Modern Jeskai Delver/Geist

Modern* CurdBrosBrewingCo

SCORE: 81 | 163 COMMENTS | 34206 VIEWS | IN 25 FOLDERS

Crazybop09 says... #1

Okay so mind giving me 1000$ to buy this master piece? you seem to have all the elements working for you,

if i were to suggest anything... which im not sure i would it would be another Vendilion Clique and maybe taking out Gitaxian Probe other than that..its perfect i love it.

You've inspired me for different brews that are different than the net decks so i think ive come close to perfecting one of my own...lemme know what you think when you get the chance! i need help on sideboard options!

Love Lockdown (Affinity)

June 17, 2014 11:24 p.m.

Thank you for the kind words Crazybop09. Vendilion Clique is ridiculously good in any deck with counter magic or any deck for that matter. I would not fault anyone for removing one Gitaxian Probe and adding another Vendilion Clique . I will be testing this puppy hardcore for the next couple weeks and I will give that a try to see if it works better. I try to keep the casting cost down and the instant/sorceries up, but Vendilion Clique is just one of those cards that is just great whenever you draw it.

I love the name of your Love Lockdown deck. I am going to take a look at it now, but if it's anything like your other brews, it's probably an awesome unique list! Thanks again.

June 18, 2014 1:06 a.m.

Thanks for the help aeonstoremyliver. I think your right about the Mana Confluence . It was in the deck just to help with the three colors, but I haven't had a mana problem in testing since most of the cards only involve only one color. There are very few RR, WW, UU spells in the deck and sideboard. I think another Steam Vents would be better.

As for consistency, I haven't had a problem yet. The Serum Visions and Gitaxian Probe s help a ton in terms of getting through the deck and they help greatly with consistency.

As I said in the intro, this deck, like many UWR decks and most decks in the modern format, takes a ton practice to master and involves knowing what good opening hands are against each opponent.

If you get a chance to test the deck please let me know what you think needs to be tweeked in your opinion. Every one of our decks have been improved by the tapped out community and you already helped with the mana base! Thanks again.

June 19, 2014 2:43 p.m.

Crazybop09 says... #7

Yeah i think im gonna order the cards for Love Lockdown (Affinity), it just gives alot of decks problems especially turn 2 Erayo, Soratami Ascendant flip..its almost auto scoop. But i think finding a 2nd spot for Vendilion Clique somewhere somehow over the rainbow would just be an excellent addition

June 19, 2014 3:34 p.m.

nbarry223 says... #11

No problem on the advise, I enjoy giving it. Usually every deck I click on gets some form of advice haha (some exceptions, usually the 59 island and a storm crow type of decks, where I'm just like "stop wasting space" to myself).

Feel free to post some on my wall if there's any in particular you'd like me to look at. I've always wanted people to start doing that, and just recently two people finally did!

I have the hardest time finding decks to click on (I mean I get a title and a picture to judge a deck by), if people eliminate that part of the process...It makes things easier for me.

June 21, 2014 2:12 a.m.

Thank you as always nbarry223. I had the Sword of Feast and Famine in the board in the original build and took it out. I agree with your assessment. The main reason I added Mirran Crusader because I kept siding out Geist of Saint Traft against the G/B decks with tons of two drop blockers and I wanted some type of beater in the slot to side back into the deck. The Celestial Purge has been pretty underwhelming so I'm going to remove it and add the Sword of Feast and Famine back into the deck. As always your input is much appreciated.

Manapanda- I am willing to give anything a try. If you don't try it you will never know. I will test the deck with an Epic Experiment in it and see what happens. The deck functions mainly as a aggro/tempo deck so Epic Experiment may be a little slow, but I can't knock it until I try it. Thank you very much for the +1 and thank you even more for your input. The TappedOut community is a great place to go to make a deck better.

June 21, 2014 4 p.m.

Em0B0b says... #17

As for this deck, I would recommend taking out the clique, thundermaw, and lavamancer. Snaps and lavamancer don't go very well together. Maybe lavamancer in the s/b? Would suggest Remand and also Serum Visions over spell snare and pierce for draw and set up spells to flip delver. Typically in a delver deck 2/3 of you spells (not including lands) should be non permanents. Which is also why I feel delver is stronger in legacy but that's beside the point. I would alsosuggest Steelshaper's Gift to tutor for your sword and flips delver. Good luck and hope you can make it work.

June 22, 2014 11:57 a.m.

nbarry223 says... #18

Actually, Grim Lavamancer and Snapcaster Mage work fine together. They might not be the most synergistic (they are probably the farthest thing from synergy) but having one doesn't mean you can't use the other.

Grim Lavamancer can feed off lands and creatures you trade before you start exiling important spells you'd like to flashback. Snapcaster Mage only really needs 1 or two targets after all. If you want to save spells or a Snapcaster Mage you hold off on the Grim Lavamancer and can (hopefully) swing with it instead for a net loss of 1 damage. Even if you don't, leaving it untapped with a red open threatens a 3 power blocker, which is sometimes a good play, deterring their non-evasive attacks while you are flying over their heads.

June 22, 2014 12:31 p.m.

Grim Lavamancer has been great in this deck due to his ability to get burn damage in to the player, remove early creatures, and threaten blockers who try to block Geist of Saint Traft . Because plan A in this deck is to go aggro, the Grim Lavamancer is the other one drop we need to get the pressure started.

