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Modern Split Card Control



This deck runs 7 copies of Armageddon that go by the name of Ardent Plea and Bring to Light. With a few recasts of armageddon if need be off Goblin Dark-Dwellers. This works by cascading or Bring to Lighting the split card Boom/Bust. In all zones but the stack it has both a CMC of 2 and 6 simultaneously. So when ardent plea goes looking for 1 and 2 drops all it finds is Boom. We then get to cast it without paying it's mana cost and may choose to cast Bust instead. Another cool synergy if we have Boom/Bust in hand is for turn 3+ where we cast Boom targeting an unused fetchland we have in play, then sac in response. In this case Boom becomes a 2 mana Stone Rain that fuels a late game Goblin Dark-Dwellers.

We really want to be casting a Nahiri on turn 3 or 4 followed up by a sweeper and an Armageddon. Then Nahiri ticks up unopposed until we drop an Emrakul clearing their 2 turns or so of progress and knocking out 15 life, then repeating that process until they scoop.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years
Exclude colors B
Splash colors G

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

35 - 0 Rares

11 - 0 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 59
Avg. CMC 4.41
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