Modern Jeskai Delver/Geist

Modern* CurdBrosBrewingCo

SCORE: 81 | 163 COMMENTS | 34202 VIEWS | IN 25 FOLDERS

nbarry223 you on it once again. I will add Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep as well. These lands really improve Geist's ability to get through safely. I totally agree about consistency. The consistency has increased greatly with small changes here or there. I am still testing to get the final 75, but we are getting closer with everyone's help.

The core of the deck and early game is getting very close. I am currently tinkering with the top end or end game and mana base. Because the deck is an aggro deck with low casting costs, the top end only has a few spots so each one is vital to the consistency and performance of the deck. The deck is an aggro core, but I want to be able to at least compete if the game goes a little longer.

Thanks again to everyone who has helped with the deck and for all of the +1's and support.

I have foiled out the deck and if/when the deck reaches 50 votes I'm going to post a pic of the foiled out final build (including the sideboard).

June 25, 2014 9:30 p.m.

LineDart says... #5

No problem! I tried building a UR Delver variant and brought it to a local casual tournament. It did terribly so I think I'm going to pick this one up and test it out seeing as I have most of the pieces. But yea glad to help anytime cause I'm really into Modern and love seeing new decks out there getting played.

June 25, 2014 10:14 p.m.

DarkTutor says... #7

Hey mate, I just loved this deck, it's amusing, but you probabilly already know that. Have you ever considered AEther Vial and/or Silence ? Those cards could really get your drops more protection and be a threat for aggro/control (especially Silence ), also Grand Abolisher could help but its mana cost is more exquisite.

I used to play when Tempest was standard (the first booster I've opened in my life got me a Cursed Scroll !) and I quit before eight edition and got back to mtg at the end of last year, so I've missed the whole modern format. I mainly play standard because it's easier to understand for me, but I'd love to move on to modern. I could collect some experience from you, feel free to check my decks and, if possible, give me some feedback and/or advice.


June 26, 2014 5:35 a.m.

Dark Tutor- I actually purchased some foil Grand Abolisher s last week to see if they would fit in the deck/sideboard for protection. Great minds think alike! I was playing around with the idea of adding Cavern of Souls to the mana base because most of the creatures are wizards. Because Grand Abolisher is a cleric it would work well with Geist of Saint Traft . I haven't tested it much, but I will continue to give it a try.

Also, We would love to help you enter the modern format. It is our favorite format by far. What makes it great is that you can play whatever type of deck you like to play (aggro, control, tempo, combo, etc) and still be competitive. It is truly wide open and is extremely fun. We will take a look at your decks, but feel free to write on our wall if you have any questions. Thank you for the help with the deck and for the +1!

June 26, 2014 5:55 p.m.

JexInfinite says... #10

This is very well crafted and put together, with such low cost, too. I absolutely love the UWR colours, and any deck that works well within that boundary. +1

June 26, 2014 6:16 p.m.

DarkTutor says... #11

@LineDart feel to check my decks and give some feedback and/or advice.

@CurdBrosBrewingCo thanks for the help, also, the cavern may be a great addition, you should definitely try it outto see how it works.

June 26, 2014 7:11 p.m.

Thanks so much JexInfinite! I really appreciate your kind words and your +1!

Just to let everyone know, I dropped my Lightning Helix to 2 to add a 4th Path to Exile ....path is just too darn good :)

June 27, 2014 1:09 a.m.

Prevailed...I'll definitely try it out! Thank you.

As an aside, I realize it is hard to see without playing the deck how 1-ofs could be played with relative consistency. There is a method to my madness though. :)

The one-of's all have a range of uses:

This makes it so there is always utility to be gained from the card in any match up.

Each card is VERY powerful in select situations:

  • Electrolyze can be a 3-for-1 against weenies, elves, 2 dark confidants, etc.
  • Boros Charm can "counter" a board wipe.
  • Chandra, Pyromaster can tap down the one creature on board to get Geist through.
  • Restoration Angel can save a Geist you used to block so you can attack for lethal (with 7 in the air the next turn alone).

All net you cards 90% of the time:

  • Electrolyze cantrips.
  • Boros Charm saves multiple creatures or kills a planeswalker that can represent multiple spells.
  • Restoration Angel saves a creature outside of herself or bounce a Snapcaster to play another card!
  • Chandra, Pyromaster is a planeswalker (which already represents multiple spells) that also has a "pseudo-card-draw" ability.
  • Cryptic Command has a card draw function, but can also bounce one of theirs.

The cards are all chosen because they have HUGE upside with very little downside. Worst case, they perform a useful task and replace themselves with another card (be it drawn or saved) case, they crush the opponents plan.

So while they may seem slightly out of place when listed; I promise there is a reason each was chosen as a 1-of :).

Having said this, I am always open to comments and have no issue playing more if any of them. They are all great cards and if I can find a spot for another copy, I'd love it! Thanks so much for everyone's help this far!