Em0B0b- I totally understand what you saying with Snapcaster Mage and Grim Lavamancer being a non-bo, but as nbarry223 said above, the lavamancer typically targets the fetch lands, sorcery, and creature spells, and we save the instants for Snapcaster Mage . I Agree with you that Remand is probably the better choice for this deck. Also, I am going to give a Steelshaper's Gift a try in the deck in testing to see if it gives me a little consistency with win cons. I have 4 Serum Visions in the list already. I wish Ponder or Preordain were legal so I could run 4 more cantrip/delver flips, but Serum Visions will have to do for now. Also, I have been thinking about removing the Thundermaw, but am still testing the deck to get the perfect 75 together. He has got me some free wins, but has also stuck in my hand in games as well. Thank you very much for your input and helping me make this deck better. Members like yourself are what makes this site great.

Thanks to everyone so far for the +1's. Every vote is much appreciated!

June 22, 2014 4:55 p.m.

Crazybop09 says... #20

if you do take Thundermaw Hellkite out id add another Vendilion Clique !

June 22, 2014 4:56 p.m.

Removing the Thundermaw Hellkite for another Vendilion Clique is one of the builds I have been testing Crazybop09. It looks promising. I will keep everyone posted on testing results. You might be onto something. Thanks again. I have to take a break from testing for the USA World Cup game, but I will be back at it tonight :)

June 22, 2014 5:32 p.m.

I am EXTREMELY happy with the current simply wants to get a quick and cheap threat out and protect it until it's done about 12 damage (as you can burn / snap-burn the rest out). That, and you really want an answer for whatever they throw at you. The trick is to simply play more spells than the opponent. You do this by:

  1. Playing less lands than your opponent. Since our average CMC is lower; if we both draw and play 20 cards in a game; but 8 of yours are lands and only 4 of mine are...I was able to play 4 more (20% more) spells.

  2. Playing cards with "dual use". Grim Lavamancer has a built in Shock ....Snapcaster Mage lets us flash back a spell, Vendilion Clique has a built in "quasi-thoughtseize", Chandra, Pyromaster represents multiple spells, Remand , Cryptic Command , and Electrolyze all draw a card, Restoration Angel will always have a second use (even if it is just keeping a creature from being destroyed) and Geist of Saint Traft basically casts his own 4/4 creature every time he attacks...basically, we want as many cards as possible that represent two spells.

  3. Have CHEAP answers. Spell Snare and Spell Pierce are important because they can counter a very large spell for very little mana. This allows us to more efficiently utilize our mana (especially given the amount of Flash creatures and instants we have). Often times, brewers will simply jam 4 Remand and 4 Mana Leak which can cost you a full turn (in a format that rarely sees turn 8).

  4. Play cards on BOTH turns. By doing so, we get the most out of what little mana we have. By using a bunch of Flash creatures, instants, and by using "free" cards like Gitaxian Probe ; we make the most of our mana. We may only end up playing 4-5 lands in an entire match yet still end up casting 25-30 "mana worth" of spells to our opponents 12-15...

  5. By putting on a heavy amount of "pressure" on the opponent; we often can force them to play sub-optimally. They may have to cast a removal spell when they weren't planning on it. They may have to get a creature down to block, etc. This forces them to use their mana and spells less efficiently.

Simply put, this deck wins by being the most efficient deck. It's answers are cheaper than your threats, we get to use mana on both turns, and due to the card draw and "extras" within the cards often we are often playing 2-3 "spells / effects" for every 1 of our opponents (remember, even "draw a card" would cost 1-mana at its cheapest).

The addition of Chandra, Pyromaster and Restoration Angel on the top end has given this deck the little "push" it needed. Chandra can tap down creatures so Geist of Saint Traft can get through, she represents a ton of card draw (given the low CMC), and MUST be dealt with (as she doesn't negative herself). Restoration angel can save a creature on the board and can re-trigger Snapcaster Mage , Vendilion Clique ...While we don't cast much at 4-CMC; these two and Cryptic Command are about as good as it gets.

For those of you worried about only playing 1-ofs...don't :) We have a LOT of digging and drawing in this deck; and it's far more important that we have a plethora of answers rather than multiple "broad" answers that may miss (so we can build our strategy based on this as we often will get to see the opponent's hand as well as what we have coming up with Gitaxian Probe and Serum Visions ). It is a slightly complicated deck to play at times...but once you get the hang of it; you can pretty much play anything they throw at you (ESPECIALLY post sideboard where we have even bigger and better answers :)

Anywho, I am pretty confident with where the deck is at now given the current meta. Please do let me know what you think though. We LOVE suggestions and help ; so thank you in advance for any you provide. And as always, we always appreciate +1's! It's the lifeblood of tapped out; and there's nothing we appreciate more! Thanks again to all those who have helped improve the deck thus far.

June 24, 2014 11:11 p.m.

LineDart says... #24

For sure, if you are playing Geist, you need Eiganjo Castle . Geist sucks at combat in Modern, outclassed by almost everything. I mean, I could flash in a Snapcaster, purely as a bear, and kill your Geist. Eiganjo Castle allows you to safely attack with Geist into the late game, making it a perfect addition. I would personnaly cut the Colonnade, because it is mainly a late game beater which doesn't fit with an aggro deck. I get that it is for the late game, but the Castle allows your Geists to make it to the late game and attack, making it a better choice than Colonnade.

June 25, 2014 4:54 p.m.

I love Eiganjo Castle !!! I've proxied it (as I don't own it yet) and it's the last foil I need. You are absolutely right that I need it! Great suggestion!

June 25, 2014 5:54 p.m.

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