lolipop666 says... #4
Momentary Blink is obviously better than Cloudshift since it has flashback. and i don't need any more blink effects :) any ideas on low-drops with etb effects?
May 14, 2014 10:11 p.m.
Momentary Blink is much worse than cloudshift. 1 mana makes all the difference. Counterspells rarely work well with this type of deck, since you are tapping out on your turn to cast all those ETB goodies.
I can see this deck going towards the ETB goodness path with some AEther Vial to cheat those creatures into play and leave your mana alone.
Something like 21 lands, 4 vial, 4 path, 4 cloudshift/momentary blink, 4 remand, 2 Venser, The sojouner and 21 creatures. The creature suit I imagine is something like this:
tempo is the key here, and maintaining it should be easier with such a list. Somewhere in there, 4 Flickerwisp should fit, though I do not know where.
MetaphorOWl says... #2
If that is what you are going for, the deck may not be very competitive unless you are willing to put a bit of money into it. But you could try out Kitchen Finks as another blink target along with Stonehorn Dignitary and Venser, the Sojourner for some lock downs.
April 23, 2014 12:30 a.m.