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Modified Turn 3 Death

Pauper* Delver



Enchantment (2)

Sorcery (4)

I made took a deck I saw on this site and was inspired to put my own twist on it, the original turn 3 death can be found here: http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/30-07-14-turn-3-death/

Suggestions more than welcomed.

I have made some noticeable changes to the deck making it more control oriented while still keeping the idea of the deck possible.

For one I have made Delver of Secrets main board. This card is too good for the amount of instants and sorcery's for this to not be main deck. I have also took out Peek for Gitaxian Probe as I have found in my personal life that knowledge is the key to victory in every battle, exposing your opponents strategy before the land drop of the game is an amazing ability, even if they shuffle away their hand you still have an idea of the archetype of their deck. I also took out Izzet Guildgate for Swiftwater Cliffs as I believe a dual land is valuable in a dual color deck and this card atleast has some ability when it enters the battle field rather than no ability giving it a better spot.

Young Pyromancer gets a spot in the side board to deal with token and rush decks.

I hope this deck comes off as more competitive by nature and by no way is this a "diss" or is in anyway demeaning the maker of the original deck. I have been wanting to get into pauper for awhile and wanted a deck and his/her deck inspired me. I hope we can have a friendly discussion and we can all better ourselves. The idea is also in no way my own as I previously stated the original idea came from the link above.


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So been doing some just for fun games and on average this deck loses to alot of different things. For one affinty and the mirror are probably the worst matchups however this deck seems to rely on a nuts strategy. You pray you run into a creature before you die, then the next turn you combo all your sorcery's, make unblockables and win with an OTK. However it is not consistent. I might need some more aggro just to have a board state.


Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Pauper legal.

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.38
Folders Pauper
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