Introduction / Summary
This deck is bases on the concepts of discard and control to dominate until turn 4 (phase 1).
After that take use of win conditions when opponent hand and board is empty (phase 2).
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The Primer
High-Level Overview
Reading this decklist
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This deck list is organized, by default, into my custom categories. Cards with cross-category functionality will appear in multiple categories and will be described in the strategy part separately in the focus of their category use.
Here are my categories:
- Control(Discard): Summary of all used discard options.
- Control(Board): Summary of all played cearture and planeswalker destroy options.
- Support: Additional cards for rounding up the deck with additional options.
- Mana: Pretty easy in mono black: Swamps!
- WinCon(Token): All token generating options.
- WinCon(Damage): The damage dealing options aside of tokens.
Information: Due to the fact that this build is based on my currently available cards I did not take expensive cards into it I do not own. Nevertheless I am looking forward to replace some cards over time based on trading with other players. In the detailed card explanation I will mention the intended options.
Reading this decklist
Deck colors
Deck color:
I go for mono black due to the well discard options and enough strong creatures for late game. Also a main reason is that I liked to have only one color is that I do not have to use expensive fetch cards or mana fixers. This will bring me out of the situation not having the right colored mana base.
Deck strengths
Deck strengths
This deck strength is in control the opponent to overrun him afterwards. Some also say that this deck has the power to let my casual gaming group force me to play another deck. Is that really a strength?
(more fact based details coming soon)
Deck weaknesses
Deck weaknesses
This deck is week against real aggro decks like Merfolk or elves due to struggling with multiple creaturedrops in the first rounds. Here is the problem that you can not clear the opponent board as quick as needed.
More weaknesses will follow if occur. Please feel free to comment.
The Strategy
General strategy
General strategy
The general strategy of a midrange deck like this is to control the opponent in the first turns (I call it phase 1). This deck uses black control and discard to do that.
Later in the game these kind of decks are building up their win condition (I call it phase 2). I decided to do that as combination of token and other damage dealers.
The phases are described in detail in separate chapter below. At this time I just like to explain the main target.
Turn overview (how it should work):
T1: I start with a discard spell in turn one. If possible with the option to see the full hand of the opponent.
T2: Next step is to react on played opponent creatures if they are harmful. Otherwise bring out a
Waste Not if possible. Normally I can handle one creature and get it rid off the next turn. So having a trigger option for discarding in turn 3 is worth it.
Another option is to play
Nezumi Shortfang if opponent deck is slowed a bit or keep the pressure going on with next discard.
In worth cases I have to save mana to react on next opponents turn creature drop to destroy it on board.
T3: React on opponents turn 2 or let him discard (with waste not trigger) OR play
Liliana, the Last Hope to kill small creatures.
T4: Bringing out win condition. The rest is playing down the opponent and win! hopefully ;)
Phase 1: Turn 1-3 (in detail)
Phase 1: Turn 1-4
As mentioned above the first phase is for getting crontrol.
Turn 1:
The first turn is used to have a good discard start on opponent. Of cause the main intend is to get the opponent deck known. Therefore we use a spell to see whole hand like
Inquisition of Kozilek,
Despise or
If I should not have one of the mentioned above i have to decide to play a discard spell even without seeing opponents hand based on my hand cards.
If I do
not have a
Waste Not and 1-3 creature hate spells for
- I will use the first mana for any discard spell.
In case of having the option to play
Waste Not in turn two I will save my random discard spells for turn 3 to use triggers.
If this is the first game against this opponent and I have the combination of
Waste Not in turn 2 and discards with trigger in turn 3.
Turn 2:
Normally I should know the opponent hand card options by now. Otherwise I draw an option to do this this turn. If both shouldn't occur (why ever) dont worry, just go on.
In this turn we have to be a little flexible based on opponents turn. If we face a fast aggro or combo deck the next decision is:
Can we handle the played permanents of opponent for the next 3 rounds? or
Do we have to minimize this board?In the first case we just follow our route. Normally we can handle even 2-3 small creature at least this turn and gain speed over waste not and discard combo (this is detailed described in the combo chapter) or taking combat damage over the next two turns.
