Mono Black Eldrazi-(3-0 FNM Seven Times) BFZ

Standard* jamesfiek

SCORE: 139 | 176 COMMENTS | 41833 VIEWS | IN 133 FOLDERS

DrFishyNo says... #1

What would you think of splashing white for a Sorin, Grim Nemesis and an Eldrazi Displacer? I think being able to displace Thought-Knot Seer or Wasteland Strangler would be pretty useful, and Sorin in an Eldrazi deck could be a win condition in and of itself, especially if his +1 grabs Kozilek or Void Winnower.

June 10, 2016 2:44 a.m.

Suhbruh says... #2

DrFishyNo I'm definitely going to proxie that and give it a try XD

June 11, 2016 9:48 p.m.

Suhbruh says... #3

DrFishyNo would you run x3 of each ?

June 11, 2016 10:06 p.m.

DrFishyNo says... #4

Suhbruh I'd go with a 3x of Displacer and 2x of Sorin. That's been working for me in playtesting. Also swapped Oblivion Sower for Conduit of Ruin.

June 11, 2016 10:44 p.m.

Suhbruh says... #5

DrFishyNo how are you running your lands !? I proxied your Setup and it worked out really well, different fun way to play the deck I manage to put out a sorin and hit him with a 9 to end the game XD

June 12, 2016 7:19 p.m.

DrFishyNo says... #6

Suhbruh here's the link to my version of the deck

For some reason there's still an Oblivion Sower showing in the creature list, but other than that it's what I run for land and everything else.

June 12, 2016 7:27 p.m.

silentdrow says... #7

there is a total of five matter reshapers

June 18, 2016 8:59 p.m.

You have 3 matter reshaper in main board and 2 in sideboard witch makes 5 total

June 25, 2016 7:37 p.m.

jamesfiek says... #9

Whoops. Thanks for letting me know.

June 26, 2016 3:16 p.m.

_Delta_ says... #10

jamesfiek have you seen any of the new cards from Eldritch Moon? For this deck you might want to consider Distended Mindbender and Geier Reach Sanitarium. Distended Mindbender works very nicely with Thought-Knot Seer.

July 2, 2016 5:19 p.m.

jamesfiek says... #11

Yeah I was thinking about Distended Mindbearer in this. I will definitely toy round with them in this deck.

July 2, 2016 6:05 p.m.

_Delta_ says... #12

By the way I have been building this deck of yours mainly through a lot of trades, I look forward to getting it finished because it looks like it will do great. All I need still is 3 Reality Smashers, Kozilek, the Great Distortion and 3 Thought-Knot Seers to pretty much have everything. I'm sticking with only 1 Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet for the sideboard as I only have 1.

I know not everything for cards has been spoiled yet, but do you have any ideas on what could be added/removed after Eldritch Moon releases for this deck? Because I will be making sure I hold onto whatever potential cards that might be viable for this deck that I might acquire during the prerelease.

July 2, 2016 9:08 p.m.

jamesfiek says... #13

I think I will wait until the set gtes playe a little bit so I can start experimenting with new cards.

July 3, 2016 6:44 p.m.

AkutoKai says... #14

I feel like mindbender is an autoinclude in the deck. Sac a matter reshaper for an uncounterable effect 5/5 that can destroy 2 cards AND triggers sanctum of ugin? Sign me up

July 8, 2016 12:04 a.m.

_Delta_ says... #15

AkutoKai I was thinking the same thing since it works so well. I just hadn't suggested it yet. Hopefully they are a card that remains at a reasonable price.

July 8, 2016 10:40 a.m.

Ryrydabeast says... #16

Can't wait to see Distended Mindbender in this! +1

July 15, 2016 4:36 p.m.

Poprox says... #17

Any chance on including Emrakul, the Promised End?

July 17, 2016 4:17 p.m.

Poprox says... #18

July 17, 2016 4:22 p.m.

jamesfiek says... #19

I think Emrakul, the Promised End is fun, but not really competitive. I doubt I will run it, but it seems fine for a more casual version.

July 17, 2016 10:24 p.m.

_Delta_ says... #20

When standard rotates why not consider Eternal Scourge for your sideboard against decks with lots of removal. It can be sacrificed for Distended Mindbender.

So far I managed to collect 1 Distended Mindbender of my own for this deck. Then I will be trading an Elder Deep-Fiend for a Kozilek, the Great Distortion and my last Shrine of the Forsaken Gods.Then I need 2 more Wasteland Stranglers, but yeah it's almost done.

July 17, 2016 10:38 p.m.

Poprox says... #21

Why Bearer of Silence? He doesn't do to much for you.

July 18, 2016 8:22 a.m.

jamesfiek says... #22

Bearer of Silence actually is one of the main cards in the deck. The tempo swings with this card can be devastating to the opponent. It's solid on turn two as a 2 power flier that puts them on a clock. sometimes in the late game the opponent will spend their entire turn playing something big like Worldbreaker or something, and then they pass it too me and I make them sac it, while gaining a pretty useful attacker. Against token or creature flood strategies he can easily be replaced by sideboard cards such as Languish and Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet.

July 18, 2016 9:17 a.m.

SirFowler says... #23

I really like the deck, but I'm wondering why no Eldrazi Mimics. Is it just because there isn't room? Not the right fit for this deck? Or does it just not work as well as you think it would?

July 19, 2016 6:40 p.m.

_Delta_ says... #24

Well this is more of a late game/control deck, and Eldrazi Mimic seem more for an aggro deck.

July 19, 2016 7:22 p.m.

Noctem says... #25

So I take it then that the only update for EMN is the Distended Mindbender for now?

July 28, 2016 10:29 a.m.

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