Modernistic athreos

Modern Hellsing


Blind_Guardian says... #1

Femme_Fatale I think Hell's Thunder is the better of them since it has unearth and flying. Lightning Serpent could be really great when you have much mana though.

October 29, 2014 6:58 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #2

Volcanic Fallout instead of Anger of the Gods . Reason is because Anger of the Gods directly contradicts with Athreos, God of Passage . That and it is instant speed.

October 29, 2014 10:54 p.m.

Hellsing says... #3

Femme_Fatale & benjamin_is_nuts
Thanks for the suggestions, I will make some swaps and see if it works out well.

October 30, 2014 8:26 p.m.

Hellsing says... #4

Femme_Fatale, benjamin_is_nuts, Pseudolife.What do you think about adding Cavern of Souls to this deck? Because I have 15 elementals in this deck now, so maybe that is a possibility.

October 31, 2014 6:49 a.m.

Blind_Guardian says... #5

Duck_of_doom ...and you have 13 non-elemental creatures which is about 46 % of the creature base. I.e Cavern of Souls is too risky and counterspells isn't the biggest problem for this deck.

October 31, 2014 7:32 a.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #6

It wouldn't be a big issue if your other creature base wasn't one of these two: 1) Coloured mana heavy and 2) Not a single one shares a subtype.

And that's 2 for 2 bud.

October 31, 2014 8:18 a.m.

Krakshot says... #7

Have you thought about swapping Butcher with Falkenrath Aristocrat?

February 11, 2015 7:58 p.m.

Hellsing says... #8

Krakshot well I have no humans to use as sacrifice outlet to Falkenrath Aristocrat and a important thing with butcher is that it's out of Lightning Bolts range, I still like the card I just don't think it's better than butcher in this build
WotanubisReturned Grim Haruspex and return to the ranks are both to slow for modern. Memnite/Ornithopter - I see your point but it aint a direction I would like to take with this deck. Regarding Viscera Seer, it may work well here but what would I remove to make room for it?
Anyways, thanks for the input!

February 11, 2015 9:06 p.m.

Kage-no-Raito says... #9

You can respond to the Lightning Bolt by using Falkenrath Aristocrat's sac ability. It still makes her indestructible though she wouldn't get a +1/+1 counter. I do like the butcher but he requires sac'ing two creatures to really be effective on the first turn he's dropped.

February 12, 2015 12:32 a.m.

-blink- says... #10

How does Athreos, God of Passage interact with Leyline of the Void and Rest in Peace ? If those graveyard replacement effects cause Athreos not to trigger, what enchantment removal would you reccomend for this deck? Also have you considered Lightning Skelemental since rev 12?

July 31, 2019 5:05 a.m.

rotimislaw says... #11

What would you think of Cruel Celebrant instead of Blood Artist ? Same CMC, better stats. shouldn't be a problem in your case as you're playing Mardu either way.

@-blink-: I'm not sure how Athreos interacts with graveyard hate, but I think Mortify or simple Disenchant would be good sideboard cards in case of troubles.

July 31, 2019 5:30 a.m.

Hellsing says... #12

rotimislaw & -blink- According to this thread athreos is punished by RIP and leyline.
Both Mortify and Disenchant are sideboard viable so I could make room for those. I haven't really touched this deck in a long time so its a bit funny to see people still commenting on it xD, it's pretty dated.
Lightning Skelemental is new to me, looks good enough to earn a spot. Maybe removing Butcher of the Horde . Idk if that's the right choice or not. Also considering removing Fulminator Mage from mainboard at least, even with athreos it may be a bit weak.

August 1, 2019 5:16 p.m.

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