3: elixir
4: attack with thalia and blinkmoth nexus (15-20)
4: cast scourge from exile
5: attack with blinkmoth (14-20)
5: elixir during upkeep (19-20), draw elixir, attack with scourge (19-17)
6: attack with both (16-17)
and you win the race here via every other turn elixir
vs manathehour Show
1: cavern, elixir
1: pendelhaven, glistener elf
2: temple, scourge
2: pendelhaven targeting elf, attack, no blocks (2 poison)
3: warping wail targeting elf, mutagenic growth to counter it
3: pendelhaven elf, attack, block with scourge, mutagenic growth to save elf and kill scourge
4: elixir during upkeep, draw elixir
4: rancor elf now that there's no more mutagenic growths, attack (5 poison)
and either wail or scourge here stops him cold and allows you to win at your leisure.
on the draw, it's the same story with rancor but you'd win at 7 instead of 4 poison, so he tries pendelhaven again:
1: pendelhaven, glistener elf
1: cavern, elixir
2: pendelhaven targeting elf, attack (2 poison)
2: scourge
3: pendelhaven elf, attack, block with scourge, mutagenic growth to save elf
3: wail targeting elf, mutagenic growth to counter it
4: rancor, attack (5 poison)
4: elixir during upkeep, draw elixir
5: attack (8 poison)
and from here it's the same as on the play
3) arehara - It'Stax Plains / Mana Tithe / Restore Balance / Detention Vortex / Doomed Traveler
balance is strong, but one land was definitely not where you wanted to be this round. between thalia, the inability to counter something and also cast something, or just not being able to double spell, that hurt you a few times. also doomed traveler leaves a lot to be desired as a win con
matches Show
vs azaz Show
vs cruelshy Show
vs villhelm Show
vs formalwhale Show
on the play:
1: suspend restore balance (6 time counters)
1: hallowed fountain
2: 5 time counters, doomed traveler
2: calciform pools, 1 storage counter
3: 4 time counters
3: 2 storage counters
4: 3 time counters
4: 3 storage counters
5: 2 time counters
5: 4 storage counters
6: 1 time counter
and then from here he can get one of the pieces but not both, so doomed traveler eventually gets there.
on the draw:
1: fountain
1: suspend (6 time counters)
2: pools, 1 storage counter
2: 5 time counters, doomed traveler
3: 2 storage counters
3: 4 time counters
4: 3 storage counters
4: 3 time counters
5: 4 storage counters
5: 2 time counters
6: 5 storage counters
6: 1 time counter
and then the second piece gets countered by mana tithe
vs mollytov Show
vs meowbear Show
if you cast doomed traveler instead, she bounces it with void snare and then from there if you ever tap out she casts thalia and wins.
and if you leave mana tithe up she just animates blinkmoth every turn and attacks you to death
vs manathehour Show
4) villhelm - humans Cavern of Souls / Cavern of Souls / Thalia, Guardian of Thraben / Meddling Mage / Leyline of Sanctity
humans are a standby for a reason i guess! cavern won you some games, and thalia+meddling mage are a power duo. your biggest issue was that you were a bit slow, with no possible first turn plays
matches Show
vs azaz Show
vs cruelshy Show
vs arehara Show
vs formalwhale Show
vs mollytov Show
vs meowbear Show
on the draw, it goes like this:
1: seachrome coast
1: cavern
2: thalia
2: meddling mage naming void snare
3: attack with thalia and blinkmoth (17-20)
3: thalia, attack with meddling mage (17-18)
4: attack thalia+blinkmoth (14-18)
4: attack thalia+mage (14-14)
5: attack thalia+blinkmoth (11-14)
5: attack thalia+mage (11-10)
6: attack thalia+blinkmoth (8-10)
6: attack thalia+mage (8-6)
7: attack thalia+blinkmoth (5-6)
7: attack thalia+mage (5-2)
her thalia can stay back to defend but that leaves yours vs her blinkmoth and you also win that race
vs manathehour Show
1: cavern
1: pendelhaven, glistener elf
2: cavern, meddling mage naming mutagenic growth
2: pendelhaven elf, attack (2 poison)
3: thalia
and then from here there's no good attacks for either of you.
