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Modern Robots (Affinity)

Modern Affinity Aggro Artifact Competitive



Creature (1)

Enchantment (1)

Sorcery (4)

This deck is the definition of aggro. Your gameplan is to dump your hand as quickly as possible and ride cards like Cranial Plating and Arcbound Ravager to victory. With all of the 0 cost and low costing artifacts, it is easy to turn metalcraft on. Etched Champion is a huge problem for most decks and is near unbeatable unless they have a wrath effect. I've had just 1 Day's Undoing in the deck and haven't had much success thus far. I've replaced it with another Steel Overseer because that card is just a house.I love the 4 Galvanic Blast to deal with problem creatures or just have 4 damage to the dome out of nowhere.

Infect is also a very viable kill option for this deck. Inkmoth Nexus is a house and when equipped with a Cranial Plating or sacking your board to move counters from ravager.

I've made a budget move from Glimmervoid to City of Brass. Both serve the same functioning role, I just take a damage when I tap City of Brass. With a $20 difference, I felt the cost didn't really justify the functionality.

Welding Jar is protection against boardwipes and spot removal. With Terminate , Abrupt Decay, and Lightning Bolt running rampant in the meta, I've decided to board 1 in just as sweet insurance against these cards when I go all in.

Sideboard Tech:You are a huge favorite in game 1 against the majority of decks. I'd say at least 85%. Most all decks make up for it when they can sideboard however, then it moves to 50/50. With all of the artifact hate running around, my sideboard reflects heavily removing their answers from the board so I can continue my gameplan.

Relic of Progenitus - Good against delve decks/Tarmogoyf/ Snapcaster Mage. A cheap one drop that effectively limits their graveyard shenanigans.

Whipflare - Brought in against low to the ground creature decks/Delver of Secrets  . It removes weenie blockers and allows my robots to get through.

Blood Moon - Mostly against Amulet Bloom. It neuters their gameplan and allows you to run away with the game.

Thoughtseize/ Torpor Orb/ Spellskite - Brought in against combo decks like Splinter Twin and Amulet Bloom. It takes the most important cards out of their hand and makes their ETB creatures useless.

Ancient Grudge/ Wear / Tear - Comes in against the mirror match up.

Dismember/Gutshot - Mostly brought in to fight a Kataki, War's Wage.

Please give me feedback and let me know how to improve this deck! Thank you!


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 3 Mythic Rares

21 - 2 Rares

27 - 10 Uncommons

6 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.40
Folders Artifact Decks, Modern gauntlet
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