Ballistics (Weapons of Mass Construction)
SCORE: 101 | 66 COMMENTS | 11131 VIEWS | IN 54 FOLDERS
TheLoneDart says... #2
RadioactiveToxicJinxHazards When you're editing your description there's a toolbar with about a dozen buttons (bold, italics, hyperlink, picture, et.). One of the last buttons is three horizontal lines and if you hover over it, it says Accordian Block. That's how you create them. Cheers.
February 8, 2017 7:24 p.m.
RadioactiveToxicJinxHazards says... #3
Thx very much i upvoted you for your help. Enjoy.
February 8, 2017 7:26 p.m.
Venomous08 says... #4
I really like the idea behind the deck, though I think the execution is still sub-par. I'd like to address the manabase first. Academy Ruins, Inventors' Fair, and Sea Gate Wreckage seem like good options at first, but their activated abilities are too expensive, slow, or conditional, hence you rarely see them played in Tier 1 Affinity decks. Darksteel Citadel should really be a 4-of in this deck since it helps enable Mox Opal and can be sacrificed to Arcbound Ravager if necessary. Additionally, I'd heavily consider running Inkmoth Nexus as another consistent win-con in combination with Arcbound Ravager. I also don't think that your mana curve is optimal. Topping off your curve with Scrap Trawler is fine, but you have too many cards competing for the 2 CMC spot. Arcbound Stinger seems particularly bad, since it just acts as a worse Arcbound Worker when you really want to be casting a Walking Ballista or Arcbound Ravager. Ancient Stirrings also doesn't fit with your game plan. This deck has 10 other 1-Drops that it prefers to play on T1 that actually add to the board-state. On the topic of 1-drops, I would play 4 Hardened Scales, since it enables all of your creatures and hence you want one in your opening hand. Also of note, it's effects do stack, so having multiple copies is not a problem. With all the slots that open up, I would definetly add 3-4 Springleaf Drum since your combo wants to be quick but is fairly mana-intensive. Ornithopter would help enable the Springleaf Drum more easily, give you more artifacts for improvise, and just reduce your curve a little bit. Hangarback Walker might also be worth considering as a 1-2-of just too add redundancy and give you another creature to dump counters on if you don't have a Walking Ballista available. Lastly, I'm a little unsure about Reverse Engineer. I haven't tested that card enough to make a definitive decision, but I personally prefer Thoughtcast for card draw. It does draw one card less, but is less color intensive, gets more value out of Mox Opal and Springleaf Drum and doesn't force you to abandon your defences.
February 8, 2017 8:48 p.m.
TheLoneDart says... #5
Hey Venomous08 and thanks for your input. I do not want to change this deck to a point where it resembled ravager affinity. I have increased hardened scales to x4. Also, I have reduced shrapnel blast to x2. And I have replaced arcbound stinger with hangarback (thanks a lot for that suggestion). Otherwise, I will test some stuff out, but I am not going to make any immediate changes. Thanks again.
February 8, 2017 9:08 p.m.
Blue_Flame says... #6
Really cool concept, I've never seen a deck that works completely off of modular before. I second basically everything Venomous08 on everything he/she noted, but in addition I would recommend Energy Chamber as a support card to really help you in grindier matchups. The card supplies you with a +1/+1 counter (or more) on one of your dudes every turn, really can't beat that!
February 8, 2017 9:34 p.m.
TheLoneDart says... #7
With a lot of the proposed changes I lose to modular edge that the deck has and shift more toward ravager affinity. And although I think that's a good deck, that's not what I wanted to make here. Thanks for comments and I'll let you know of any changes that are made. Cheers
February 8, 2017 10:16 p.m.
TheLoneDart says... #8
Thoughtcast and Darksteel Citadel are now in the deck!
February 9, 2017 10:23 a.m.
How confident are you that Glimmervoid won't backfire? Affinity plays a lot more cmc0 and cmc1 artifacts, and even that deck occasionally has trouble with early removal also killing Glimmervoid.
February 10, 2017 8:46 p.m.
TheLoneDart says... #10
Emzed haven't had problems with it yet and i've been playing the deck nonstop since i made it. cheers
February 10, 2017 8:52 p.m.
February 10, 2017 10:30 p.m.
TheLoneDart says... #12
Polupus nice recommendation. I'll test it out as Arcbound Stinger's slot is a somewhat replacable. Cheers buddy
February 10, 2017 10:38 p.m.
Hey! I don't play Modern, but if I did I would play THIS LIST!!!!!!!!! In fact I just might! +1
February 10, 2017 11:52 p.m.
TheLoneDart says... #14
Geoffrey1 buddy. DO IT!!! Go have a time. Kick some ass chief this is a lot of fun !
February 10, 2017 11:59 p.m.
Hardhitta7 says... #15
Awesome, haven't seen a deck like this before. +1
February 11, 2017 12:15 p.m.
TheLoneDart says... #16
hardhitta71194 thanks. I think it's the first of its kind. Stay tuned for some video playthroughs if you want to see it in action. Cheers!
February 11, 2017 12:25 p.m.
tested this a little bit and I think you should swap an island or 2 for basic forest to protect yourself against Ghost Quarter and you'd have options when hit with Path to Exile.
another sac outlet besides ravager might be good too. Phyrexia's Core might work since it dodges Stony Silence
good luck on your further development!
February 11, 2017 6:27 p.m.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but it isn't anywhere near the top 100 on all of tapped out. Being in the "tops" section is good and all (certainly better than I have ever done), but the top decks have like 2000 upvotes, it's insane (most of them are also joke decks but that's beside the point).
Otherwise this looks like a fun deck, +1!
February 13, 2017 10:10 p.m.
TheLoneDart says... #21
Hey, yea Grunyarth, I understand it's not an all-time top deck, but if you look down on the right side it shows this is #4. I'm guessing this means decks posted by week or category. Cheers and thanks!
February 13, 2017 10:13 p.m.
I actually have a U/W deck similar to this, but I hadn't thought about adding Walking Ballista. It's a great idea. One thing I use as well is Steel Overseer. Another suggestion might be Efficient Construction to generate thopters every time you cast an artifact spell. Another thought might be Inexorable Tide if you added Inspiring Statuary.
February 14, 2017 10:09 a.m.
The average CMC value given by tapped-out isn't a very relevant number in the case of this deck. While it would matter for cards like Dark Confidant, the only thing you are doing with your spells is casting them. With regards to that, Thoughtcast and Metallic Rebuke usually only cost you 1-2 mana instead of 5 and 3 respectively, and your two X-creatures costs 2 or 4, but never 0. Fortunately, in your case those costs reductions and increases cancel eachother out to some degree, but i still wouldn't read much into the value given here on the site.
February 14, 2017 10:48 a.m.
TheLoneDart says... #25
Emzed I have calculated an adjusted CMC for the deck at 1.24-1.43. This adjusts for Ballista and hangabback being cast for 2 mana, and thoughtcast and metallic rebuke being cast for 1 (1.24) and 2 (1.43). The range gives an accurate representation of the actual costs the deck incurs. Thanks for your comment!
RadioactiveToxicJinxHazards says... #1
How did you set up those Drop down menus? I would like to copy that tech to most of my decks. thankyou ahead of time, Feel free to pm me the details.
February 8, 2017 7:13 p.m.