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Monghold (Pauper U/G Madness)

Pauper GU (Simic)



Creature (3)

Enchantment (2)


Instant (8)

This is madness!

Blue-Green madness deck with Wild Mongrel as the central piece. I have been testing this out online and it seems sweet.



By playing madness cards we maximize our mana efficiency and out-tempo the opponent with 3 mana flash 4/4 tramplers and 1 mana counterspells.


Controlling the board with the moderately large creatures such as Werebear is not quite enough. We also have access to instant speed interaction with Snap and counterspells. The newest addition to this deck is Epic Confrontation which has proven to be great removal for annoying creatures already on the board such as Cuombajj Witches . Confrontation is also hard removal for Gurmag Angler.

Card draw

This deck cares about raw card advantage since every excess land or redundant spell is fuel for the mongrel. Card draw spells include Accumulated Knowledge and Compulsive Research. I think these are much better than Careful Study in a more controlling version of U/G madness


Aerial Volley for delver, W tokens and other weenie flier decks. Feed the Clan vs burn,goblins and other hyper aggressive decks. Gleeful Sabotage for affinity, bogles and other enchantments/artifacts. Hydroblast for burn, goblins and kiln/cyclops decks. Serene Heart for bogles. Spreading Seas for tron and greedy manabases. Stormbound Geist for control decks especially MBC.


Goblins +++ This matchup is very good as we have so many blockers. Sparksmith is a card that must be stopped.

MBC --+ This matchup is not favorable but this particular build can outcard MBC. Don't let Gary resolve for millions of drain.

MU Delver -/+ This matchup is quite even as both decks have considerable amount of countermagic and creatures but not much hard removal. After sideboarding in Aerial Volley this matchup gets better.

Familiar -++ I think this matchup is slightly in our favor as most of their blockers cant stop mongrel,wurm,werebear or rootwalla.

Tron -++ Fast tron is tough to beat but otherwise this matchup is fine even though they have Flameslash which kills most of our creatures. Countering Rolling Thunder is top priority.

Affinity --+ This matchup is unfavorable as most of their creatures trade with ours and galvanic blasts makes it even worse. Doesn't really get better after sideboarding but the occasional Epic Confrontation can send you on a victorious path.

Bogles --+ This matchup is not favorable as they play lifegain auras which our deck cant deal with if it resolves. This matchup gets much much better after sideboarding.

W tokebs -/+ This matchup gets significantly better after sideboarding.


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Pauper legal.

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.38
Folders Cool stuff, Pauper, Other Decks - [PAUPER], Refrence, Pauper, Pauper mtgo
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