Modular is a counter-centric ability printed in Darksteel and Fifth Dawn that, until now, has never really seen a viable archetype to be played in. Things are about to change with this deck now hitting the meta! With the accompaniment of a few newly released cards from Aether Revolt, Kaladesh, Origins and even Kahns (the first set released when I started playing Magic), we're now able to exploit the modular ability on SO many levels.
Starting off, modular allows our creatures to enter the battlefield with a +1 counter on it. This counter can be moved to another creature when the creature dies, and therefore creatures dying is not necessarily a bad thing for us. One of the ways we can abuse the modular ability is with the addition of Hardened Scales. Scales helps accelerate the deck's counter distribution, effectively allowing us to create massive Walking Ballistas, Arcbound Ravagers and Hangarback Walkers. What's more, since the effect from Hardened Scales is stackable we enjoy having as many copies as possible.
Another 1-drop such as Hardened Scales that the deck heavily abuses is Animation Module. Since all our creatures enter with +1's on them we now have an outlet to create additional creatures that can be used for blockers and feeding Arcbound Ravager.

Arcbound Ravager, perhaps the most important card in the deck, provides us with a sac outlet to gobble up other creatures. When combined with Hardened Scales the Ravager can becomes absolutely MASSIVE in a hurry. Unused mana can be put to use at the end of each opponent's turn by sac'ing Servos to the Ravager and using the excess mana to create more Servos through Animation Module. There's NO shortage of utility for this deck between creating big metal beasts and small, efficient Servos.
Ravager and Hangarback Walker work together to provide one of two steady win conditions for the deck. Beefing up Hangarback is a great investment of resources for the deck. At the opponent's end step, we can sac the Hangarback to Ravager in order to create tons of flying attackers to bombard the opponent with. Next turn we attack the opponent with the thopters and choose an unblocked one to sacrifice Arcbound Ravager to in order to move it's counters at instant speed to do lethal damage.
The other intended win condition for the deck is to create a huge Arcbound Ravager in order to sacrifice it to Walking Ballista and then unload on the opponent. Once again, with the help of disposable Servos and other artifacts we can constantly be adding to Ravager's size. With Hardened Scales in the mix we can create lethal damage from Arcbound Ravager and Walking Ballista as early as turn 3. Don't believe me? Here's an example:
Turn 1: Darksteel Citadel, Mox Opal, Animation Module, tap mox for Hardened Scales.
Turn 2: Darksteel Citadel, Hangarback Walker, tap Animation Module for Servo.
Turn 3: land, Arcbound Ravager, Walking Ballista, sac Mox to Ravager. Sac Hangarback to Ravager (now 4/4), 2 Thopters are created, sac those to Ravager (now 8/8), sac servo to Ravager (now 10/10), sac Mox, Animation Module and Darksteel Citadels to Ravager now 18/18, sac Ravager to Ballista to make it 21/21 then unload.

Obviously most games you will not have a perfect hand such as this, however, turn 4 kills are quite common! We have a number of other cards in the deck to help it maintain tempo. Furthermore, in games where you cannot combo off we have enough creatures that are persistent enough to outlast an opponent. Next I will go over some of the other cards in the deck that make it tick so please read on.