I actually used to use Gary quite a bit in the SB and there was a bit of an issue with both resolving him (low curve and mana pool) as well as most of my stuff dying before he could come out. I need more testing against aggro but the Pharika's Cures and Eternal Thirst have been pretty good. I also usually bring in Master of the Feast since burn has a hard time dealing the 5 to him and I can usually race well with his help. Also, Phyrexian Revoker might become a 4th copy of cure or a second copy of thirst if it continues to seem not needed.
November 19, 2014 5:48 p.m.
APPLE01DOJ says... #3
Some Boon of Erebos makes for good defensive measures against things like Drown in Sorrow and Back to Nature and some good offensive combat tricks.
November 19, 2014 5:58 p.m.
Boon of Erebos is one card I've been considering. It would be nice against Drown in Sorrow, though the real problem this deck has is Anger of the Gods. I haven't put too much effort into looking, but I feel like there isn't too too much against that card besides just playing things like Master of the Feast.
PartyGoat, I decided to have a white splash for the Erase in the sideboard. Whip of Erebos is incredibly difficult to beat and it's nice to have a cheap spell to counteract that as well as some other key cards. I've been happy with it thus far.
-Fulcrum says... #1
Do you think Gray Merchant of Asphodel would be good as a finisher? Or at least sideboard tech against burn?
November 19, 2014 5:40 p.m.