Got second at a local scg open trial. Heres a breakdown:
Round one - 2/1 vs abzan aggro
Got a bit unlucky with land draws but i also got lucky that my opponent kept attacking and leaving himself dead on board.
Round two - 2/1 vs temur aggro
I did pretty well overall in this match. There were issues in the gane i lost where i didnt draw a single land (again) and couldve easily won with it. All well. Still got the win.
Round three - 0/2 vs UW heroic
This match was one id been preparing for all week and also my biggest disappointment of the night. In game one i didnt see a single land in my hand until I went to five and was forced to keep one that just couldnt win. In game 2 the same issue started happening so i kept a 1-lander that just need one more land to get going. Surprises abound: i didnt get it. Needless to say, it was a supreme bummer and left a poor taste in my mouth for things. It really felt like I was battling fate.
Round four - 2-0 vs abzan midrange
This match was awesome. I beat a super tough matchup while on the draw both games. Mogis's marauder is such a powerful card. As is herald of torment. They won me the match.
Round five - 2-0 vs abzan midrange
This match was against one of the biggest players at the place. He actually is the main employees there and is very good at the game. I got some unlucky breaks but also some crazy lucky ones. In game one, i dealt a total of four damage to him, but he dealt 16 to himself via painlands. And in game two, i got him for exactsies with a marauder.
I ended up in second and got some cool stuff!