Also Staff of Domination is banned in EdH/Commander.
Here's the rules site for Commander Homepage
August 10, 2011 6 p.m.
card:Wren's Run Packmaster can win games with how much mana you produce "I'll make 3 wolves at the end of your turn." O.O
Sorry for multiple posts.
August 10, 2011 6:04 p.m.
Kingofnewts says... #4
"Sorry for multiple post" = No problem better then None ;-)
Ok: I thought about Gaea's skyfolk but the problem is there is no extra: al the other elves have an ability
Staff of domination has been taken out and Rite of Replication has been added. Also Viridian Shaman has been taken out for an extra forest. You could be right about the card:Wren's Run Packmaster; I'll try to fit him in.thx
August 11, 2011 5:07 a.m.
Kingofnewts says... #6
OMG: I just had a look at magic site to see if there were any errata's concerning creature type = a lot of mana elves got druid status! I already adjusted them in the deck this means 18 druids in total!Also maybe I should put Kaysa back in; she is now also a druid!Other little elves have drawn my attention now because of druid status: Fyndhorn Elves ; Llanowar Elves , Druid of the Anima , Quirion Elves , Fyndhorn Elder , Leaf Gilder , Quirion Explorer , Wirewood Elf , Urborg Elf ...
Also check this on Norwood Priestess ...can I play this?
August 11, 2011 9:06 a.m.
Totally legal.
You might think about using Lead the Stampede and card:Green Sun's Zenith .
You can use the gatherer to find druids.
August 12, 2011 1:01 a.m.
Kingofnewts says... #9
At first glance Lead the Stampede doesn't look to bad but it's a sorcery. While Sages of the Anima and Sylvan Messenger do the same thing but better: I can fetch them with Momir Vig, Simic Visionary in the deck, they are elves that I can bounce with Cloudstone Curio of Wirewood Symbiote to use (or not in case of Sages of the Anima .
card:Green Sun's Zenith is a lot more tempting to put in the deck.
and yes Kaysa should get a spot in the deck.
Than you for the tip about finding druids but I think I've found the one's I need.
August 12, 2011 3:05 a.m.
Kingofnewts says... #10
I added a lot of elves to the maybelist that could earn a spot in the deck. I think I have to figure out the ideal balance between land/creuture fetch, draw and ofcourse horde finish. Also I should be thinking about direct damage something like hurricane
August 14, 2011 5:34 a.m.
cooknathan says... #11
Dont kid yourself elves are strong, as is Momir :-) youl easily be able to give slivers a run for their money.
Sorry if I go on for a while here but I play a bit of Elves and Momir so...
Here is my Momir deck btw if you want some ideas Momir, King Kombo, its got a loose elf sub-theme.
A lot of my advice depends on if you want this deck to be broken or fun. Ill start with broken ;-)
The easiest way to win is to get infinite mana (usually by turn 5-6) and pump something a million times with something like Ezuri, Renegade Leader and swing for the win that turn.
The easiest infinite mana combo's include
1 getting something like Bloom Tender , Wirewood Channeler or Argothian Elder and an untap mechanic such as card:Pemmin's Aura or Freed from the Real .
2 Argothian Elder can also go infinite with lands such as Simic Growth Chamber +Wirewood Lodge .
3 Things like Elvish Archdruid , Priest of Titania , Wirewood Channeler etc and untap mechanics like Umbral Mantle .
Some slightly more complicated ones,
4 With a bounce mechanic like Cloudstone Curio or Equilibrium + a haste mechanic such as Swiftfoot Boots or especially Thousand-Year Elixir etc + something like Elvish Archdruid , Priest of Titania etc etc
(put Wellwisher in these for infinite life, Imperious Perfect for infinite tokens).
With infinite mana, Momir pretty much wins.
If you ever get Aluren out you pretty much win.
Intruder Alarm is broken.
Essence Warden can give you lots of life in normal play but can go infinite in a few ways.
With the amount of mana you have, ininite turns become pretty easy with Time Stretch , but you should be able to win within 2 turns anyway.
With infinite mana, Hurricane gives infinite damage, card:Blue Sun's Zenith infinite mill/draw.
As for not broken but still good,
A key thing in Momir (which you already know) is a bounce combo. Using Cloudstone Curio or Equilibrium and somehting like Simic Guildmage , card:Gaea's Skyfolk or especially Coiling Oracle gives you as much creature search as you can afford with mana.
The one card that I would recommend even though it is not an elf is Drift of Phantasms with it you can transmute out something for 3cmc (which is most/all of your potenital combo cards) adding a new level of consistency. Otherwise Long-Term Plans is better than nothing.
I find it imporatnat to protect Momir so I like things like card:Pemmin's Aura, Diplomatic Immunity , card:Champion's Helm, Lightning Greaves , Swiftfoot Boots , Darksteel Plate , etc etc but also bounce mechanics like Crystal Shard keep him safe.
