
Artifact (3)

Instant (4)


This is a mono black food deck I've been working in for my entry into Modern. The deck has a good amount of resilience, and is very budget, coming in under $40. This is not because I dropped expensive cards with worse ones, but because the cards in this archetype are not expensive.

This deck is relatively mid-range with some life gain, some aggro creatures, and a lot of mini combos and value engines. I'll describe the combos below.

Key Combos:

Street Wraith + Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar = Turn 1 3/3 and draw two cards (one of which is The Underworld Cookbook).

Cauldron Familiar + Witch's Oven = Classic Standard combo granting a free drain and chump block every turn cycle.

Ovalchase Daredevil + The Underworld Cookbook = Free Food token every turn cycle by discarding Daredevil to Cookbook. Daredevil can be discarded to pay for any costs and freely brought back the next time you create a Food.

Feasting Troll King + The Underworld Cookbook/Witch's Oven = Discard Troll to Cookbook and get two other Foods for a 7/6 vigilance trample beater. Easily can come in on Turn 3. If you decide to include Bartered Cow in your list, you can drop Trolls on Turn 2. You can also sac Troll King to Oven in response to removal, making 2 Food tokens to bring it back next turn with just one more Food.

Key Synergies:

Bone Shards - Can use to Madness in Kitchen Imp/Biting Rain, enable Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar, or put Feasting Troll King into the graveyard.

Cauldron Familiar - Excellent fodder for Witch's Oven, crews Smuggler's Copter, can be discarded to Cookbook or Bone Shards for recursion later.

Cranial Plating - Finisher that can be re-equipped at instant speed. Makes creatures huge with all the Food tokens and other artifacts. Goes really well on the fliers (Kitchen Imp and Smuggler's Copter).

Deadly Dispute - Allows us to sac Food Tokens for card draw. We can also sac a creature to it in response to removal. Creates an artifact for Cranial Plating or Ovalchase Daredevil. In some weird world, the Treasures could help you hard-cast a Troll King.

Street Wraith - Enables you to play Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar quickly and thins the deck. Can be recurred from the graveyard later with Underworld Cookbook or even Call to the Netherworld if you decide to include it. Makes a nice attacker if you need it against an opponent with Swamps.

Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar - Sac outlet for Foods that can kill a lot of creatures in Modern. Draws you The Underworld Cookbook, which is a vital discard outlet for the deck. Can be enabled by the Cookbook, Barren Moor, Bone Shards, Smuggler's Copter, or Street Wraith.

Ovalchase Daredevil - Excellent discard fodder. Comes back from the graveyard extremely easily in this deck. Can also be played as a relatively aggressive creature.


Biting Rain - For decks that go wide and make our single-target removal really bad. (ex: Goblins, Creature-based Aggro) Duress - For combo decks that have key non-creature pieces, or to take removal spells out of their hand in control matchups. Fatal Push - Extra removal for scary creatures like Death's Shadow or Lurrus of the Dream-Den. Revolt is extremely easy to enable. Feed the Swarm - For decks with key enchantments (Hammer Time, UW Control) Nihil Spellbomb - Graveyard hate that brings Ovalchase Daredevil back to our hand and draws us a card.

Looking for any sideboard suggestions that are no-brainers. Otherwise, it depends on your local meta.


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Date added 3 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Rares

20 - 6 Uncommons

16 - 9 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.45
Tokens Food, Treasure
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