So I've been playing modern regularly for about 6 months (primarily on storm) and for the first time I went 4-0 at a local event last night! I play at fairly diverse and competitive meta, last night i saw, jund, UW control, esper control, phoenix, humans, spirits and scales affinity to name a few. Normally we have 15-20 people show up.
Round 1: Jund
Game 1: He hit thoughtsize on t1 taking my gifts but I drew into a second and was able to go off on t3
Game 2: I brought in 3 peices, 1 empty, and possibly, merchant scroll, and possibly a bounce. pulling 2 gifts, 2-3 sleight of hand, grape shot. He mulled to 5 to find leyline, I started with empty in so I created 10 tokens and rode them to the win. It felt great to 2-0 jund but I feel like he misplayed a bit
Round 2: UW control
pretty standard match up, I was able to storm off game 1, he locked me out game 2 and then I pulled the win on game 3 with some tokens. nothing really special, I did have a pretty tight counter war over a RIP in game 3, which confirmed that I don't think that I've been over boarding. I typically bring in peices, all of my counters, gigadrouse, and empty, pulling sleights, grapeshot, gobo, and normally some number of rituals
round 3: Esper Control
This list was pretty sweet, Kaya really does work.
game 1 he was able to lock me out with kaya online
game2: I bring in a similar package to UW control. I'm able to cast a decent size empty and ride it to the win
game 3: He landed Kaya on t3 again, I top deck grapehot and use it to remove kaya, and then proceed to storm off the following turn.
Round 4: humans
Game 1: he hits meddling mage, naming grapeshot, I simply storm off bouncing it before I cast grapeshot
Game 2: he landed 3 pieces of hate relatively quickly so I scoop and go to game 3.
Game 3: went very similar to game 1, early meddling mage plus a thalia, I bounce the thalia and storm off bouncing the mage before casting grape shot.
I brought in all of my removal as well as 2 pieces and an empty. I'm still on the fence with pieces in this match up. on one hand it slows me down, but it also makes the empty plan much more effective and keeps me from being shut down if he had named gifts with mage (which I think he should of).
All in all it was a great night! I felt fairly competent in all of the matches, I did get a little flustered setting up to bounce the meddling mage, so thats a line I'll need to practice. If things continue to go well for me, I'd like to attend a larger event and see how I do!