

Momir The Master

My first Momir Vig, Simic Visionary deck was a regular toolbox deck. The tutor abilitity was used to fetch a creature as reaction to a board state. As my playgroup evolved the deck became to weak to compete so it needed an upgrade. I rebuilded it +1/+1 counter style with Master Biomancer, copy it and abuse creatures with the ETB counters.

When Sage of Hours was added to the deck and that was an amazing improvement. It was the first infinite in the deck. The Momir-Hackball deck was an inspiration for the 'chain of tutors' strategy but I replaced the hack for small Simic creatures. So here it is right now version 4.0 with many many ways to go infinite.

Recent sets brought some new possibilities with Simic creatures. I am now working on consistancy and more interaction with threats. Maybe some more ramp because playing Momir Vig, Simic Visionary early is essentials. Dropping some Simic tutor creatures and cutting double strategies will determine its future.

This deck is too slow for cEDH, but with proper ramp it can go infinite on mana in turn 5 or 6 which makes it rather competitive. Momir Vig, Simic Visionary is a Commander with a build in tutor. Even if there is no ramp draw in the first five turns the deck can go infinite on mana in turn 7. If you play it and protect it well, your Commander is able to find the different combo pieces in one or two turns.

The deck is loaded with cheap Simic creatures. The best example is Slippery Bogle with the hybrid casting cost this card will trigger both for green and blue entering the battlefield which means you tutor and draw. Playing a mana dork like Birds of Paradise before ending the turn will top-deck a creature card for your next turn. Final option is playing a green creature first, followed by a blue one which is also a tutor and draw.

List of Simic tutors in the deck, which are part of a combo

Your perfect opening hand contains at least three lands, one mana-dork or land-aura, one other ramp card and a Simic creature with a CMC lower then 2. With these cards in your opening hand it might be possible to go off in turn 5. If you have this opening hand, this is how do you play your first three turns:

The first three turns.

Turn 1:

  • Play Forest or a Dual Land
  • Ramp by playing a dork, enchant land, or artifact

Turn 2:

  • Play land
  • Ramp again by playing a dork, enchant land, or artifact

Turn 3:

With Momir Vig, Simic Visionary on the battlefield it is time to set up a chain of tutors. One of the infinite mana combos is Incubation Druid + Vigean Graftmage . The Druid will need a +1/+1 counter on it. There are a few options for playing this.

Chain with Shardless Agent

Turn 4

Turn 5

Chain with a Praxcaster Frogling.

Turn 4

Turn 5

Note that option I is cheaper on total CMC than option II. Leaving more options for reactions to opponents spells. Instead of Plaxcaster Frogling another option is Master Biomancer but this will cost 1 more mana.

With Cloud of Faeries there is another option in the deck for going infinite. This card combos with the mana accelerating lands Gaea's Cradle or Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx or other lands enchanted with Wild Growth or Utopia Sprawl. Use the Commander to fetch your missing combo pieces.

Two lands which can tap for 3 mana.

Two lands which can tap for 5 mana.

Note that in both scenarios when playing Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx as one of the lands you need two mana extra for the loop. Having Biomancer's Familiar in play can make the loop cheaper to play.

With Palinchron there is a third option in the deck for going infinite. This card also combos with the mana accelerating lands or with some other creatures in the deck. Use the Commander again to fetch your missing combo pieces.

Combo with Deadeye Navigator

Combo with Phantasmal Image

Combo with Temur Sabertooth

  • Have Temur Sabertooth in play.
  • Have 7 lands or less in play which can produce 10 mana
  • Play Palinchron for and untap the lands
  • Send Palinchron back to hand for:
  • Tap the lands, Play Palinchron, return to hand... etc...
  • Rinse and Repeat, making one mana each loop.

Combo with Palinchron

  • Have 7 lands or less in play which can produce 12 mana
  • Tap the lands, play Palinchron
  • Send Palinchron back to hand for:
  • Rinse and Repeat, making one mana each loop.

Note that in some scenarios when playing Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx as one of the lands you need two mana extra for the loop. Having Biomancer's Familiar in play can make the loops cheaper to play.

It is important to have one more Simic creature in hand when going infinite on mana. This is because with Momir Vig, Simic Visionary on the table the deck is able to tutor out the wincons in the deck.

Path to victory

Note that Hydroid Krasis also is an infinite draw option when using Temur Sabertooth and his bounce ability.

Game finishing combo can be played with Temur Sabertooth or Deadeye Navigator allready on the battlefield. If combo pieces are in the graveyard or in exile they can be retrieved with Nantuko Tracer or Riftsweeper. Prevent drawing all cards in deck with Timetwister.

There is an alternative route to infinite turns without infinite mana in this deck. All depending on your opening hand or what is countered or destroyed. This can be played in turn five or six also with proper draw and ramp.

Shortcut to victory

As stated earlier the Momir Vig hackball deck was an eye-opener to the real power of Momir Vig, Simic Visionary. The 'chain of tutor' strategy with the small Simic creatures was inspired by the hackball deck and made this deck to what it is today. Special thanks goes to: AverageDragon, sickrobot and OrderlyAnarchist who builded the famous hackball deck. If you want to know more about that decks look them up here: [Primer] Momir Vig Hackball or Momir Hackball. These are the true competitive cEDH versions of this Commander. My deck is slower, but you'll never know what WotC might print in the future.


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98% Competitive

Top Ranked
Date added 5 years
Last updated 1 week
Exclude colors WBR
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

31 - 0 Rares

25 - 3 Uncommons

20 - 9 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.16
Tokens Ape 3/3 G, Beast 3/3 G, Bird 2/2 U, City's Blessing, Frog Lizard 3/3 G, Manifest 2/2 C
Folders Inspiration, Cool decks made by others
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