First things first this deck is about DRAW POWER. it is an Elf tribal with exception of a few that were just to good to pass up. i would like to start off saying that this deck may seem like it is struggling for land, but no need to fear you get all you mana from the wonderful race of elves. every card has value they work off each other... hard. you play the deck slow dont bring attention to yourself your just there to set up your board state. The biggest staple is Momir Vig with out him the deck is a tad bit slow. A good starting hand is a hand full of land and an elf. with that i will go into the combos with him.

his ability is totally broken play a green creature search your library for a creature and put it on top of the library. if you cast a blue creature spell you reveal the top card of your library if it is a creature put it into your hand. WHAT! thats crazy. what i do is i try my best to get Mormir out fast then cast an elf (preferably a blue green gotta get both triggers.)

what i like to do is search forPriest of Titania thenMaster Biomancer and Fathom Mage master biomancer will give fathom mage some counters BOOM DRAW POWER once fathom mage is played search for simic guild mage this guy will be great especially once you get your infinite mana combos out either way he gives more draw power if you move counters off fathom mage and put them back on. another good synergy/combo is using immaculate magistrate targeting fathom mage, you guessed it more cards!

you can also play zameck guildmage as well and use him to take counters off of fathom mage for more draw. if you are feeling frisky you can play prime speaker zegana while fathom mage has a good amount of counters BECAREFUL if fathom mage is big you could potentially mill your self out with zegana.

next i will go into the infinite mana combos priest of titania and umbral mantle. i just want to say wow umbral mantle is fantastic in this deck just super broken. anyway Priest of Titania + Umbral Mantle + 4 elves = infinate green mana. this also works for elvish arch druid and wirewood channeler. i prefer wirewood channeler only for the fact that he gives any color when tapped. makes for getting omniscience out easier as well as enter the infinite.

what can you spend all this mana on? well for starters if you enter the infinite and omniscience just cause you can win pretty much instantly if you have a good board state. step one play nylea, god of the hunt step two play joraga warcaller kicking him for infinite counters swing for massive dmg and sad faces.

if you dont have omniscience or enter the infinite you can search for ezuri, renegade leader using infinte mana to give infinite dmg and trample. or you can use wren's run packmaster and make infinite wolf tokens (with deathtouch). heck you can even have the mana bank omnath locus of mana be as strong as you want. i want to state how important umbral mantle is, if it is gone if will make things a bit harder but with all the untap abilities of thousand year elixir or wirewood lodge it definitely helps the pain of not having mana so if umbral mantle does go bye bye dont worry they just prolonged the inevitable.

forgot to mention as well with all the infinite mana you have, you can blue sun's zenith opponents library +1 to mill them out and if you really hate your friends you can use all the mana to capsize buyback infinite times to bounce everyones creatures.

more combos are you ready?

my perosnal favorite in this deck is squirrels nest + earthcraft = more squirrel tokens than you can count. nothing is more hilarious than ending all you opponents with squirrels. they have no idea how to deal with the fact that they just lost and for giggles just toss down coat of arms and you just have roid raged furries. another way to get squirrel tokens is intruder alarm + arbor elf +squirrels nest when ever you tap a for a squirrel a creature enters the battle field then untaps all creatures due to intruder alarms ability now just tap arbor elf or argothian elder to untap the forest that squirrels nest is on(or island but you can only use argothian elder at that point then) rinse and repeat and the best part is nothing comes in tapped yay!

another combo with intruder alarm is imperious perfect and arbor elf this will give you infinte elf warrior tokens not as fun as squirrels but hey it works to.

thats about all for the combos but for more information, the removal cards. a deck cant properly function if you cant control the board to your advantage. one way was the capsize buyback combo. reclamation sage to destroy those pesky artifacts or enchantments along with bane of progress and viridian zealot now thats a party. karn liberated is there for the indestructible folks aka avacyn.

some of you might be wondering why i have just one counter spell well its there for saving a combo, protecting omniscience or enter the infinite and to stop something from coming out that might hender progress. also i wanted room for my other lovely cards :)

jace and garruk are there for the draw power really, especially if i have my mana combos out makes things easier. kiora helps out if you dont have the infinite mana the untap helps tremendiously.

if you happen to have oracle of mul daya, sensei's divining top and nissa, vastwood seer you got a good thing going for you. obviously burgeoning and exploration are great on turn one or two.

tajuru preserver helps with that painful sacrifice pain that nobody wants apart of. sometimes i search for him first depending on what im going against.

finally i would like to conclude with that this deck is a fun deck to play it has so many triggers its hard to keep up with sometimes. after a while you will be targeted because of your board state but eh just take the hits life is a resource anyway. please rate suggestions are wonderfull and i hope you guys enjoy the magical world of simic elves


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years
Exclude colors WBR
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This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

13 - 0 Mythic Rares

30 - 0 Rares

17 - 0 Uncommons

16 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.30
Tokens Ashaya, the Awoken World, Elf Warrior 1/1 G, Emblem Garruk, Caller of Beasts, Emblem Kiora, Master of the Depths, Human 2/2 G, Octopus 8/8 U, Squirrel 1/1 G, Wolf 2/2 G
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