If we facing a real fast aggro or infect deck where we have to be prepared not to reach turn 4 without killing one creature- we have to react and use our creature destroy spells.
This is not the luckiest option but this is not only slowing us down. In this case the opponent has significant less hand cards and hopefully he is powering one creature up. In this situation you just have to wait till he spend his mana and as much hand cards as possible before you destroy the enchanted creature with instand speed (this brings us a good card advantage).
I case of a slower deck or any mana struggling of opponent we should keep the pressure high with another discard spell or two. Then the target is to reduce opponents hand fast. If you there is no creature on the board playing a
Nezumi Shortfang is a good option to have at least a small damage dealer or blocker early AND a discard option in instand speed in the next turns.
Turn 3:
We go on with the decission process of turn 2 based on opponents behavior and hand card options.
Phase 2: Turn >4 (in detail)
Phase 2: Turn >4
Here starts the fun part - Bringing out win conditions (every round).
Win con 1: Tokens
Best option is to play a
Creakwood Liege to get a 3/3 token every upkeep or using
Waste Not and discard combo to crate 2/2 Zombie tokens.Attacking with them each round due no blockers on the other side is our plan now.
At least we outnumber the opponent some turn.
Win con 2: Damage
Normally this turn or at least next the opponent has no hand cards anymore. So playing a bigger creature is a little less risky (or I should know his hand card option by now and can decide).
Best option here is to bring an
Phyrexian Obliterator which is a threat itself.
Additionally the Nezumi Shortfang should be flipped or possible to flip in the next opponents upkeep (hold back mana) to
Stabwhisker the Odious and providing opponent 3 damage every upkeep.
Keep in mind that after flipping we do not have the discard option anymore. Therefore we need an additional one. On the other hand the opponent has no hand cards and no blocker - so
Stabwhisker the Odious is doing 6 damage each round (3 combat and 3 upkeep damage). This is really fasten up the game.
Rescue option
If you really have no win con in hand by now you should have a
Diabolic Tutor. Decide on the better win con based on opponents mood.
You should have . Playing with is risky but possible if you have enough one mana discard spells. You'll get a second mana in the next 3 turns (normally ;)).
You should also take a mulligan if you have 3 or more 4drop cards or 1 and one tutor. In this case you'll be too slow.
This deck can handle one to two mulligans without being unplayable due to the low mana curve and the only need to draw till turn 4 a win con.
Matchups and sideboarding
Matchups and sideboarding
Basilisk Collar:
First of all the opponent will think that I will play a creature next turn to attach Basilisk Collar in the next turns. Therefore he will save perhaps an counter spell I would get in turn 2. On the other hand I can exactly do that if I have reduced the counter options of opponent by let him discard. This brings me the life gain option to ensure reaching turn 4 AND having a deathtoucher on board that hinders opponent to enjoy attacking.
This is a sideboard option vs lifegain decks to prolong my life options and overlife more turns.
Phyrexian Obliterator:
This card is real hated by opponents. It is not only driving 5 damage in trample mode. Destroying it via damage dealing is also clearing opponents board in addition. This makes it pretty effective in late game (if the big guys of opponent are not flying).
This card is a sideboard option to replace
Nyxathid in case of creature hate decks based on damage or decks that can handle my discard options and keep a full hand.
Ensnaring Bridge:
This card is a great option to get rid of combat damage when the opponent hand is controlled and empty. Due to the real high pricing of this card I just play that once and use a draw control with Diabolic Tutor.
This is a sideboard option versus creature based decks.
Grafdigger's Cage:
This card is a great versus grave based decks. I guess this is pretty clear so no more descriptions.
From Under the Floorboards:
This card is mana intensive but bringing the Zombie count to high score level in endgame by use discard spell on yourself and play with high amount of
This is really shocking and sadly bringing opponent to surrender.
This is a additional board wipe option to sideboard versus aggro and token decks to support Domination. Mostly -4/-4 should be sufficient to wipe all of opponent creatures. Sadly this is also enough for my Creakwood Liege and Nezumi Shortfang. Also this card have a big con in combining it with sideboarding Phyrexian Obliterator. This leads me to sacrifice 4 permanents.
