Mono Brogues

Modern Boza


Sword of pwn your face would be useful in this deck

December 5, 2013 12:12 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #2

really cool deck +1

December 5, 2013 4:12 p.m.

Boza says... #3

Thanks for comments! I really appreciate it, keep them coming!

All the swords of X&X are really out of budget, the 1 thoughtseize i have in there is kind of pushing it already - it is about half the value of the whole deck!

December 6, 2013 3:24 a.m.

ShermanTank87 says... #4

nice deck +1

December 23, 2013 4:44 p.m.

razorsoldier says... #5

I like this decks, but I'm not sure of all about Oona's Prowler maybe Squeaking Pie Sneak instead.And also Corrosive Mentor for your sideboard, I could help you a lot againts small creatures/tokens decks (and a little against aggro decks) also it doesn't break the sinergys.

January 15, 2014 5:39 a.m.

Boza says... #6

Thanks for the comment and suggestions!

The Squeaking Pie Sneak is a good creature and i consider fear to be better evasion than flying. However, two things go against the pie sneaking little rascal:

1/ He is conditional - with him there will be 18 goblins, but that is still a lower than 100% to be able to play him t2.

2/ With the faerie, I actually want the opponent to sacrifice his hand. Hand attack is one of the key points to the strategy of the deck.

Still, being able to survive Electrickery is a good bonus, which few of the current creatures can currently do. I will test him out.

Tokens are a GRAVE problem for this deck, so much so that i have considered Illness in the Ranks as a 4-of in the sideboard. However, corrosive mentor is not an an answer to the token swarm. My creatures will not have sufficient quantity to profitably trade with all tokens. First strike and wither will be another thing, but FS is not really black's thing. Thus, I will have to not take corrosive mentor as a considaration.

January 15, 2014 8 a.m.

smartb87 says... #7

so good

January 15, 2014 11:01 a.m.

emask says... #8

Go rogues go! +1

Cloak and Dagger ?

January 24, 2014 4:43 a.m.

emask says... #9

Oops, it's in the maybeboard, sorry!

January 24, 2014 4:44 a.m.

Boza says... #10

Never mind, it is always good to get more suggestions, the deck looks pretty flushed out as it is. I would include some liliana of the veil as i get my hands on them, but that is going super over budget.

January 24, 2014 5:03 a.m.

emask says... #11

Looks good! Phyrexian Arena if you run out of gas?

January 24, 2014 5:05 a.m.

Boza says... #12

GOes against the grain of the deck - is 3 mana, way too much for the deck's liking, and does not impact the board in any way. The focus is board and hand control. Running out of steam on turn 4 and having a significant advantage in the board/hand is the way the deck wins almost 100% of the time.

No good board position on t4 or t5, means you most probably lose the game, and no amount of card draw can salvage the game at that point. This is the reason I removed the 4 Morsel Theft that were originally in the deck.

January 24, 2014 5:49 a.m.

emask says... #13

No problem

January 24, 2014 5:51 a.m.

Schuch says... #14

more Oona's Prowler , nice deck

January 30, 2014 2:58 p.m.

prihodaj says... #15

nice deck after unban of Bitterblossom ;) +1

February 4, 2014 3:32 a.m.

+1 Always love seeing the faeries played and the synergy with this one is great. Love Bitterblossom and you can tell everyone else does too since it has at least tripled in price since the unbanning.

February 4, 2014 10:10 a.m.

M95 says... #17

This isn't really Budget anymore

February 6, 2014 8:19 p.m.

Boza says... #18

That is true, BB inflated the price a lot, but I have outlined in description how easy it is for it to become budget. I like to keep the optimal build up, and people can just scale down to their budgets.

February 7, 2014 2:22 a.m.

elderscar24 says... #19

add 4 Oona's Prowler and drop the 4 Nightshade Stinger trust me it will help he can be a big threat in this deck

February 10, 2014 2:51 p.m.

Boza says... #20

Oona's prowler has consistently been the weakest creature in the deck. I have ultimately cut them completely after various iterations of the deck, because they ultimately cost too much. the 8 1-drops in the deck are currently there to enable t2 prowl. Which, after cutting the morsel theft is not as relevant. I will think about it, thanks!

-4 Nightshade Stinger +3 Oona's Prowler

(I have currently 61 cards)

February 10, 2014 4:57 p.m.

quesobueno123 says... #21

Deathcult Rogue is decent, also Dunerider Outlaw is good sideboard, Guul Draz Vampire is pretty good, same with Marsh Flitter . Hope this helps! +1

February 26, 2014 6:56 a.m.

Boza says... #22

All of these have been considered before, and have some uses, but end up as not a good fit for the deck:

deathcult is unblockable, which is cool, but it is also 3 mana. The only thing that costs three mana in the deck is earwig squad, but it tends to end games. deathcult just attacks for 2.

Dunerider is a good SB tech vs green creatures (aka Tarmogoyf and nothing else really), and also green creatures tend to have trample which is not stopped by protection. However, it has a decent synergy with Blackguard, so it becomes a good meta choice.

The vampire has no place in the deck. Being a 1/1 vanilla for the greater part of the game does not justify having a black Delver of secrets on the field for a couple of turns in the late game.

Marsh flitter originally had space in the deck, but the mana cost on this guy is ridiculous. As the average cmc of the deck was reduced, it soon became that 4 mana for 3 power that is split up into 3 parts is quite a lot. Sure, it can be lower with Frogtosser.

Thanks for the comments and the plus 1, really appreciated the suggestions. Keep'em coming!

February 26, 2014 7:37 a.m.

Selfish says... #23

I not only appreciate what you've done here, I love it! This deck is grimy and it cheats everything into play. I've practiced it some online (sans bitter blossom and thoughtseize) and it's a lot of fun. I was seriously eyeing Merfolk decks and wondering if Modern was worth the entry. This deck gives the experience of a tribal/tempo (aggro?) deck at the cost of just one non-core card in a Merfolk deck. It's ridiculously awesome for its price.

My only suggestions would be a possible 1-2 of Bojuka Bog if graveyard abuse is heavy in your area. This slows the deck down and shouldn't be standard fare, but it's an option to add graveyard hate if you were set on keeping other cards in your sideboard.

I'm not a big fan of Faerie Macabre but she's good synergy with limited removal. Definitely waiting to give her a fair trial before I swap her for something more specialized like Grafdigger's Cage and/or Pithing Needle .

Other than that, you'd need to splash other colors for any other kind of benefit, or find some artifacts or changelings you'd be willing to use. Dolmen Gate is decent if you expect to face opponents who can block you. Infiltration Lens is a 'meh' way to add threat to creatures who can be blocked.

March 19, 2014 4:39 a.m.

Relyt12 says... #24

How about Morsel Theft ? I have that in my Dimir Rogues deck for a touch of life gain and card advantage.

March 25, 2014 10:23 a.m.

Boza says... #25

Most times, you will need the lifegain and CA from it, hence it is in the SB vs aggresive decks.

March 25, 2014 10:53 a.m.

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