Modern Mono Green Devotion

Modern* rstnme


rathalos3000 says... #1

I highly recommend Khalni Hydra and +1 ;)

January 13, 2014 12:21 p.m.

rstnme says... #2

I keep going back and forth--do I want Selkies and Visionaries, or do I want Predator Oozes and Kitchen Finks? I think the former is explosive and can end the game very quickly, whereas the latter has a ton more resilience to removal-heavy decks like Jund. What do you think?

January 21, 2014 2:41 p.m.

forestlore44 says... #3

Here's hoping Born of Gods gives monogreen a creature win con like Fanatic of Mogis is to Red deck wins...

January 21, 2014 7:57 p.m.

rstnme says... #4

Another update after reading Travis Woo's article. Acidic Slime is amazing, and I'm realizing the most powerful synergies of the deck circle around Eternal Witness, Genesis Wave, and Primal Command. Voyaging Satyr was part of the original build, but later dropped because without Burning-Tree Emissary he felt like a wimpy turn 2. This is absolutely wrong, as he can generate a ton of mana and value on his own. I also mistook the idea of the deck as a "play giant creature and win" deck, when really this could and should be a bit of a grindy deck that uses early commands and acidic slimes to take over the game and eventually win. I will continue testing. Thanks for all those watching!

January 28, 2014 4:42 p.m.

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