
Instant (5)

Sorcery (4)

Creature (3)

Artifact (3)


Deck for a challenge that I have with a friend of mine, of placing in the top 3 of a FNM or greater tourney with a pauper deck in modern. Since the tourney will be modern the cards also have to be modern legal. The issue is where I play most of the decks if not all are very good decks, very few brews are ever seen. FNM is sometimes like playing at a ptq it feels like. The shops metagame does lack Deathshadow decks for the most part.(seen one in the last 2 months) Usually during a FNM I see 2-4 G/B or R/G tron, 2-5 Affinity, 1-2 Scapeshift, 2-4 Jeskai/UW control, 2-3 Burn/Zoo decks, 1 Jund, 1 Abzan, 2 Storm, 1 Living end. I'm sure I'm missing a few as most modern there have been 25+ people a week. Anyways point is I need help smoothing out this deck to actually make a run at it. Right now in play testing it feels clunky but does have some extremely powerful draws. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

17 - 7 Uncommons

29 - 8 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.60
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