Modern Thopter Aggro

Modern Mojangles


We need to make some changes to this deck.

1.This isn't really burn, the only burn cards in here are Shrapnel Blast and Molten Vortex which is not a lot of burn cards at all. Burn has a lot of instants and sorcery cards that do damage for example Lightning Bolt. And I would take out Molten Vortex because you don't run a lot of lands, only 20 which might get you mana screwed in this situation.

  1. I would keep Shrapnel Blast and if you have enough money, replace molten and 1 Springleaf Drum with 2 Remand

3.Put some counters in there and put some Lightning Bolt in there for a quick first turn 3 damage

November 29, 2015 1:22 p.m.

Oh yea, and sorry for the stupid numbering system, it wouldn't let me enter it as 1,2,and 3 for some reason. Instead it did 1,1,3

November 29, 2015 1:23 p.m.

Mojangles says... #3

It's a casual deck :) It's put together with cards that I had; I don't own the cards you're suggesting, although they would be good in the deck.

If I change the deck up, Remand would be great. I agree that Molten Vortex is unnecessary, but it's just a card I had that I thought would give extra value if I get flooded. I think I'd rather play Galvanic Blast over Lightning Bolt, but that's just personal preference. I might try playing some spellbombs to make metalcraft a bit more viable, perhaps Pyrite Spellbomb.

I'll try taking out Chief Engineer, Molten Vortex, 1xSpringleaf Drum, and 1xWhirler Rogue. I'll add in 2xGalvanic Blast and 2xRemand. I'll play around with Pyrite Spellbomb, and see if it fits.

November 30, 2015 2:09 p.m.

Mojangles says... #4

Thanks for your suggestions, by the way :)

November 30, 2015 2:09 p.m.

loclif says... #5

I know this is a couple years late, but if you were looking to splash green in this deck Kaladesh gave us lots of new options to play with. Lifecraft Awakening is honestly better than Ensoul Artifact in my opinion as you can cast it at Instant speed and also use it on Artifact Creatures. The only downside is that it doesn't work so well with vehicles, but it is a solid addition to almost any Thopter deck. Also great with Tron and Ramp.

February 21, 2018 11:25 p.m.

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