Tainted Remedy:
Sidebboard this card versus lifegain decks. The 3 Mana costs for this additional win con in this matchup is real nice.
Witchbane Orb:
Sidebboard this card versus targeting decks like burn. I decide to use this and no
Leyline of Sanctity due to being able to play this before game and no option due to mana color. 4 Mana is high but this deck is able to reduce main threats to overlife til turn 4.
Diabolic Tutor:
Based on the progess of the first (or second) matchup tutoring in turn 4 is sometimes necessary to get win con card or fix imbalance. Helped me many games. Especially you have to sideboard
Ensnaring Bridge or
Witchbane OrbCombos and synergies
Combos and synergies
Waste not
One of the best cards in a discard deck is
Waste Not. Even if this is pretty obvious why I like to mention some points:
Try to play discard spell in an order to prolong the trigger phase in a turn by prioritize the order of discard spells in hand. Therefore It is always good to know opponents hand. If not? You will get this knowledge soon:
1. land discard (for more mana trigger) (Blackmail, Thoughtseize): First try to let opponent discard a land if you have a second discard spell in hand. This is giving you additional mana to play them. If you are in late game and have enough swamps on board you can skip this prio.
2. non-land/ non-creature: for Draw card trigger (Blackmail, Thoughtseize, Duress): This is the chance to draw an additional discard spell. At leat it will not harm you.
3. creature discard: for 2/2 Zombies (Blackmail, Thoughtseize, Despise): No non-creatures left to let opponent discard them. Okay we get Zombies at least.
4. random discard: for any trigger chosen by opponent (funeral charm,Raven's Crime, use Nezumi Shortfang): hopefully he has not many chances left to choose. This will shortly end your trigger run and give you the most tolerable trigger for the opponent. That is why we try to avoid this.
Keep in mind that Thoughtseize providing you damage also. So do not eliminate yourself!
Waste not and Phyrexian Obliterator
Waste Not to discard land via Thoughtseize, Blackmailor if only lands left Raven's Crime to play with mana of the trigger
Phyrexian Obliterator _**in turn 3**_.
Card Choices Explained
Yes we need them. lets take swamps for mono black...
I am thinking about taking Dakmor Salvage in 2 times. But I do not have them yet due to not deciding about it till now. This would bring a combo with Raven's Crime but slowing down a bit and I have to mill. This is keeping me aside of doing it.
Nezumi Shortfang:
A 1/1 creature with ability to discard in instand speed. This is pretty awesome. On the other hand a 1/1 is week and discarding for relatively expensive. pro:
+only discard option with instant speed (with no spell reaction possible)
-weak 1/1
-slow by playing for 2 and each discard for 2 mana
Inquisition of Kozilek:
This card is one of the best discard cards in modern.
+really strong due being able to discard everything that can be played in phase 1 up to turn 3.
-a little con is the restriction to discard converted mana card of 3. So in late game the use is a bid restrigted against the real threats.
This card is underestimated I think. Yes 3 is not the whole hand, but this is only an argument in the first and pherhaps second turn. Later the opponent has mostly not more than 3 cards AND Blackmail can discard everything. There is no restriction on converted mana costs or loose of live trigger.
+really strong due being able to discard everything (even land cards) of your choise.
-not first round discard spell due to seeing only 3 cards of hand
One of the strongest (and most expensive) discard spell in modern. Massive first round discard spell even if you have to invest 2 live.
+see complete hand
+beeing able to discard everything but land cards.
- you have to take 2 damage (minor issue)
-really expensive (in Euro) (just having it once)
This is a real well discard spell due to the fact to be able to discard a plaeswalker. Nevertheless it is strongly limited to creature and planeswalkers. So I only play this once due to be able to discard both with other spells
+see complete hand
+beeing able to discard planeswalker and creatures.
-need to know that creature is on hand
Funeral Charm:
Great instant discard! Very wellcome to be played in opponents upkeep after draw to empty hand and steel the opportunity to play anything.
