MrMortifex145 says... #2
Spell_Slam yeah Suffocating Fumes is better, I had Cower in Fear from before Ikoria so I just roll with that since I generally won't cycle it, as i'll only ever use it against faries and elves. I actually swapped edicts for Disfigure since at my lgs Boros is very common and I needed instant speed removal ready on turn 1. Also I predict stompy will become very common post ban so killing a 4/2 Rancor creature for 1 mana is good to stay in curve. Of course if your lgs meta is slower or Bogles is common i'd say swap em out for edicts. Even though Delver got hit hard with Mystic Sanctuary ban, being able to deal with Delver of Secrets Flip for one mana is cool.
July 21, 2020 1:53 p.m.
No Cast Down? I am thinking it kills everything that Defile doesnt and allows you to add more non swamp options?
August 30, 2020 3:03 a.m.
MrMortifex145 says... #4
LeaPlath Yeah Cast Down was actually the card I was most excited about, but in the end it wasn't as useful in the current meta. The top tier decks are Stompy, Faries, Tron and Boros. The only scary black creature in these decks is Gurmag Angler and it is only in the Dimir version of Faries and it's at most two copies. And MBC has effectively died out in my experience, if for some reason people start playing it again or black creatures become more prevalent, adding Cast Down will be the right choice, for now Chainer's Edict and Defile can take care of the occasional splash. And Cast Down has a major downside, like all targeted removal, which is Tron interaction. Whenever they flicker something in response to a target, that target is no longer legal, but an edict effect doesn't target anything and the only thing necessary is after all the flickering nonsense is that a creature gets sacrificed, hence the two Geth's Verdict in the Sideboard instead of Cast Down. Personally I like Defile more than Cast Down because it has better tempo and there a lot of 2/2 and 3/2 that are threats. And for the non swamp options for my personal preference the mana base is good, non swamps black sources come tapped, as far as I know, and two Bojuka Bog are more than enough, 17 and potentially 19 untapped mana is such a good feeling lol.
August 30, 2020 3:41 a.m.
Apollo_Paladin says... #5
I find that both Bone Splinters and Village Rites combo pretty well with Bone Picker there who's already in your build. I think Bone Picker decks are the one build where Village Rites can actually be better than Night's Whisper or Sign in Blood which are typically used for Pauper Card Draw.
Neat build though! +1
December 6, 2020 1:08 a.m.
MrMortifex145 says... #6
Apollo_Paladin yeah those cards are cool, however I think that to make them really work you'd need something to get even more value out of two-for-one-ing yourself. Many mbc list with Village Rites usually have a bunch of Unearth so you can for example sac Chittering Rats and draw two cards, Unearth for a second etb and cast Bone Picker, so for three mana you draw two cards, make your opponent skip their draw step and get a 3/2 deathtouch. My version is much more close to the kill everything mbc with Bone Picker to give it much more pressure, since I'm never triggering Bone Picker with my creatures because I have a ton of removal. If you want to go to the aristocrats kind of strategy that's cool, just that to make that work you'll need to take out cards, like removal. For the same reason Sign in Blood is a much better draw for my deck, because the damage you take is damage that the opponent didn't inflict because you probably killed the creature that would have attacked you, you can use it as a Shock to face so if you top deck it it's never really a dead card and with Gray Merchant of Asphodel I'm gaining a ton of life. Night's Whisper is a worse Sign in Blood, but I switched it in because some times I wanted two cards instead of a second Thorn of the Black Rose, of which I have two extra in the sideboard because Fall form Favor will make our life miserable against tron lol. Honestly I don't see Bone Splinters to be any good in pauper: it is card disadvantage, there aren't creatures that can survive Cast Down and very little Defile, and it is sorcery speed which is not great. However there are most likely lists that make it work, maybe a dredge deck can be cool. Thanks for the suggestions, I'm glad you like the deck, make mbc competitive again!:)
December 6, 2020 4:55 a.m.
Diabolic Edict > Chainers if you like instant speed over flashback. Maybe 1 less Barren moor. U have a lot of lifeloss, perhaps a smidge 2 much? Do u just plan on killing everyone before your life total disappears like Kaibi into the Shadow Realm?
+1 , really good pauper deck. Lowkey want to just copy and paste urs.
January 2, 2023 12:50 a.m.
MrMortifex145 says... #8
Profet93 Thanks for the suggestion! The deal is that Chainer's Edict flashback becomes extremely relevant, I've been playing mono B for years and we never really had a strong card advantage engine so having singular cards that replace themselves or give card advantage becomes really fundamental, especially since this deck can really drag out games with all the removal, plus more removal late game can be really cluch since most decks now have singular chuncky boys as win cons (gone are the days of Atog + Fling thankfully). As for the life loss I 100% agree and I've always been against Snuff Out in mono B. However, now that turn 2 Tolarian Terror is a thing, having two Snuff Out in my experience does save some games since you don't have to wait for turn 4 to Cast Down it and hope they don't have a Counterspell or Spell Pierce. Before Tolarian Terror was meta, instead of Snuff Out I had the second Crypt Rats and Oubliette in the main and an Okiba-Gang Shinobi in the side. This would honestly be my favorite version, maybe when Tolarian Terror isn't so prevalent or if you don't play that much against it I would recommend these cards. Really appreciate that you like the deck!
Spell_Slam says... #1
Sounds good!
Cower in Fear could easily be Suffocating Fumes.
2 Disfigure doesn't seem right with 4 Defile already. I could see this being more Chainer's Edict or Victim of Night.
July 21, 2020 1:11 p.m.