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Modern MonoBlack Infect

Modern Discard Infect Mono-Black




Instant (2)

Sorcery (3)

Deck owner: Rodrigo Perez Sevillano, from Argentina :)

This is my personal list, and this is the original autor of the original list of the deck: http://puremtgo.com/articles/becoming-modern-man-mono-black-infect

I'm testing it with some changes in mainboard and sideboard. I don't have the money for Inquisition of Kozilek yet, but i'm trying it with Blackmail wich is maybe better in mid-game and Duress

The Sideboard is specifically oriented to stop Geist/hexproof and Aggro decks with Devour Flesh or Infest , Control/Combo with Duress and accelerate the damage with 2 extra Lashwrithe. Maybe the nemesis of this deck is Monored/Burn cause is really fast and gaining life is really difficult before loosing the game on monoblack. Thats the reason why i try Vampire Hexmage on this deck.Burn decks have quick creatures like Goblin Guide or Spark Elemental that can die on the first strike fase. The opponent can kill the vampire of course, but loosing a Lightning Bolt is not funny, specially on this deck that have Phyrexian Crusader and needs to make damage directly cause protection of red.Plus: the Vampire Hexmage can kill Planeswalkers.

I'm still looking for cards that can stop Leyline of Sanctity

I'm not sure with the Sideboard yet. Suggestions are wellcome :)


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Date added 12 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Mythic Rares

15 - 1 Rares

10 - 12 Uncommons

18 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.08
Tokens Phyrexian Germ 0/0 B
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