+**discard in instant speed**
+beeing able to discard anything.
-dicard choosen by opponent
Raven's Crime:
The best thing on this card is the Retrace effect. After having 4 mana every land draw turns into a discard spell if this card is already in grave. This is also opening to a combo with Dakmor Salvage. Due to the side effects of milling myself I did not do this (yet).
+Retrace: every land draw is a discard spell
+beeing able to discard everything
-opponent choose cards to discard
This section is for the board controlling cards:
Victim of Night:
Mostly this let you destroy (normally) any played creature. If you should play against Zombie, Werewolf or Vampire deck this gets your first sideboard slots.
+instant speed
+destroy (most)creature<
+lategame creature creator
-has to be replaces in case of opponent Zombie, Werewolf or Vampire deck with more mana expensive option
Ruinous Path:
Yes Ruinous Path is relatively expensive. This card let you destroy a onboard plaeswalker which in this use case makes it cheep ;)
Additionally you can use the awakening option in lategame giving you an additional craeature to attack or at least block. This makes it real valuable.
+destroy creature
+destroy plaeswalker
+no further restriction
+lategame creature creator
-relatively expensive (mana)
Geth's Verdict:
If there is only one creature on board this is a good destroy spell with no further restrictions. In case of more the opponent will choose differently than you would if you could. But hey he gets an damage also. So at the end this card is nice even if its not the best.
+instant speed
+destroy creature
+no further restriction
-opponent choose creature
- not working well if more than 1 creature on opponent board
Clearing complete board is a good option to turn the game especially against thoken and aggro decks. Trading gives me the option to get a foil judge reward version. I know this is no quality aspect, but let me play this card with even more joy.
+destroy ALL creature with no option to regenerate them
+no further restriction
+lategame creature creator
-relatively expensive (mana)
- destroying also my creatures. This can slow me down in case of bringing it out in late game were my win cons are set up.
Phyrexian Obliterator:
Best blocker ever. If you are able to cler the air the opponent will not attack you anymore. Otherwise you empty his board.
Win conditions
Win Conditions
Win condition: Token:
Waste Not:
Waste not is providing 2/2 Zombies in case of let opponent discard a creature. This seems not to be the strongest option but opponent board was (hopefully) controlled sucessfully so there are no blockers. If not we have grounded blockers for free.
Creakwood Liege:
This card is so awesome that I play that even if it is not really mono-black. Every round a 3/3 token for free is excellent. Additionally all my other creatures get +1/+1. I can not stop smiling if I have two of them on the board pushing each Worm token to 5/5 and each Creakwood Liege to a 4/4. Sadly I never had 3 of them long enough on board to get more upgrading. Mostly game was to short (or yes they were very hated by opponent)
Win condition: Damage:
Phyrexian Obliterator:
This card is real hated by opponents. the trample makes him even more useful. Great to be combined with
Basilisk Collar. i played a bit and this card wins agains
Nyxathid which is now dammed to sideboard if opponent deck is real fast.
Nezumi Shortfang:
I think the pros are more weightily due to being able to taking the opponent any option in the last turn before flipping. After that this creature get real strong and match-winning option! It provides up to 3 damage each upturn and is able to do 3 combat damage if there is no blocking option by opponent.
Other Information
Change log
Change log
V1: The Primer itself. Yes some party will get more detailed over time.
V2: Changed multiple cards based on the great feedback so far.After trading I had the option to add some Inquisition of Kosilek, a Thought seise, a damnation and a Ensnaring bridge. These powerful cards bring more drive into this deck. I also raised the mana base and provide a first version of sideboard.
V3: switched some cards and updated primer information.
- Phyrexian Obliterator in for Nyxathid: Side effects of Obliterator are much more useful.
- took in Funeral Charm for other discard spells to have more instant discard options
Please feel free to provide any feedback.
As usual i have problems to combine a propper sideboard for my decks. Currently this sideboard is a first version. Please feel free to advise especially on this.
I welcome any and all criticisms you might have regarding this primer. Should you feel I have made a mistake at any point, or disagree with anything I have said in this primer, please adress your concern as quickly as possible.