This is a competitive modern deck.
Current matchups:
Any aggro, including affinity - Favorable
Grixis Control - Favorable (have never actually lost to Grixis)
Death's Shadow - Favorable
Eldrazzi Tron - Unfavorable. Sideboard Bribery, Leyline of Sanctity, and Surgical Extraction. If you can Ghost Quarter a tron land and Surgically Extract it, you've likely won the game.
Dredge - Relatively favorable first game, easy win second game with Relic of Progenitus
UR storm - Unfavorable. You need to sideboard in Relic of Progenitus, Leyline of Sanctity, and Surgical Extraction to rip their combo apart. Aggressively mulligan for Relic of Progenitus.
8-rack - Unfavorable game 1. Aggressively mulligan game two for a Leyline of Sanctity
Mono Green Devotion - 50/50. Just sideboard in Bribery and remove their one win condition: Craterhoof Behemoth. Be sure to save Negate for their Primal Command
If you have any questions or suggestions just leave a comment. I've kept this deck up since around 2012 and it's gone through a lot of iterations. Venser, the Sojourner can admittedly be removed, but he is a good blowout card to break a standstill. His -1 can end games. The reason I play him is because my little brother got me an altered foil from the artist several years ago. I used to play him a lot in EDH and standard during the Scars of Mirrodin block.