Modern mono black control

Modern* mattil


MR H3AT says... #1

card:Praetor's Grasp is another option at removing win conditions.

October 18, 2012 5:44 p.m.

TheLastMammoth says... #2

Well I do not play with Legacy since I hate the format, so I won't be any help to you.But you have earned +1 from me for even trying to break the hated format xD

October 18, 2012 5:47 p.m.

mattil says... #3

user:MR%20H3AT As much as card:Praetor's Grasp is good for removing a card, it only let's me play that card if it is black or colorless. That's why I haven't included it.

TheLastMammoth Thanks man! The idea is to try to make a viable legacy deck that isn't a spin over the typical archetype decks. Also, this is a lot cheaper than most legacy decks:P

October 19, 2012 10:01 a.m.

Androstosity says... #4

The two suggestions I have for you are maybe Dark Confidant and Thoughtseize . They're expensive, but they'll do crazy work. Also be careful how much damage you deal to yourself. Maybe card:Umezawa's Jitte for the life gain and extra control.

Your main enemy in this format is quick aggro decks such as zoo and goblins. Merfolk might give you issues as well. The best way to kill such decks is to drop the Phyrexian Obliterator and hopefully you can keep them running in to it.

October 20, 2012 3:13 p.m.

I am building a similar deck (Reconnaissance Sniper) with splash of blue ( Mana Leak Brainstorm ). Removing win conditions is a good strategy as long as players are packing 4x and the deck is combo based. A well designed deck should not be threatened by our style or "removal" decks. Check out this article to understand the advantages and disadvantages of extraction cards:

October 20, 2012 3:29 p.m.

mattil says... #6

@ Androstosity Thanks for your suggestions! I have chosen not to run Dark Confidant because I'm already loosing considerable life to Surgical Extraction and Bitterblossom . Thoughtseize proposes the same problem - the life loss can get out of hand quickly. I agree with the Jitte, but it is quite an expensive card...

bluemanamonster I'll check your deck out and leave a comment:) Thx for the article link!

October 20, 2012 4:43 p.m.

chuck137 says... #7

I love decks like this, i have a modern deck that plays very similar Don't take my Vault Skirge from me!

You really need to reconsider card:Praetor's Grasp. I'd run 4x Shimmering Grotto or Transguild Promenade to fix the mana you need to run it.

+1 from me on this

October 22, 2012 11:17 a.m.

mattil says... #8

chuck137 thx for the +1! Really appreciate the feedback! I'll do some playtesting with card:Praetor's Grasp although I'm not convinced that the non-swamp lands are worth it - I fear they'll slow down my all swamp spells

October 22, 2012 11:50 a.m.

RareLaboratory says... #9

Psychogenic Probe could be madness. I have a deck made for it, but this could also make use of it.

October 24, 2012 6:58 p.m.

mattil says... #10

Wow, cool suggestion! Did not know of this card... I'll see if I can work it in

October 25, 2012 10:53 a.m.

KanvasKing says... #11

October 25, 2012 4:15 p.m.

mattil says... #12

@ KanvasKing thank you for your suggestion, it has however allready been suggested. The life loss that Thoughtseize brings about is not exactly something I can afford. My experience with the deck is that the life loss from Surgical Extraction is already considerable - legacy is after all a fast format ;)

October 26, 2012 4:16 a.m.

Androstosity says... #13

Legacy is indeed a fast format. But keep in mind many people are more than happy enough to cut their life in order to do something big. That's part of what makes legacy so quick. The downsides are less considered to be as detrimental. That being said, you said you didn't want to go expensive in this deck. (Said that jitte was too expensive) That is understandable. But keep in mind that most of what will make your deck better is going to be a pain in both your wallet and life points.

Now to attempt to be helpful. Sideboard should probably run some form of either quick grave hate (I understand that that is mostly what your deck does already, but certain decks, such as dredge, don't care about your extraction.... Leyline of the Void ), you could slow them down by trying a land demo (Wasteland is incredibly strong, but is as expensive as it is strong. Sinkhole is the same....)

Or use your lifeloss as a boon. card:Death's Shadow

Or fancy up your land base to let you explode a little more. Ancient Tomb isn't too bad....

That's long enough and I'm losing focus on what you want to do by now, so we'll call it at that. Hope that helps?

October 26, 2012 12:05 p.m.

mattil says... #14

Thanks Androstosity! It was helpful indeed. Cards like the jitte will come as later add on's as I get around to it - but right now, they're too expensive. The same unfortunately goes for Sinkhole , Wasteland and Thoughtseize .

I get your point though, but against dredge and reanimator, removing their graveyard will stop my plans. I need the graveyard to work my magic which is why dredge is actually a great matchup for me.

Your suggestion of card:Death's Shadow is great! They could definitely work if I run Thoughtseize as well:)

October 26, 2012 12:38 p.m.

tzeenkh says... #15

You know, you could think about turning this deck into modern, it would be a lot greater in that format. And it only requires that you take Hymn to Tourach out and perhaps adding Thoughtseize ?

October 30, 2012 5:12 p.m.

qk1 says... #16

I always wanted to build a deck around Haunting Echoes , and I guess this is it. Didn't even need the card! +1

October 30, 2012 7:39 p.m.

mattil says... #17

@ qk1 Thanks man:) In my experience Haunting Echoes is one of those cards that you just wish were better than they are - it's such a cool card after all. It does work it's evil magic in turbo fog decks and in mill-control though.

@ tzeenkh this actually started out as a modern format deck. Modern is unfortunately not really played at my local gaming shop, so I switched the idea around a bit to accommodate the legacy format. I played my modern version of the deck and went 2-3 at a legacy event. I saw that many legacy decks are vulnerable to win condition removal and since I love the play style, this is what I came up with. But you're right: I just need to make minor adjustments and I have a pretty good modern deck as well :)

October 31, 2012 4:14 a.m.

qk1 says... #18

I agree completely! This deck is better without it.

October 31, 2012 12:10 p.m.

Blainathar says... #19

LOL! Surgical Extraction , for that word say, "Oh your Mono-Green? No? Even better! Red instants! I choose Mountain :)

March 10, 2013 4:49 p.m.

FLATSO99 says... #20

what about Waste Not, i use it in my deck, dicarded fates mono black vampire discard. also, why not Damnation instead of black sun's?


June 17, 2016 5:54 p.m.

Slurpeee says... #21

Languish or Mutilate could be better options for board wipes. Damnation is too damn expensive

October 15, 2016 6:34 a.m.

You realise how dumb that sounds? Damnation is , Languish is and Mutilate is , all the same mana cost and all forms of board wipe the only difference is that Damnation actively destroys creatures, Mutilate just weakens everything to the point of death, and Languish is a nerfed mutilate

October 24, 2016 1:46 a.m.

Slurpeee says... #23

euananddalesaccount To own Damnation, it's expensive!!

October 24, 2016 7:37 p.m.

jesmister says... #24

Change all of the swamps to snow swamps and play Dead of Winter ? I see no downside over Mutilate or Languish or even black sun’s

September 11, 2019 2:40 p.m.

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