September 4, 2011 10:36 a.m.
cooknathan says... #12
I think you may need more land 34-36 at least.
Another thing is to be carefull using too much traditional elf mana ramp like Llanowar Elves , Elvish Archdruid etc and neglecting things that bring out land like Wood Elves and Frontier Guide . The reason for this is that when someone plays Day of Judgment or the like your mana base will be screwed. So although the traditional mana ramp is quicker, its risky with the amount of mass removal in edh.
Some cards I would recomend, you need as many Green/Blue creatures as you can fit therefore you should mainboard Coiling Oracle , Edric, Spymaster of Trest , card:Gaea's Skyfolk, Sages of the Anima and Simic Guildmage . I also like Genesis Wave , card:Praetor's Counsel, Tolaria West , Phyrexian Metamorph or Clone or Phantasmal Image , some things that give removal like Viridian Corrupter some grave return like Elvish Soultiller , maybe some counters (Overwhelming Intellect ) and maybe some mass removal Oblivion Stone .
Sorry if I mentioned anything that you were already aware of, hope you get something out of this :-),
September 4, 2011 10:41 a.m.
Kingofnewts says... #13
I noticed you have put a lot of thought in your comments and you have given me a lot of good suggestions! Thank you for that.
I'll try to update the deck in the near future so keep tuned. I'll have a look at your deck to.
Don't hesitate to post your thoughts!
September 7, 2011 2:20 p.m.
Kingofnewts says... #14
A made my first big adjustments, but still needs a lot of tuning...
September 13, 2011 6:18 p.m.
Kingofnewts says... #15
Ok, I think I'm almost there; maybe a few twiches here and there but once I can play momir it only takes one or two turn to go infiny!
September 17, 2011 1:50 p.m.
cooknathan says... #16
I like what youve done and the balance youve struck. +1
September 19, 2011 2:19 a.m.
Kingofnewts says... #17
I've been thinking about Primordial Sage and Glimpse of Nature they make nice combo with Momir...but what cards should I take out?
September 19, 2011 5:11 a.m.
Kingofnewts says... #18
Also I could take out basic land fetching elves like Wood Elves or Farhaven Elf for cards like Crop Rotation ; Reap and Sow , Sylvan Scrying , Scapeshift because with these I can net non- basic but essential land cards...
September 19, 2011 5:20 a.m.
cooknathan says... #19
The non-basic land tutor is good but I worry about taking out too many land tutor creatures as I feel the later has more synergy.
I like Primordial Sage better than Glimpse of Nature but I like Shrieking Drake better than them both (bounce itself draw lots of cards). In my experiance however, Momir dosent have that many card advantage issues. Perhaps get rid of Desert Twister its 1 card in 100 and it dosent seem to be doing much/is inconsistent, if you realy want it in.
September 19, 2011 10:18 a.m.
Half your deck is creatures, and you're not using sages of the anima?
January 7, 2012 12:48 p.m.
Nice deck! I run a Momir Edh as well.
Consider Omen Machine . If you play it, then play a green creature, you can essentially get any green creature from you library to play during every upkeep, while locking down your opponent.
Also, considering that the top card of your library is usually important, what about Lurking Predators and Call of the Wild ? It'll help you get creatures out even faster.
But it looks great so far, plus one.
January 7, 2012 12:56 p.m.
Kingofnewts says... #22
Sages of the Anima ...rather difficult in this deck: yes you draw a lot of creatures but all the noncreature utility cards are missed because of the sages effect...
Omen Machine slows everyone down but my oppinion: it would only be great if al my creatures are blue and green and Momir Vig, Simic Visionary is in play.
Lurking Predators and Call of the Wild are great indeed, but then what to take out?
January 8, 2012 5:02 a.m.
Kingofnewts says... #23
About Sages of the Anima : one could avoid the ability when needed via Tidespout Tyrant , Wirewood Symbiote , Cloudstone Curio and Riptide Laboratory ...
January 8, 2012 5:07 a.m.
Well, my point about Omen Machine is that you get free creatures, if you choose ONLY green creatures.
Play Omen Machine. Play a mono-green creature. Search your library for a creature (preferably another mono-green creature) and put it on top of your library. At your next upkeep, you get the creature you searched for, and if it was only green, you can search for another creature, and repeat every turn!
January 8, 2012 11:50 a.m.
Kingofnewts says... #25
I see your point and I know it has good potential but in this deck it works contra productive = look at my creatures and you will notice a lot of carddraw utility dudes; with Omen machine all of this is nullified...still thx for comment, always useful.
Balthasar says... #1
card:Gaea's Skyfolk
August 10, 2011 5:55 p.m.