T1 - Swamp + Dark Rite + Avatar of Discord (discard 1 Extractor Demon + 1 Viscera Dragger)
T2 - Swamp + Pull back Viscera Dragger - Attack for 8 Damage
T3 - Swamp + Pull back Extractor Demon - Attack for 10 Damage
T4 - Kill
You can kill in T3 with this deck with a determined combination of cards. It's supposed to work like some kind of Madness+Unearth.
T1 - Swamp + Dark Rite + Avatar of Discord (discard 2 Extractor Demon)
T2 - Swamp + Dark Rite - Pull back Extractor Demon - Hit for 10 ( you can even drop an Imp here)
T3 - Swamp - Pull back the other Demon and Hit for 10.
Putrid Imp - Discard Outlet
Oona's Prowler - Discard Outlet + Damage
Avatar of Discord - Discard Outlet + Damage (wincon1) and can be unearthed
Extractor Demon - Damage (I like to use it with Attrition after combat phase)
Viscera Dragger - Very versatile in this deck, can draw you a card, be used to drop an Avatar and be unearthed for 3 damage.
Big Game Hunter - It is what it is, it can be sacrificed for Attrition and can be unearthed
Dark Ritual - Acceleration
Attrition - Sacrifice creatures like Dragger and Extractor as they are exiled, and maybe other creature for controling reasons.
Unearth - Can bring back a Big Game Hunter, an Avatar or a Discard Outlet. If not needed can be discarded for Avatar or even cycled.
Chainer's Edict - I know about Diabolic Edict and Geth's Veredict, and I used this because Flashback. Don't know if it's the best option though.
Drown in Sorrow - Against some Elves, Fairies and Goblins that I play against in my meta (it hurt's me too, but unearth can fix it usually)
Call to the Netherworld - Useful, it ends up costing nothing and usually brings back some Outlet I lost, or even a Dragger that I can Cycle.
Well I obviously need help with that, I realize that there are cards that can be exchanged but I can't seem to go anywhere with this. And I know it's fragile too so if you guys have any ideas, they are all welcome.