on the draw, the same thing happens but he gets to double mutagenic growth you first so you stalemate at 6 poison instead of 2
5) formalwhale - phyrexia shenanigans Hallowed Fountain / Calciform Pools / Phyrexian Unlife / Solemnity / Darksteel Reactor
unfortunately you were just way too slow, with no disruption to slow opposing decks down. and double unfortunately, solemnity prevents you from adding storage counters or counters to darksteel reactor so in the one match you got to play your prison pieces you still couldn't win
matches Show
vs azaz Show
vs cruelshy Show
vs arehara Show
vs vilhelm Show
vs mollytov Show
vs meowbear Show
1: hallowed fountain
1: seachrome coast
2: calciform pools, 1 storage counter
2: blinkmoth nexus, thalia
3: 2 storage counters
3: attack with thalia + blinkmoth (20-17)
4: 3 storage counters
4: attack with thalia + blinkmoth (20-14)
5: remove 3 storage counters, phyrexian unlife
5: void snare phyrexian unlife, attack thalia alone (20-12)
6: 1 storage counter
6: attack (20-9)
7: 2 storage counters
7: attack (20-6)
8: 3 storage counters
8: attack thalia alone (20-4)
9: 4 storage counters
9: attack thalia alone (20-2)
10: remove 4 storage counters, phyrexian unlife
10: attack (20-negative 1)
11: 1 storage counter
11: attack (-1 life, 3 poison)
12: 2 storage counters
12: attack (-1 life, 6 poison)
13: 3 storage counters
13: attack with just thalia (-1 life, 8 poison)
and then she mana tithes solemnity and gets you to exactly 10 poison
on the draw it's more in her favor
vs manathehour Show
6) mollytov - elephant moon by john sweeney Copperline Gorge / Chancellor of the Tangle / Crashing Footfalls / Crashing Footfalls / Alpine Moon
rhinos are good! alpine moon did a decent amount of work, but you lost games by being slow, especially when your moon didn't do anything
matches Show
vs azaz Show
vs cruelshy Show
vs arehara Show
vs vilhelm Show
vs formalwhale Show
vs meowbear Show
on the play Show
1: alpine moon naming blinkmoth nexus, suspend crash (4 time counters)
1: seachrome coast, void snare alpine moon
2: 3 time counters, suspend second crash (4 time counters)
2: thalia
3: 2,3 time counters
3: attack with thalia+blinkmoth (17-20)
4: 1,2 time counters
4: attack (14-20)
5: cast 1 crash of rhinos, pay for thalia, get mana tithed, 1 time counter
5: attack with thalia+blinkmoth (11-20)
6: cast second crash, paying for thalia
6: attack with just blinkmoth (10-20)
7: attack with rhinos (10-12)
7: attack with thalia+blinkmoth (7-12)
8: attack with rhinos (7-4)
you race her from here. if she instead saves snare for a rhino:
3: 2,3 time counters
3: attack with thalia (18-20)
4: 1,2 time counters
4: attack (16-20)
5: cast 1 crash of rhinos, pay for thalia, get mana tithed, 1 time counter
5: attack (14-20)
6: cast second crash, paying for thalia
6: void snare 1 rhino, attack (12-20)
7: attack rhino (12-16)
7: attack thalia (10-16)
8: attack rhino (10-12)
8: attack thalia (8-12)
9: attack rhino (8-8)
9: attack thalia (6-8)
10: attack rhino (6-4)
and you win from here too
on the draw Show
1: seachrome coast
1: alpine moon, suspend crash (4 time counters)
2: thalia
2: 3 time counters, suspend second crash (4 time counters)
3: void snare alpine moon, attack (18-20)
3: 2,3 time counters
4: attack with blinkmoth+thalia (15-20)
4: 1,2 time counters)
5: attack with just thalia (13-20)
5: cast crash, pay for thalia, mana tithe, 1 time counter
6: attack with blinkmoth+thalia (10-20)
6: cast crash, paying for thalia
7: attack with just blinkmoth (9-20)
7: attack with rhinos (9-12)
8: attack with thalia+blinkmoth (6-12)
8: attack with rhinos (6-4)
and again if she bounces a rhino instead:
3: attack with thalia (18-20)
3: 2,3 time counters
4: attack (16-20)
4: 1,2 time counters
5: attack (14-20)
5: cast crash, pay for thalia, mana tithe, 1 time counter
6: attack (12-20)
6: cast crash, paying for thalia
7: void snare rhino
7: attack rhino (12-16)
8: attack thalia (10-16)
8: attack rhino (10-12)
9: attack thalia (8-12)
9: attack rhino (8-8)
10: attack thalia (6-8)
10: attack rhino (6-4)
vs manathehour Show
7) meowbear - IRS call Seachrome Coast / Blinkmoth Nexus / Thalia, Guardian of Thraben / Mana Tithe / Void Snare
pretty solid! thalia was a good choice this round, manlands are always good, and void snare worked out great. being unable to keep up your counter while also playing stuff or activating your land was kinda rough however
matches Show
vs azaz Show
vs cruelshy Show
vs arehara Show
vs vilhelm Show
vs formalwhale Show
vs mollytov Show
vs manathehour Show
8) manathehour - infect Pendelhaven / Glistener Elf / Mutagenic Growth / Mutagenic Growth / Rancor
turn 3 wins will get you there sometimes! unfortunately since you were such a glass cannon, the tiniest bit of disruption stopped you in your tracks, on top of your win turn being 3 instead of the possible 2 with infect
matches Show
vs azaz Show
vs cruelshy Show
vs arehara Show
vs vilhelm Show
vs formalwhale Show
vs mollytov Show
vs meowbear Show
rules Show
your deck can't be capable of moving a card in your opponent's hand to their graveyard or exile or winning before your opponent's first turn
each win is worth 3 points, and each draw is worth 1 point. winning on the play and losing on the draw, however, is only worth 2 points for the match (as a way to discourage all-in chalice decks and the like)
the card pool is all cards from modern legal sets
the banlist is ghost quarter, chancellor of the annex, laboratory maniac, thassa's oracle, smallpox, vampire hexmage
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Date added | 3 years |
Last updated | 3 years |
Legality | This deck is not Modern legal. |
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