Modern Jeskai Delver/Geist

Modern* CurdBrosBrewingCo

SCORE: 81 | 163 COMMENTS | 34202 VIEWS | IN 25 FOLDERS

-Fulcrum says... #1

What do you think of Lightning Angel ? I'm not actually suggesting it, but rather wondering about its viability in the format.

August 18, 2014 5:05 p.m.

Mn3m0n1c says... #2

Hey, still incredibly jealous of your foils.. I've recently abandoned the dega burn train and was planning on going UR Delver.I was sad that I had a set of foil Lightning Helix and Path to Exile promos.. so I decided to just add the shocks and go UWR Delver.

Check out my list and let me know what you think! I went with the extremely low curve and revolving around Young Pyromancer .

So far it's very fun to play.

Freedom Delver

I am also toying with the idea of Tarmogoyf as I have a set of those hanging I have been playtesting with a deck idea of RUG Aggro.

Let me know what you think!

RUG Delver

August 27, 2014 1:30 p.m.

fluffy_frogurt says... #3

Since the fetchlands from onslaught are going to be legal soon, do you plan on adding the ones in your colors?

September 6, 2014 4:05 p.m.

thepoetmustdie says... #4

What he said

I think I'm going to go with a split between flooded strand and arid mesa. Honestly though I couldn't see where it'd matter because we'll be able to reach out our shocks no matter if you choose tarn or strand.

I'm more interested to know what you guys think about adding a singleton or two of Mindswipe. That card looks tasty.

September 8, 2014 2:10 a.m.

Hi Everyone. Sorry I haven't been on here in awhile. I have been moving and my wife is pregnant with my first baby on the way in November.

fluffy_frogurt- I totally plan on adding Flooded Strand s to the deck. I have a judge foil and am going to get another and play two in the deck. Scalding Tarn is still the best fetch for this deck so I will probably run 3 Scalding Tarn , 2 Flooded Strand , and 2 Arid Mesa .

I have been following the newly spoiled cards very closely to see if anything fits in the deck. Surprisingly enough, I think the Deflecting Palm is the best card spoiled so far for this deck. I will be trying one in the main and definitely be switching out the Runed Halo in the sideboard for a Deflecting Palm. I am also going to give the Jeskai Charm a shot, but don't love it.

I am currently working on another Jeskai build that takes advantage of Jeskai Ascendancy and will be posting that one as soon as I get the deck tested enough to make sure it's competitive and then get the write up finished.

Mn3m0nic- I love both of your decks. It think the RUG Delver lists will be very good shortly. The new counter spell that utilizes a creature with 4 power will work great with tarmogoyf. I personally have never played RUG delver in modern, but it looks amazing!

thepoetmustdie- I do like mindswipe, but I don't think it fits in this deck right now. I take that back, it works well in the deck, I just don't have any space to add it. I also agree with you about the fetches. I am going to use all of them for the fun and "pimp" factor, but they all get our fetches just fine.

Fulcrum- I absolutely love Lightning Angel . She is one of my top 5 favorite cards of all time. I actually have a lightning blitz deck built around her and Savor the Moment . I love the new mini lighting angel- Mantis Rider as well. I am going to try to squeeze him in that build as well.

Thanks to everyone for looking and for the +1's. We love seeing new brews and handing out +1's so feel free to write on our walls and we are happy to help with any brew we can.

September 11, 2014 12:34 a.m.

killer89247 says... #6

Opinions on Treasure Cruise and Monastery Swiftspear?

September 29, 2014 12:22 a.m.

Mn3m0n1c says... #7

I think a much better option would be Dig Through Time . The delve is much more affordable, and this deck has a wide variety of playstyles and answers.. I feel digging for two chosen cards out of seven is more valuable than drawing three from Treasure Cruise . Not to mention you may not want to delve that much.. Dig Through Time at eot for more mana and less delve could prove useful for the Snapcaster Mage s in the deck.

As for Monastery Swiftspear .. That card is cool, but for a sometimes better / more frequently worse card than Goblin Guide ... and this deck doesnt run guide in the first place.. This deck wants to land an evasive threat, and protect it by draw/go and playing reactive spells in response to casts and eot. Playing swiftspear would mean the deck would have to play mainphase spells to pump the swiftspear in order to make it worth it. Cant really counter spells for your convenience. Swiftspear needs to be built around.

Also been looking at Mantis Rider ... He may be pretty solid, only problem is he is such a good bolt target.

September 29, 2014 8:29 a.m.

Sorry for the delays in changes/updates guys...I ended up getting diagnosed with skin cancer; however had a succesful surgery and have spent the last couple weeks healing up! Between that and the birth of my baby boy; it's been a lot to deal with the last couple months (most of it good though!) I have no room to complain. I have a great life. I just didn't want anyone to think I wasn't interested in their thoughts or their brews...because I most certainly am!

May 12, 2015 8:49 p.m.

GofyTomcat1 says... #9

Dig Through Time is banned in Modern now. I know you probably know that, just reminding you.

My suggestion for replacing it: either -2 Dig, +1 Chandra and +1 Boros Charm or +1 Ajani Vengeant and +1 Boros Charm.

Also, why only 3 Lightning Helix?

Finally, check out my deck: Geist of Saint Chandra Tempo and give suggestions, please?

July 5, 2015 4:45 p.m.

xenith4127 says... #10

Dig is banned now, so if we were going to be building this deck, what would you suggest as replacements? something like Anticipate? Or would you suggest something else?

July 6, 2015 12:09 p.m.

jimmywilakers says... #11

Really like this deck, seems a bit more focused than some of your other jeskai decks. 10/10 wish I could pay for this.

July 14, 2015 9:07 p.m.

Vedran999 says... #12

Instead of "Tempest of Light" I would suggest "Paraselene" in sideboard. Same mana cost but it also nets you some life.

Since Dig throught time is banned in modern what cards would you suggest to replace it?

Otherwise, I just love the deck!! <3

May 27, 2016 4:39 a.m.

Vedran999 says... #13

I absolutely love this deck. I was searching spefically for a competitive deck that plays geist and found this jewel.

Also I have a suggestion just for casual play: instead of Geist add 3 Ascended Lawmage. It costs 1 mana more but besides hexproof it has flying and is a wizard. So when you get cavern of souls you may opt for wizard creature type and all creatures wiil be uncounterable.

July 10, 2016 6:16 a.m.

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