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Modern U/B Turbo-Mill

Modern Mill UB (Dimir)




Put together a mill deck fast enough to challenge my modern meta. I've been tweaking it to optimize the early turns, and the deck's improved in playtesting as it's been updated.

Ideal turn 1 drop is Hedron Crab. With a couple of these dudes in play simply cracking a fetchland can mill for 12 cards. Thought Scour is a quick mill and a great cantrip.

Turn 2 drops are Glimpse the Unthinkable and Breaking / Entering. Mesmeric Orb can win games nearly singlehandedly if played when an opponent is tapped out, and can also benefit me if I need to cast Crypt Incursion on my own graveyard in a pinch. Augur of Bolas lets me filter through the top deck for instants and sorceries.

A turn 3 Mind Funeral can hit really hard if I'm able to use Surgical Extraction, targeting an opponent's nonbasic lands.

The 3x Archive Trap in the main deck are there to punish fetchlands, but should be sideboarded out against mono-color decks that don't run fetches.

Ghost Quarter fuels the Trap, but can also be used on my own lands for additional landfall triggers. Oboro, Palace in the Clouds and the fetchlands provide most of the landfall for Hedron Crab, and Crypt Incursion can really swing the game in my favor against creature-heavy decks.

Leyline of Sanctity and major eldrazi pose obvious threats to the mill archetype, so 3x Echoing Truth are in the mainboard in case you need to bounce Leylines or other threats. Surgical Extraction and Leyline of the Void in the sideboard are your defense against 12-post eldrazi.

Infect aggro is a troublesome matchup, as my only reliable defense against it is Darkness. Crypt Incursion, Surgical Extraction, and Visions of Beyond should be boarded out for counter magic, Leyline of the Void, and Echoing Truth in this matchup.

This is my pet modern deck, and I greatly enjoy playing it. It can stomp powerful archetypes like Melira Pod and Ajani-Jund on a fairly regular basis, but I'm always looking to improve it. If anyone has feedback or suggestions, please let me know. Viva le mill deck!


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After a good deal of playtesting against Ajani/Jund, America Control, U/G Infect, Merfolk, and Melira Pod, I've decided to sideboard all counterspells (and increase the total number of counters to six) in favor of 3x Darkness. 2x Deathrite Shaman, along with 1x Mind Funeral, have also been moved to SB to make room for 4x Visions of Beyond, which, thanks to the mill archetype, can become Ancestral Recall as early as turn 3. To make room, I have removed Snapcaster Mage, Pithing Needle and Spellskite from the SB.

The combination of Darkness and Crypt Incursion can frequently give the deck more than enough time to zero an opponent's deck out; the trio of cantrips in Augur of Bolas, Thought Scour, and Visions of Beyond have helped remedy the deck's previous problem of running out of steam. A number of cards can be sideboarded out in control matchups far lighter on the creature level, and there are still 4x Leyline of the Void in the SB to put in against Living End, which I have not sufficiently playtested against. Overall, the deck has proven to be extremely fast and resilient, and right now it's sitting at a lovely sub-2 average CMC.

At this point, I would like to optimize the sideboard to be effective against other popular modern archetypes, so I am considering adding Witchbane Orb to shuffle in against burn and (god forbid) mirror matches. More defense against infect and another Surgical Extraction may also be in order. Input would be appreciated!


Date added 11 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

41 - 1 Rares

10 - 11 Uncommons

7 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.45
Folders Mill Decks, MTG Decks, Turbo-Mill, Fun Decks, Cool Decks, Modern, Decks I Should Try, I want, My Favorite Decks Others Have Built, makin that mill
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