June 29, 2014 3:16 a.m.

Added a fourth Lightning Bolt and will be trying out a second Boros Charm per Prevailed's suggestion. Thanks Prevailed for your suggestion and. + 1 and of course Thanks to everyone for your help and for the +1's!!

June 29, 2014 3:24 a.m.

nbarry223 says... #16

I've found 1 ofs are good if at least one of two criteria are met, otherwise if you actually want to see them, it is generally better to run 2 ofs. The criteria are that it can be tutored for in some way, or serves the same basic function as another card.

Going from that, Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep Eiganjo Castle Boros Charm all serve the same basic function for the Geist, so you should see them often enough. That's basically how I evaluate my one ofs in my decks, and definitely suggest you do the same. You'd be surprised how much it helps when you can break functions down statistically like that, and balance them from there (also include sideboard cards in it, for example the swords + batterskull are a category).

I just find that when you view the decks from a position like that, it shows where your strengths/weaknesses lie, where you can and can't make cuts, etc.

June 29, 2014 3:27 a.m.

nbarry223- I agree with you completely and thank you for sharing your expertise with us.

In addition, in a midrange or aggro/control deck efficiency and utility are key to a successful deck. Like you said before, you must also weigh this utility with consistency and fluency of the original plan. Therefore, having several one of's with a large range of uses while still maintaining the overall focus of the deck can be extremely valuable. Beyond just the use of the cards this also makes the opponent always wonder if you have the one of "answer" in your hand.

Luckily these colors in particular offer a wide range of cards that can give slightly different effects while still maintaining the option to burn the opponent, offer card advantage, and protect your threats. Those were the three criteria I wanted to maintain in this deck and they are the reasons for the one of's I chose.

The deck has been running great as of late, but decks are never a finished product. Thanks to everyone for their help and the +1's. I will post the picture of the foiled out deck as soon as the deck hits 50 votes! Keep the ideas and comments coming.

June 29, 2014 2:33 p.m.

nbarry223 says... #18

Yes, multipurpose cards are definitely nice to have, especially when you can use all of the modes (usually you can only use 2/3 or 1/2). The whole "function" mentality is nice and all, but it is a lot more involved than it looks first glance, since there is just so many functions that your cards can serve, which you see best when piloting the deck. It usually makes deciding what cards you can cut a lot easier though, which is why I still go through it (you can also see areas where you might want to put more emphasis, and the various options in that area, and where it overlaps with other weaker areas). It is especially helpful on the sideboard, since you can list which decks various cards are good against, and decide in a much more definitive way what needs to be added/cut.

I definitely agree on making them wonder if you have the answer though. If they've seen a card I know they should be weary of in a certain situation, I will leave the mana for that card open if I can without hurting myself. It makes a lot of players think twice if they will or won't do something. I've bluffed a Splinter Twin player into thinking I had Terminate or Rakdos Charm like that before, so they waited until they had the mana for counter magic.

June 29, 2014 2:49 p.m.

lil_cheez says... #19

Have you thought about Nevermore instead of Meddling Mage ? I'm saying that because Nevermored is easyer to cast, being monocolored, and harder to be destroyed as it is not a creature :)
On the other side, the Leyline could be traded for True Believer or Aegis of the Gods if you prefer stuff with "bodies"
Nice deck, overall! Keep it up!

June 29, 2014 8:16 p.m.

Thanks lil_cheez. I hadn't thought of Nevermore , but that would definitely be better. I have removed the Meddling Mage from the sideboard for the time being, but the sideboard is always a fluid set of 15 cards. Thank you for the help with the deck and the +1. We love to get recommendations from the community to make our decks better.

June 29, 2014 9:08 p.m.

vomdur says... #21

This deck is everything I hate to come up against all rolled into one!!! And I love it haha! You seriously do have a ton of answers for everything!

If tron is a problem in your meta (mine is packed with it) Sowing Salt is amazing basically a ha sucks to be you tron.

Since my meta is so full of tron I created it's grixis land destruction and man is it fun to watch all then tron guys squirm when they see me as their matchup

July 1, 2014 11:24 a.m.

Thanks for the comments and the +1 vomdur. My second favorite type of deck to play after UWR is Grixis. I'm an Izzet man at heart :).

Tron has been picking up steam in my meta as well. I having been thinking about putting in a Molten Rain in the sideboard or another Stony Silence because it kills the Blue Tron list. The sideboard is always in flux as the meta changes.

Your deck looks awesome and thanks again for the support and input!

July 1, 2014 7:07 p.m.

Walrusyn says... #23

Using Chandra like a boss, +1 of course :)

July 2, 2014 6:10 p.m.

kadonian says... #25

Supreme Verdict Anger of the Gods Wrath of God are all god examples of a way to wipe out swarms. That is one of your weaknesses.

July 2, 2014 6:57 p.m.

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