Modern Walker Devotion Combo

Modern* CurdBrosBrewingCo

SCORE: 181 | 179 COMMENTS | 19545 VIEWS | IN 98 FOLDERS

DragoLion says... #1

I absolutely love your deck. My only question is How does it fare in tournament? Very nice on the explaination. Upvote for me.

August 4, 2015 5:07 a.m.

Thank you so much DragoLion!!!

I have yet to bring it to a "big" tourney (just many Modern matches locally with my Modern playgroup). I have been able to test it against the top tier decks in the current Modern meta and it has done quite well; however I certainly need to test it more.

I was actually surprised as I built the deck initially thinking it would be a "casual" deck. After purchase of Nissa, Worldwaker and two sideboard cards on MTGO I'll try to play a few dailies there as well to produce more "global" results.

The deck is interesting because a vast majority of the efficient removal in Modern is for Creatures, Enchantments, and Artifacts...there are very few good (and heavily played) answers for planeswalkers (especially those that go to 4-Loyalty on their first trigger). Also, a lot of traditional "hate" for Cloudstone Curio decks (Torpor Orb, Eidolon of the Great Revel, etc.) do nothing against walkers, Genesis Wave, and/or Genesis Hydra...

The deck also just ramps extremely fast. Even in "fair" matches (where you don't "combo off" or the opponent keeps you off Cloudstone Curio) our board gets so big so quickly that decks like Affinity, Grixis Delver, Abzan, Jund, Merfolk, and others struggle too keep up.

Of course, I still need to post the sideboard and discuss the choices (as this deck in particular has some interesting "hate" cards it can utilize). I will do so ASAP today after my latest testing round.

I will post on here immediately after I play a tournament with it; but please by all means (and this goes for anyone and everyone); please do test the deck against the Modern meta/ best deck and let me know how it fairs. It's the only way we can make the deck better! Hopefully you find it competitive as well!

P.S. I'll post my testing results later today too (outlining individual match ups, strengths, weakness, etc.) over the last 200 games.

August 4, 2015 5:21 a.m.

DragoLion says... #3

Well good sideboard choices include.


Creeping Corrosion



and Reclamation Sage

August 4, 2015 9:19 a.m.

ramuzzini says... #4

I'm not sure why you're using wooded foothills if you don't have mountains in the deck. It seems you'd be better off just adding 2 additional forests and avoid paying 1 life. If you draw the forest, you don't have to search for it. Maybe I'm missing something.

Overall, deck looks great.

August 4, 2015 1:34 p.m.

kchedges says... #5

ramuzzini - I think you need to take a close look at Stomping Ground.

CurdBrosBrewingCo - Awesome deck man. I think you should throw in at least a single Craterhoof Behemoth though for an additional win-con.

August 4, 2015 2:46 p.m.

CheeseBro says... #6

Awesome deck! like seriously. This is awesome. also, agree with kchedges about Craterhoof Behemoth.

August 4, 2015 8:37 p.m.

Thanks CheeseBro! and thank you kchedges as well!!

Can't thank you guys enough for both your +1's, your kind words, and your suggestions.

I've looked into Craterhoof Behemoth in past, but found that it seemed to be a "win-more" card. If I was hitting it off a Genesis Wave or Genesis Hydra; I was probably already winning the game (as I'm casting a card for X=8+)...

The deck doesn't run a ton of creatures; but you are right that there generally are a lot of creatures on board when you add in all of the tokens. I am going to test it more (as any time two people have the same suggestion there is definite merit to the idea). I will let you know how it goes! Thanks for the suggestions!

P.S. Running a 1-of Dryad Arbor. I replaced one Forest with Dryad Arbor. It can be overran with Garruk Wildspeaker, pumped with Kessig Wolf Run, and counts toward Xenagos, the Reveler's "Gaea's Cradle Ability". It also gains Psuedo vigilance with Arbor Elf, Nissa, Worldwaker, and Garruk Wildspeaker (which actually played out well in a game tested when an opponent used Cryptic Command on me; but I digress...Just a TON of synergy, so may be worth the slot.

Also, trying out Courser of Kruphix in the "flex slot" the currently has Nylea's Presence in it. Courser has a TON of card advantage built-in AND can bounce both creatures and enchantments with Cloudstone definite synergy and power here. The big downside is the 3-CMC vs. 2-CMC (i.e. if the curve starts getting too high). As always, I'll keep everyone posted! Let me know what you think.

August 5, 2015 1:56 a.m. Edited.

Sweet deck and primer!

I am pretty new to elves devotion of any sort (including planes walker devotion) and was wondering how well you stood up to board wipes. I'd think that they'd pretty much stop you cold, but I doubt it because that's too simple. Is pyroclasm enough to stop the deck or does it take more?

Love the deck and love the background! +1

August 5, 2015 9:07 a.m.

CheeseBro says... #9

could you give me the code that you used for this?

August 5, 2015 9:19 a.m.

Ooh, and me! Although I don't think I can use it because I am not an upgraded user.

August 5, 2015 9:24 a.m.

