Not the pharmacy, mind you. Rather, these are the cards that supplement and feed our main strategy. While not wincons in and of themselves, they serve as presage to our opponent as we invoke a most unholy liturgy.
•As drawing into Mayhem Devil is no guarantee, Thrill of Possibility and Cathartic Reunion supply additional draw power.
•Unearth serves as life insurance for Mayhem Devil, reanimating it for chump change in the event of removal. The same can be said for Vexing Devil, which can become quite problematic for the opponent toward the endgame.
•Seal of Fire can be cast at our leisure whenever we have a spare on hand in preparation for Mola Ram’s appearance. Once he arrives, sacrifice the enchantment at any time for a legitimate delayed Lightning Bolt.
•Speaking of, Lightning Bolt is included as traditional removal because it’s just too good, and has been ever since Alpha. If you’re as tired as I am of that stupid primate, zap it and enjoy some chilled monkey brains.
•Bone Shards is a most welcome addition from Modern Horizons 2, and would be part of the ‘god hand’ along with Unearth and Mayhem Devil. If Mayhem Devil isn’t afield yet, then discard it from your hand where it may be unearthed for a total of instead of .
If Mayhem Devil already is in play, then sacrificing a different creature as part of Bone Shards’ cost provides removal without the usual restrictions (“non-black”, “non-artifact”, “non-legendary” etc), as well as pinging for 1. Snipes Planeswalkers too!
•Sudden Edict forces a sacrifice, although it leaves the choice up to the opponent. Not ideal, but hey—at least we have Split Second working in our favor. At any rate it will absolutely trigger Mayhem Devil and keep the pressure on.
•I’ll go ahead and list Grief here as though it’s technically a creature we’ll really just be using it like a mana-less Thoughtseize most of the time.