-Logician says... #11

A very well-deserved upvote from me, CurdBrosBrewingCo.

I just wanted to express my appreciation for your decks over the past couple years that I've seen. Each and every one of them has consistently displayed a great deal of creativity, detail, originality, and quality. When I see one of your decks featured, it's always worth the look.

August 5, 2015 1:04 p.m.

To get a background image; I do it in a few steps (all of which I learned from members on here):

  1. Find the image you want on Google, etc. and save it.

  2. Format it however you like (in this case I used excel to put three images together and tinted them all can use paint, Photoshop, whatever...)

  3. Once you hand the image you want to be your background; go to Create an account (it's free). From there you can upload any image and create URL's and links. Every time you upload an image you will have five different options in the window. In this case you want the second one from the top. Highlight the URL in that option and copy it.

  4. Put this in the deck description:

< img src="IMAGE URL" style="position:fixed;top:0px;left:0px;width:100%;height:100%;z-index:-1;" / >

The only change to make is to delete the space between the < and "img" and delete the space between the / and the > at the end (posted this way here so you could see the code).

August 5, 2015 6:50 p.m.

To get the clear boxes, just put this in the description:

< link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" / >

Again getting rid of the spaces between the < and >.

I hope this helps. Can't wait to see your cool pages CheeseBro and Figag!

August 5, 2015 6:54 p.m.

Thank you -Logician...I can't tell you how much that means. We try to build interesting and new decks are also still Modern competitive. There are a ton of amazing synergies and underutilized cards in the format....the tough part is building in the speed, card advantage, and resiliency needed for Modern. Most times; the printing of one or two new cards will solidify an idea, sometimes it's an entire mechanic (a good example was that my brother had some success with Delver decks with Distortion Strike and Kiln Fiend...but when Prowess was printed it pushed the deck to an extremely competitive place...), and sometimes it's just finding e Pugh small synergies and 1/2 card advantages that a deck finally gets "pushed over"...

I can tell you for every "Good" deck we've made there are probably a dozen "not quite there yet" builds we have written out :).

I really do appreciate the kind words. We love brewing; so hopefully we can find some more interesting and competitive avenues to take. I can definitely say we could never get the decks to their best possible build without the TO community. It's just a great group of people. Thanks again!

August 5, 2015 7:39 p.m.

-Logician says... #15

You're very welcome. :)

August 5, 2015 8:02 p.m.

grandpappy says... #16

Saw this link from your post in the MTG Salvation Green Devotion post

I really like the idea behind this deck. I hope to give it a try at some point. My current meta is chock-full of creature hate, and this would bypass a lot of it pretty easily.

Currently I'm working on building the toolbox version of green devotion, and this might be the next thing I try out.

August 6, 2015 11:36 a.m.

Love the deck as always, man. Not too bad on overall price too. Well done. +1

August 6, 2015 2:08 p.m.

Thanks grandpappy...the MTG Salvations community has really helped explore green devotion as an archetype. I'd love to hear more about your toolbox build too. It hasn't been discussed recently on Salvations...did amy new cards (Collected Company, etc.) add to the deck?

August 6, 2015 3:09 p.m.

Thanks so much CrovaxTheCursed! I was actually surprised how cheap the deck was when I posted it. You really don't HAVE to run the Wooded Foothills either (so it can be cheaper if need be). While I don't build based on budget; I'm certainly extremely happy when the deck is affordable!

August 6, 2015 3:29 p.m. Edited.

I'm not sure I'd call devotion the best mechanic in modern but the deck is certainly interesting. I like the amount of effort you put into thinking about how the cards actually synergize instead of looking at it like "I like all of these cards, let's make a deck with them". +1 for the build and I'll definitely check out more decks from you

August 6, 2015 6:43 p.m.

Thanks KiLLersxLegendx!

Yeah...I can say I'm EXTREMELY biased toward Devotion :) ha! I just have always loved it. It just really fits the way I like to play. So I guess I should say "my favorite mechanic in Modern..." Rather than "the best"

Def check out our other decks. We have four more put up here (that are non-devotion, non-jeskai decks) and have to clean up and update a couple of our older decks...but we're gonna have it all up and up-to-date this weekend.

I'll have to check out your decks too! We love brewing and seeing other brews; so I love seeing other active Brewers' ideas!

August 6, 2015 7:30 p.m.

I also agree with you that the best decks (in my opinion) in Modern build on multiple synergies and incremental advantage; and are not just "good stuff" decks or "glass cannon" decks.

August 6, 2015 7:36 p.m.

Um, I think you might be missing a /div tag because your sidebar is broken. Still a very cool code and deck! I love this thing! My god has it taken off as well - 38 upvotes in 3 days? That's impressive.

August 6, 2015 8:53 p.m.

That's was fine up until an hour ago. I'm not a coding guy (just copy/paste :) so I'll have to figure out what's up.

August 6, 2015 9:03 p.m.

L0stinExile says... #25

I have to say, this seems absolutely amazing. Have another +1 good sir, you've earned it.

August 6, 2015 11:51 p.m.

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